- Britain says MKO in Camp Ashraf subject to Iraqi law – protected persons status not applicable
- Nuri al-Maliki: Iraq to move Mojahedin Khalq to remote south
- France respects Iraqi sovereignty, supports dismantlement of Camp Ashraf
- U.S. recognizes Iraq sovereignty over entire territory including Camp Ashraf
- Iraq orders Iranian exiles to vacate camp
- Iranian opposition leader in Parliament, But her organization is on the U.S. terrorist list.
Nejat Bloggers
In her message, Maryam Rajavi heightens hypocrisy to pretend her faith in Islam using the verses of holy Quran to justify their inhumane activities giving them an Islamic cover.
The peak of such interpretation of Quran was the so-called ideological revolution when Massoud Rajavi was called as ideological leader.
The misuse of Islam, Imam Zaman [last Imam in Shiite Islam who is expected to return to salvage the world as well as Jesus] calling Rajavi as the ideological leader paves the way for Rajavi to view himself as the owner of people’s lives, wealth and spouses and to declare officially that all women in the organization are his own wives and other men are not allowed to even look at those women.
Despite above mentioned argument, Maryam Rajavi hypocritically resorts to Quran and speaks of Islam’s blessing and kindness. For those who have lived in Ashraf and witnessed the cult-like relations ruling the Camp, it is obvious to see a huge contradiction between Maryam’s words and activities. The terrorist, violent nature of the organization has never included kindness and blessing.
Maryam Rajavi speaks of Islamic kindness so enthusiastically that one may think she has never heard of violence and terror. You may not believe that she is able to order her members to commit terrorist activities. The following topics include some instances of Rajavi’s kindness and affection!
– Assassination of Iranian citizens before the eyes of their families.
– Torture against dissident members of the cult who labeled as the spies of IRI under the direct order of Massoud Rajavi.
– Opening fire on Captured Iranian soldiers who were detained after Eternal Light Operation.
– Firing Katyusha rockets on Kurdish towns of Iraq in Iraqi Intifada, in 1991,under the order of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi.
– Taking Iraqi Kurds under MKO tanks in order to save their bullets for Iranian soldiers.
– Launching grenade attacks on residential areas in Iran killing innocent citizens in 2000 and 2001.
The self – assigned president elect of NCR has been waiting for the overthrow of Iranian regime and then her own presidency in Iran. She claims that she will recognize individuals’ freedom for women in future Iran and will respect women’s rights as well as human rights.”
It is fun to see the big difference between Maryam Rajavi’s claims and her divorce revolution where a large number of members were forced to divorce their spouses because Rajavi believes that family is the center of corruption and marriage is forbidden. There have been long years that no one has got married in MKO and all women are widows or divorces but engaged with Massoud Rajavi. This clear contradiction doesn’t prevent Mrs. Rajavi from claiming that she believes in equal right of divorce for women.
While she claims that any type of force or impose on women for their family life, is forbidden, Maryam Rajavi imposes the most serious forced separations on MKO families especially on those women who were in love with their husbands and had lived with them for a lot of years. So far a lot of women have gone depressed or psychological diseases due to the high pressure the organization imposed on them including Hamideh Kouzegar’s case which ended with her death.
The women in the cult of Rajavi are evenforced to bear hysterectomy operations, according to Batoul Soltani, former member of MKO’s leadership Council. She said that Nafiseh Badamchi (a doctor in MKO) was responsible to carry out the operation.
In the last part of her message, Maryam Rajavi forbids polygamy and promises to execute this law after her illusional rule on Iran!!! Apparently she forgets to confess that Massoud Rajavi now has more than 600 wives! (All women in leadership Council).
As Batoul Soltani describes in her memoirs “ they told us that we were all Massoud’s wives and he was our husband … there was a meeting held in Leadership Council where a marriage certificate was introduced for each member of the council and so all women became Massoud’s ideological wives.”
The above mentioned instances reveal just a small part of Rajavi’s deceitful personality who tends to deceive western politicians under the cover of pro-democracy slogans.
It seems that Maryam Rajavi forgets to point out those women in her organization ,who didn’t want to divorce from their husbands, were violently treated by their female officials who were also turned into violent people with the worst behaviors towards minors under their responsibility. The violence of female high ranking officials of MKO is of the most systematic type.
