Home » Human Rights Abuse in the MEK » In the MEK thinking about mother is considered a crime

In the MEK thinking about mother is considered a crime

Mirlinda Zharri and women of Nejat Albania

First of all, on the occasion of Mother’s Day, I would like to wish all the mothers of the world, especially Iranian mothers, a happy day!

I wanted to write a few lines for the future mothers who have children captive in the Manze camp! In our current era, which is the era of technology and information, the members of the Mujahedin organization, especially in the Manze camp, are deprived of everything! They cannot even contact their families, thinking about their mother is considered a crime in the Rajavi’s organization and anyone who asks members to contact their father or mother will be punished and forced to force the members! They have no feelings in their relationships with their parents and family, and if any member remembers his mother for a moment, he must be punished in the meeting and tell why he remembered his mother!

With Respect Mirlinda ZHARRI !

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