Home » Albania » The message of the CEO of Nejat Society to the statesmen of Albania

The message of the CEO of Nejat Society to the statesmen of Albania

Ebrahim Khodabandeh

The CEO of Nejat Society, Ebrahim Khodabandeh, sent a message to the respected Albanian statesmen and made it available to the Albanian authorities and media through the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA), for information and possibly appropriate measures. The text of the letter is as follows:

Respected Statesmen of Albania
Since 2016, the honorable government of the Republic of Albania has hosted the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO), apparently for humanitarian reasons. According to the agreement that has been announced many times by Albanian statesmen, including Prime Minister His Excellency Edwin Rama in his recent interview with the New York Times newspaper, the condition for accepting this group in Albania is the absence of any political and propaganda activities towards the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to what was directly and publicly announced by the MEK media and recorded by Nejat Society, during the year 1401 AH (March 21, 2022 to March 20, 2023), this organization carried out a total of 3,742 actions inside Iran, promoted, organized, directed, and reported from the territory of Albania. These measures include the following:
2734 propaganda and political actions including wall painting, installation of photos and banners, sound broadcasting
936 acts of violence, including setting fire to private and public property, throwing hand-made grenades
68 explosions and bombings, including throwing homemade mortars
4 armed action using firearms

According to the numerous reports form MEK members in Albania, a part of the Organization is active titled Interior Headquarters under the charge of Sediqeh Hosseini. The members of this headquarters are active in relation to what are called the members of the rebel centers inside the country and provide them with financial and logistical support. The members of these rebel centers are socially damaged people, who are unaware of the history of this group, and therefore the MEK has provoked them with deception and trickery, considering the economic conditions in Iran, and they are pushes moving towards harmful and operational activities.

On May 7, 2023, the media of the MEK announced the hacking of the online systems of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran with its sign and logo, and while accepting responsibility for this action from the territory of Albania, it published in the media the documents obtained.

Iran International Network reported in the following link:
Hacktivists Target Iran’s Foreign Ministry, Leak Trove of Data
Sunday, 05/07/20233
Author: Iran International Newsroom
An Iranian group has hacked into the Islamic Republic’s foreign ministry servers, disabling 210 sites and online services and leaking a large batch of documents.
The hacktivist group ‘Uprising till Overthrow’, affiliated with the Albania-based opposition Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK) group, released hundreds of identification documents, minutes of meetings, the ministry’s correspondence, phone numbers of ministry officials, and the names of 11,000 employees of the foreign ministry, among others.

Also, during this period, political measures against the Islamic Republic have been carried out in the isolated and remote headquarters of this organization in Albania, including numerous meetings with Albanian and non-Albanian officials, and active communication with Albanian authorities from the mayor of Durres and members of the Albanian Parliament to the media and various international organizations have been in progress.

It can be boldly said that the hands of the MEK now in Albania is far more open than it was in Iraq during the war with Iran under the rule of Saddam Hussein, and it can be clearly seen that the Albanian government has taken a step beyond Saddam Hussein in supporting this terrorist organization.
Iranians have a proverb that says: If a stone is thrown from your yard to the neighbor’s yard, there can be an expectation that a stone will be thrown from the neighbor’s yard to your yard. Apparently, according to the available evidence, the Albanian authorities feel that their country is immune from any foreign threats, thinking that they are a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and under the protection of the United States.

The authorities of each country know their own best. But one of the consequences of such events usually affects the Iranian refugees inside Albania, that is, those who did not want to be with the MEK anymore. My concern as the representative of the families of the members trapped in the MEK camp and the supporter of the former members of this organization in Albania is that later, according to the current method of these years, whatever happens, the Albanian authorities will retaliate against a number of Iranian refugees, who were expelled from their country for any reason, right or wrong, and were deceived by the MEK and brought to Albania unwillingly.

It is worth mentioning that the annual meeting of the MEK will be held in the headquarters of Albania and a video link will be established with a similar meeting in Paris, and Maryam Rajavi will give a speech and threaten the Islamic Republic according to the current method of previous years. The MEK has invited many Albanian personalities, including MPs and political figures, to participate in this meeting. This action will definitely be considered as a hostile gesture from within the territory of Albania against the Islamic Republic, considering the clear violation of the Prime Minister’s words.

Also, just for giving information, the MEK has established a large number of bunkers and shelters inside its headquarters. The reason is that this organization takes retaliatory measures more seriously than the Albanian authorities and prepares itself in advance. The MEK is trying to bring Albania into a war with the Islamic Republic, while the two countries did not have the slightest problem with each other before the presence and activities of the MEK in Albania.

On behalf of the families of the members of the MEK and on behalf of the former members of this organization in Albania and abroad, I request that the Albanian statesmen and security bodies do not vent their grudge against the refugees who are in short supply everywhere. And don’t cause them more trouble and allow them to have a peaceful and comfortable life after years of trouble in the Rajavi Cult.

Ebrahim Khodabndeh
CEO of Najat Society
Tehran, Iran
May 22, 2023

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