In her so-called message (on the occasion of the International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women), Maryam Rajavi says:”Systematic Violence against Women includes an infinite chain of prohibition: freedom of clothing is prohibited, divorce is forbidden, socializing without the husband’s permission is forbidden and …”
For those who are not acquainted with Rajavi’s cult-like practices, Maryam‘s cheerful, colorful clothing may seem fascinating but for the ones who have touched and tolerated MKO relationships, the organization’s practices are the most violent and the most unjust in the whole world. The following includes some examples of their cruelty:
Firstly, there are some questions to ask MKO leaders.
- Do you know any woman in Ashraf, who is allowed to remove her scarf?
- Do you know any woman in Ashraf who is free to wear clothes other than military uniform assigned by the organization to wear?
- Do you know any woman in Ashraf to believe in any religion or ideology except the ones that Rajavis dictate?
- Do you know any individual in the entire cult of Rajavi who is allowed to do any job except the one that the leaders assign?
- Do you know anybody (either male or female) who is allowed to complain about the plan or job he or she is assigned to carry out in the daily routine?
- Is any female member of MKO allowed not to attend a meeting?
And there are a lot of more questions to ask MKO leader on human rights abuses they commit in Ashraf. How can Maryam Azdanlou claim to be a defender of human rights while no woman in Camp Ashraf is allowed to wear clothes other than military uniform, no woman can walk out of her unit except with the permission of her senior official, and otherwise she will be punished.
Following their so-called ideological revolution when they forced the couples to divorce they went further and in 1991 they separated the divorced mothers from their children even newly –born babies who were sent to Europe. How can Maryam Rajavi argue about fostering laws of Islamic Republic?
Today hundreds of women are isolated and captured in the cult of Rajavi, deprived of any social, political and educational life and in the meantime ,a lot of women reached high degrees in political, social and educational scene of Iran.
And now Mrs. Rajavi, who has stopped her female members growing for more than three decades, claims that Iranian women are kept retarded! The claim comes in a condition where a large number of women of her cult are physically controlled by complicated cult-like systems, according to the testimonies made by former members, any complaint or disobedience is reacted with the worst punishments even physical types.
Nonstop work schedule the Rajavis plan for the members is another way to keep them exhausted in order to control them easier as well as constant brainwashing meetings.
In a paragraph of her message, Maryam Rajavi mentions the situation of women in Camp Ashraf although she and her fugitive husband have left them in a dangerous limbo in Iraq.
Despite the negotiations and the deadline Iraqi government has assigned for MKO to expel them from its territory ,Maryam Rajavi has repeatedly sent messages to whether directly or indirectly encourage the members to resist the decision of Iraqi government.
As former colleagues and friends of Ashraf residents, we are concerned about the condition ruling Camp Ashraf and the fate of its residents. We believe that Rajavi’s efforts to ask Western governments guarantee MKO’s presence in Ashraf, will make their condition more complicated and more dangerous!
We believe that the Rajavis’ attempts to remain in Ashraf is not to maintain the lives of Ashraf residents but to maintain their own cult-like leadership over cult members.
Europe urged to take the cult members as Muthana rejects Mojahedin khalq
Muthana // If Nouri al Maliki did not have sufficient problems managing his impoverished and war-torn country, the Iraqi prime minister continues to be plagued by an apparently impossible question involving an Iranian opposition group.
The group, the People’s Mujahadin Organisation of Iran, also known as the MEK, is unpopular inside Iraq and considered a terrorist organisation in both Washington and Tehran.
Yet Mr al Maliki finds himself in the awkward position of having no choice but to host 3,500 MEK members, currently living on a base north of Baghdad.
Saddam Hussein originally granted the Iranian fighters sanctuary when their organisation sided with him to make war on Tehran in the 1980s. After the dictator was deposed in 2003, the MEK members, by then effectively refugees but classified as terrorists by the US military, were disarmed and detained at Camp Ashraf.
In reality it was a measure taken largely for their own protection. In the new Iraq, allies of Saddam had few friends and the MEK is seen by many here – including some of those in the new ruling parties – as a tool used by Saddam for violent repression of Shiites.
