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Le Parisien report on France control operation of the MEK premises

Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône: control operation of the police, Urssaf and firefighters at an Iranian association

French police raid MEK headquarter in Paris

An intervention during an attempted fire last year seemed to indicate that around fifteen people lived there. Border police found three people who are prohibited from being on French territory.

A major control operation took place this Wednesday within the Sima association, whose premises are located in the Vert Galant activity zone in Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône. This building, which was the target of gunfire on May 31, 2023, was also targeted by an attempted fire just a year ago, on the night of June 10 to 11, 2023. Following this disaster, emergency services discovered that around fifteen people appeared to be sleeping there.

The Urssaf services therefore wanted to check, this Wednesday, whether these premises did not house hidden work. The Val-d’Oise firefighters were also called upon to verify that the rules regarding establishments open to the public were being respected. Finally, the border police (PAF) came to control the administrative situation of foreign people there, with the assistance of the Cergy police station

Out of 51 people checked, the Interdepartmental Directorate of the National Police of Val-d’Oise (DIPN 95) identified two men and a woman who were prohibited from remaining in the national territory. These three people were arrested and placed in administrative detention by the PAF. The firefighters noted several breaches of safety and fire prevention rules,

The Sima association is linked to the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). These are opponents of the Iranian regime, the main component of which is the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). This association notably runs the Simay Azadi satellite television channel, one of the main communication organs of the PMOI and the NCRI. It is responsible for “producing videos and films concerning human rights in Iran”. “The staff of this association is made up of volunteers,” says Afshin Alavi, communications manager for the NCRI. Most of these volunteers are citizens or political refugees in France, some have come from European countries that are members of the Schengen agreement and assist this center. »notably a lack of fire extinguishers. The Urssaf investigation is still ongoing.

By Thibault Chaffotte, Le Parisien

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