Home » Mujahedin Khalq Organization as a terrorist group » MEK, the tribune of Jaish al-Adl separatist terrorists

MEK, the tribune of Jaish al-Adl separatist terrorists

MEK- Mujahedin khalq Organization

As the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) have always sought their survival in the midst of divisions and enmities, the Jaish al-Adl terrorist group is one of the sources that provides good opportunities to the them. The media of the People’s MEK show such enthusiasm in reflecting the violent acts of Jaish al-Adl separatists, as if a branch of their organization succeeded in killing Iranians.

While Jaish al-Adl – which is the branch of Jundallah after the arrest and execution of Abdul Malik Rigi – is on the list of terrorist groups of the US Department of State and on the sanctions list of the Department of Treasury of this country, extensive reports of the terrorist attacks of Jaish al-Adl in Iran and the publication of its announcements and statements by the MEK show that the Cult of Rajavi is not only not worried about the territorial integrity of Iran, but is happy and excited about the terrorist attacks of Jaish al-Adl. The MEK does not hesitate to express its admiration and encouragement for Jaish al_Adl extremists.

During the ” Woman Life Freedom ” movement, the media of the MEK reported more about Zahedan than any other place in Iran. According to the claims of the MEK media, it seems that during the movement, the deceived agents known as “resistance units” are more active in those areas.

The support of the Baluch separatists for the MEK seems to be reasonable, because the MEK has no public support among Iranian protesters due to its terrorist records, its belief in compulsory hijab and its undemocratic approaches, and even brazenly changed the whole slogan of the movement with its anti-life attitudes to “Women Resistance Freedom”. Thus, the Cult of Rajavi can have base among separatist terrorists and religious extremists more than any other group.

In addition, the MEK’s brilliant history in cooperating with the enemy at war against its own nation, is very effective in this strategic closeness of the MEK with the Jaish al-Adl terrorists. The MEK, as a formerly terrorist designated organization that was on the list of terrorist groups in the European Union and the United States and had a clear and documented cooperation with Saddam Hussein’s government in the Iran-Iraq war and in suppressing the protests of Iraqi Shiites and Kurds and as a known operational arm of Israel in the assassination of the Iranian scientists and authorities, can be an appropriate option for complicity with any jihadist and separatist force.

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