The MEK, which has renounced violence, denies such allegations, but the fact remains that with Saddam Hussein no longer in power they are officially unwelcome in Iraq.
Iran has made it clear it would like to take custody of the MEK exiles, but the West has pressured Baghdad not to return them, fearing they would be arrested and persecuted by the Iranian authorities.
That has left Mr. al Maliki’s government facing irreconcilable facts.
In essence, he is now providing a safe haven for a group considered terrorists by his two closest allies, Iran and the United States, with one ally, Tehran, wanting them extradited and the other, Washington, insisting they must not be extradited.
When the Iraqi army took over lead responsibility for security this year, it was also put in charge of Camp Ashraf, to the dismay of Ashraf’s inhabitants.
In July, Iraqi units forcibly entered the camp, reneging on promises given to US commanders that they would continue to protect those living there. At least 10 MEK members were reported killed in the raids.
Under the glare of critical international publicity, and with Washington now embarrassed that the people it had been guarding were so quickly and openly abused, the attack on the MEK petered out.
A new strategy was devised and last week the Iraqi government indicated it would shut Camp Ashraf – which has over the years developed into a well-resourced small town – and move the occupants to Muthana, a sparsely populated desert province in southern Iraq.
Such a prospect was, however, resoundingly rejected by local officials in Muthana, who warned it could spark violence in what has long been one of Iraq’s most peaceful areas.
Ibrahim Salman al Mayali, the provincial governor, said he would do all he could to oppose a relocation.
“Our people will not welcome a terrorist organisation,” he said. “Saddam sent members of the MEK to stop our revolution against him in 1991 so there is that bad history between us.”
Mr al Mayali said various government officials from Baghdad had proposed setting up a site for the MEK in Muthana, and that locals had consistently refused to accept it.
“I cannot stop my people’s anger against this terrorist group,” he said. “Maybe they will want to take revenge for 1991 and attack them. I certainly could not guarantee security for the MEK here.”
A leading local tribal leader, Sheikh Resan al Myasar, also cautioned there would be violence if MEK members were sent south.
“We have not forgotten how they showed us no mercy when they crushed the uprising and so now the sons of our tribe would show them no mercy. There is malice here; the people of Muthana want to bury them with their hands.”
Amnesty International demanded a halt to any eviction from Ashraf, warning it would put MEK members at risk of arbitrary arrest, torture or murder.
“Whatever measures the Iraqi authorities decide to take with regard to the future of Camp Ashraf, the rights of all its residents must be protected and guaranteed at all times,” said
Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, deputy director of the Middle East and North Africa programme at Amnesty International.
A spokesman for the MEK said any attempt to evict members from Camp Ashraf would be a violation of international humanitarian laws.
In a written statement, the MEK called “on the United Nations and the American government to guarantee the protection of Ashraf residents and ensure prevention of forcible relocation and a repeat of use of force and violence against them”.
The failure of the Muthana relocation attempt means the issue of the MEK remains stuck in a stalemate. No new proposals for solving the problem have yet been made.
In January the MEK was taken off of Europe’s list of terrorist organisation, raising hopes the Ashraf matter might be dealt with by granting residents asylum in the European Union.
Member states have so far refused to let that happen, however.
Staff Reporter, Plus News Pakistan, December 21, 2009
One of the most basic human rights ,according to all international human rights conventions and statements, is freedom of speech and expression that the self-assigned president of National Council of Resistence, Maryam Rajavi always claims to believe in, condemning IRI “for restrictions on freedom of peaceful assembly and association and freedom of opinion and expression.” (Maryam Rajavi,Nov.20th,2009 addressed committee of UN General Assembly)
When in November 2009, along with her propaganda campaign she goes to Norway Parliament, again she repeats her pro-democratic slogans using gestures of a human right defender; what kind of freedom does she believe in?!
Exactly on the same month, on Nov.28th,2009 while a group of former members of MKO are holding a protest demonstration in Cergy, France, to protest against the presence of Maryam Rajavi in that country, the agents of the destructive cult of Rajavi attack the protesters, hitting them on the face and eyes. The physical clashes end when the police intervene.
The reaction of MKO towards such a small normal and political action is not fat from their long history of violence, terror and suppression. The only approach of MKO to respond its dissidents and critics have always been the physical removal of them at any price.
