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Responses to Edi Rama’s comments in a gathering in New York

Prime Minister Edi Rama in the ceremony of Jews in New York

According to the news reflected in the Albanian media, Prime Minister Edi Rama, who attended the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York, was invited by a number of Jewish organizations to a ceremony honoring Albania for the country’s aid to the Jews during the Second World War. He participated and gave a speech and answered the questions of the audience.
In response to a question regarding the rumor of the extradition of members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO) to Iran based on the request of a court investigating the crimes of the leaders of the MEK in Tehran, and also the start of cooperation between Interpol of Tehran and Interpol of Tirana, he stated that:
“Tehran must understand that we cannot hand over any of them (members of the MEK), but they (the heads of the MEK) must know that they cannot use Albania as a political platform against Iran.”
This part of Edi Rama’s speech regarding the Rajavi Cult, i.e. firstly they will not be handed over to Iran for humanitarian reasons and secondly, they are not allowed to do any political activities in the Albanian soil was highlighted in the Albanian media.

The reaction of the MEK:

However, the MEK, in widely reflecting this news, only addressed the first part of it, i.e. non-extradition, but did not mention the second part of the statement, i.e. not allowing political activity. This lack of honesty on the part of the MEK and a few Farsi-language media in reflecting the news is not new, but anyway, some people have concluded that only the first part of Edi Rama’s speech was serious and the second part was not taken so seriously, and it was considered as mostly mentioning to cover up the unlawful image of the statement of the first part.

The reaction of the media director of the Albanian Nejat Society

The Media Director of the Albanian Nejat Society, Mr. Aldo Sulollari, reacted in this regard in the cyberspace as follows:
Friends and well-wishers of the Albanian Nejat Society.

Today, as a response to the Prime Minister of the country, Edi Rama, I am including a reaction.
In a rally in United States, Rama stated that the MEK had trusted the support of Albania and therefore, for humanitarian reasons, he did not want to return them to Iran.
In addition, Prime Minister Rama said that the MEK should not use their position here (Albania) politically by using various means to enmity their country.

Albania has welcomed them (MEK) with the status of asylum for humanitarian reasons and has responded to them with altruism and with the greatest kindness by opening its doors over to them for many years.

The members of the MEK are not dangerous people, but they are individuals who have been misused to serve the goals and interests of their leaders and are called as the opposition of Iran.
The members of this Iranian opposition left their country, which, according to them, prevented their freedom.

But these members are not really free at the moment and have been taken hostage by the leaders of the MEK and they are not allowed to be free and communicate with their families.

The members of this Iranian opposition left their country because they thought that they would not be oppressed by having secular laws, but in the system of the MEK, they implement oppressive laws with more intensity, even separating couples and conjugal families. They force the spouses to divorce and call each other brother and sister.
In addition to continuing to betray their country, the leaders of the MEK want to create a conflict between their country and European countries by adopting treacherous policies.
MEK members have become slaves who do nothing but damage the integrity of their country based on slander and ordinary games.

In none of the written points in the regulations related to a person’s membership in the MEK, they were not aware that they would be the tools of a false opposition that was caught by the deceptions that the MEK do with brainwashing.

The leaders tell the members that if they leave the camp, they will face serious problems or be imprisoned, and therefore they are not allowed to leave the camp unless accompanied by a guard who is careful that they do not see the real life in Albania.

Those Iranians who have been deceived and are apparently acting like brave people on their keyboards with a stream of slander and abuse, are the same ones who apologize to us when they leave the camp and ask us to support them so that they can go and live freely.

The Nejat Society does not do anything great except that it fulfills its duty to integrate them in the Albanian society and integrate them from the social, artistic, and professional dimensions to supporting the creation of a family and most importantly institutional support for them.
Anyway, I am openly saying that the Albanian institutions have supported the Nejat Society by doing a great job to ensure a peaceful and safe social life for the ex-members.
I thank Prime Minister Rama for the humanitarianism he shows towards the camp residents and I also request him to inspect the human rights of the members living in that camp.

The reaction of the CEO of Najat Society

Following the reaction of the media director of the Albanian Nejat Society, the CEO of the Nejat Society, Ebrahim Khodabandeh, stated answering the questions raised in this regard:
First of all, on behalf of the expectant families, I would like to thank the humanitarian positions of Mr. Edi Rama, the Prime Minister of Albania, and I hope that this humanitarianism will include the situation of the captive members inside the isolated and remote camp of the Rajavi Cult, whose human rights are violated daily by the leaders, and I hope that the government, by exercising its sovereignty over this part of the Albanian territory, guarantee the compliance of the basic human rights of these people.

According to the Prime Minister of Albania, the MEK have apparently settled in a refugee camp for humanitarian reasons, but the Albanian government does not have the slightest control over this refugee camp, which is located on the territory of Albania, unlike other refugee camps, and they have practically formed an independent government inside Albania, which, even according to the news of the Albanian media, have repeatedly violated the laws of this country and are considered a threat to the national security.

Secondly, the fact that the supplementary part of the statements of the Prime Minister of Albania was not taken seriously by the MEK may not be without reason. However, they have continued to target the psychological security of the Iranian nation with tools such as the Sima-ye Azadi TV channel and the cyber army. The intelligence, security and military departments of this organization are still based and active in Albania and in a place outside the control of the government of this country, and they use the Internet in Albania to guide what they call rebel centers. The government internet systems inside Iran have been hacked many times by the MEK according to their statements, and the Albanian government is definitely responsible for these hostile actions against the country and the people of Iran from its own soil.

Therefore, as my dear colleague Mr. Sulollari stated, as far as the wishes of the suffering families are concerned; while appreciating the humanitarian intentions of the Prime Minister of Albania, his government is requested to have more control over the internal relations of the MEK camp, where they have and apply their own rule and laws.

Nejat Society – Central Office

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