Today MKO leaders who are going on a declining situation and have never accepted the reality and instead have always gone on the wrong way, have to resort on violence and suppression against their dissidents in or out of the cult. This is exactly what is called terrorism; using illegal behaviors and violent acts to suppress dissidents and to terrify or threaten them.
It is silly to believe that MKO leaders can stop their critics from criticizing them since their dissidents including their former members never stopped criticizing them even when they were captured in the organizational bars of the cult, now that they are residing democratic countries, they use any opportunity to denounce the terrorist cult that destroyed a long period of their life.
Such violent acts committed by MKO brainwashed members, before the eyes of European citizens like those of Cergy Val d’Oise, cause a huge question on the claims of Maryam Rajavi who introduces herself as a pro-democratic ,human activist. Also the public opinion and supporters of human rights will take into consideration the risk of presence of a violent political cult in Europe.
By Mazda Parsi
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Maryam Rajavi published a message that included a lot of slogans on what she wants to do in the future Iran but her claims are exactly the opposite of what she really believes in and how she really acts.
Although she uses such slogans in Europe as her ideals, Camp Ashraf represents a pattern of the society Rajavi wants to establish in Iran. The study of Rajavi’s treatments towards her members reveals that her slogans are her deceitful, political tools to deceive public opinion in the West.
In the first part of her message she introduces herself as a savior who has practiced human rights in Camp Ashraf and now is ready to ascertain human rights in Iran. She asks for freedom and equality for men and women while she manages the worst and the most inhumane relationship in her organization.
The cult-like fascism ruling Ashraf has long been denounced by defected members of the organization to the world including international human right bodies like Red Cross and Human Rights Watch that published a report on human right abuses committed in Camp Ashraf, in 2005. This 36-page report titled “No Exit” reveals the abuses in MKO Camps based on testimonies of former members.
The page 14 of the report reads:”Human Rights Abuses carried out by MKO leaders against dissident members ranged from prolonged incommunicado and solitary confinement to beatings, verbal and psychological abuse, coerced confessions, threat of execution and torture that in two cases led to death.”
How one can believe Maryam Rajavi’s claims while the most basic human rights of Ashraf residents are violated by the cult leaders. Unfortunately while we are in the 21st century Rajavi has deprived a large number of men and women from their basic rights to live a normal life.
In a paragraph of her message Maryam Rajavi says:” the experience of fundamentalists’ rule in Iran shows they have used systematic violence and suppression against women to suppress the society as a whole. General crack down rests on misogyny and this is the source of regime’s survival.”
However, the organizational relationship in MKO is full of such injustice and inequalities.
When her so-called ideological revolution defeated during the last decades, she had to multiply injustice trying to dominate the excessive hegemony of women over the cult. Thus, the moral and social relations went on declining in Ashraf.
The women who (due to any reason) soon submitted to divorce from their husbands were considered as the criterion of the revolution (revolution of divorce!) so they were assigned as the high ranking responsibles of the ideology. Actually they are given a false personality which is far from social, political and even organizational positions. They are used as a controllable lever to suppress the dissidents and to achieve the dirty goals of cult leaders.
Maryam Rajavi declares a greater contradiction when she speaks of sexual apartheid, claiming that “hostility against women and destruction of their lives, identity and freedom … are components of a sexual apartheid system ruling Iran”.
The system of sexual apartheid has its exactly obvious example in Mujahedin Khalq Organization. Particularly since 1988, revolution of divorce, MKO leaders ruled the organization with the most sexist ideas.
Maryam tries to show off as a defender of women’s rights, while the Middle-Aged relationships ruling her cult, are destroying any equality and justice. There is numerous a crucial question to ask Mrs. Maryam Rajavi:
Isn’t it the destruction of their lives to force women to divorce and to separate them from their children?
According to various documents and testimonies of former members there are a lot of young girls who are depressed because they are deprived of visiting their parents. The depression led a girl named Alan Mohammadi to shoot herself. This is the significant example of destruction of woman’s life and freedom in MKO.
The heavy organizational pressure and peer pressure on members, especially female members of the cult of Rajavi have led many other people to death so far. They committed suicide because they couldn’t bear the cult atmosphere any more.
There have been also some others who set themselves on fire after Maryam was arrested by French Police since they were ordered to sacrifice themselves.
These are just some small examples of huge injustice in the cult of Rajavi.
To be continued
On November 25th, 2009 a group of families who were invited by Nejat Society Gilan Office, gathered in a meeting called “Appeal for Help”. They visited Mr. Hamid Hajipour and Mr. Akbar Mohebi, two recently defected members of Rajavi’s cult, Mujahedin Khalq Organization.
During that friendly meeting where the two defectors were congratulated on their joining their families, Mr. Ali pour Ahmad, the head of Nejat Society Gilan Office welcomed the families who are members of Nejat Society.
Then he presented a brief report on the activities of Gilan Branch of Nejat NGO and also on the latest news on Camp Ashraf, Iraq. He discussed new ways to help families contact their loved ones in Ashraf including visits in a peaceful atmosphere.
Another part of the meeting included the speeches of Mr. Mohebi and Mr. Hajipour on the controlled, closed relationships ruling the cult’s members. They spoke of their observations and experiences among the mafia of the organization.
At the end, the families signed a petition against the cult of Rajavi who has captured their children, appealing the Red Cross and the popular government of Iraq and all International bodies, in order to be able to visit their children and to help them release from the bars of the cult.
On November 25, 2009 a number of families of captured Camp Ashraf residents from Gilan attended a meeting held by Nejat Society Gilan Branch called “Invocation” to ask Red Cross and other international organizations and especially the government of Iraq to help them visit their beloved ones who are captured behind the bars of the infernal cult of Rajavis.
When in 1986 Massoud Rajavi ,leader of Mujahedin Khalq Organization went to Iraq with a lot of fanfare and hype, his flight from France to Iraq was called as heroic and was considered as a great victory for their so-called struggle against the Islamic Republic.
The propaganda system of the organization failed to note that Rajavi actually fled to Iraq since the French government had ordered him to leave France due to the request made by Islamic Republic.
However, the move was titled as strategic because Iran was in war with Iraq at that time so the leaders of MKO had to spend a lot of time presenting reasoning for their supporters who were shocked by the organization sheltering before the enemy that had invaded their nation.
It was too difficult to justifythe treason MKO committed against its compatriots during the eight years of war between Iran and Iraq. When MKO succeeded to launch some operations against Islamic Republic buildings and authorities (in which a lot of innocent civilians were also killed) some other supporters could diminish their doubts and leave their homes in different parts of the world to join the group.
There were also a lot of other unfortunate recruits who were recruited by deceitful methods of MKO after they could not get refugee status in other countries and joined MKO as the last resort.
In 1986 when Islamic Republic accepted the UN ceasefire resolution 598 which consequently meant that Iraq could no longer be used as a place to launch operations , MKO started declining. The process lasted until the fall of Saddam Hussein. It was the worst incident that could happen to MKO since it was very clear that the ones who would achieve power in Iraq are those who opposed Saddam Hussein and his Baath Party and also his accomplice, Mujahedin Khalq who cooperated with him in the suppressive operations against Kurds and Shiites of Iraq. Thus, the situation got the worst.
MKO leaving Iraq means accepting a huge strategic mistake that the ideological leader made 30 years ago. And that’s what Massoud Rajavi has done in his latest message on the occasion of Aban 13th( the anniversary of the US embassy takeover in Tehran in 1979) he declared that MKO is ready to leave Iraq and of course he asked for 200 million dollars as blackmail.
As Camp Ashraf is the symbol of MKO’s existence and so –called ideology, losing Ashraf equals the loss of everything for the leaders. The members have always been told to defend Ashraf in any circumstances. They were ordered to lay down in front of vehicles driven by Iraqi Police when they raided Camp Ashraf on July 28th. They were told to sacrifice themselves to keep the Camp.
Now Rajavi’s new message has left the members in a new contradiction. Since to MKO members Rajavi is an infallible saint leader who never makes mistake; they are not allowed to think of the possibility of his fault.
The leader of the cult never cares about what will happen to Ashraf residents, who have to pay the price of their leaders’ ambitions. Once their opportunist leader sheltered near the notorious Saddam Hussein, they were convinced to go to Iraq too as a heroic, strategic move. Today, designated as a terrorist organization it is hard to make third government accept them!
By Mazda Parsi