Giti Zardestian, with a portrait of her son, and Reza Nawrozi, right, both from Iran, said that they had been waiting nine days to see relatives at Camp Ashraf
Nejat Bloggers
Leaders of the Terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), have barred the group members incarcerated in a military base – about 60km (37 miles) north of Baghdad – form visiting their family members and relatives, fearing their defection.The Camp guards also disrespected representatives of the international human rights bodies dispatched to the area to accompany the families.
The family members attended the meeting were:
Mr. Mehdi ramazani from Sari, Maryam Ramazani’s brother
Mr. Hassan Heidarzadeh from Amol, Parviz Heidarzadeh’s brother
Mrs. Oulia Heidarzade from Amol, Parviz Heidarzade’s sister
Mr. AliReza Rezaee from Behshahr, AhmadReza Rezaee’s wife
Mr. Naser Hosseini Motlaq from Amol, Mir Nezad Hosseini Motlaq’s brother
Mr. Nemat Allah Mohammadi from savadkouh,Majid Mohammadi’s mother
Mr. Ali Akbar Babapur from Babol, Ali Asghar Babapour’s brother
and a number of recently defected members of MKO were:
Nowruz Tavakoli,Abdullah Afghan,Iraqj Salehi,Hadi Shabani and Samad Nazari.
The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere.
The head of Nejat Society Mazandaran introduced all the participants and then presented a report on the latest circumstances of Camp Ashraf.
He spoke of the recent visit by some families at Camp Ashraf describing the way the MKO treated them.
He also noted that Iraqi government is determined to expel the MKO from its territory, declaring the following:
• Disobedience committed by Rajavi’s cult regarding the six-month deadline that Iraqi government had assigned.
• The latest negotiations between the police of Diala Province and other Iraqi authorities and Camp Ashraf officials.
• Complete description of the incidents happened in Ashraf on July 28 and 29th following the raid by Iraqi police and the order made by the MKO leaders for resistance in front of Iraqi forces which ended with heavy casualties for the residents.
He pointed out that Massoud Rajavi ordered the members to resist for show-off and to prove the so called ideological vitality of his cult.
Maryam Rajavi also ordered public hunger strike at Ashraf that apparently lasted 72 days and according to many evidences it was held to feed the cult’s propaganda machine.
In a mind control cult there is nothing called Truth. As the cult leaders believe, the “Reality” is not something external but only in people’s mind so the Truth is what the cult called “Truth”. In this way, the cult controls the Truth by controlling the members’ mind.
The leaders’ of MKO terrorist cult try to pretend that their organizational system wants to bring happiness and prosperity to people but actually they see their members as weak individuals who are not able to live freely and to face the Truth of the life. Massoud and Maryam Rajavi are well aware of their real goal which is maintenance of their power in the cult and achievement of power in Iranian political scene. The power is not the means, according to the Rajavis, but it’s the goal. They see the power as the ability of imposing extreme pain and grief on other members.
Therefore, that’s the power that creates the Truth and Reality for them.
When the Rajavis claim that their cult is the best alternative to IRI regime, the members who are isolated behind the cult bars have no way to investigate such a claim. Thus the claim becomes a truth for them. As far as they are kept behind the barbed wires of camp Ashraf they have to accept their cult as the best system to liberate the world!
The more the destructive cult of Rajavi controls its members’ minds, the more they become a number of instruments to accomplish the Rajavi’s goals. The members of MKO cult are today the tools to change the forms to the Reality to what is appropriate for their own cause.
Indeed, the truth is something that the masses of people agree about it not what the cult leaders claim. The limited numbers of MKO members are victims of Rajavi’s skillful manipulative practices that make them believe the opposite of what is the truth.
Therefore, as far as the individual has no independence in his opinions and believe what the cult says, two plus two can equal five, Slavery can be the same as freedom for them. They think that they are free because they don’t know the difference between True and False any more.
The function of manipulative approaches is especially useful in ideological systems like Rajavi’s cult. They torture their members physically or mentally under the cover of their ideological principals. This is what Rajavi does with his victims in his cult. One may have two reactions to the fate of Rajavi’s victims: to get more disappointed or to accept that it is not too late, there is still time to be courageous and encounter the cruelty of MKO leaders. It is clear that human soul is more powerful than the manipulative system.
By Mazda Parsi
The dictatorship reining Ashraf has caused panic in hearts and minds of Captured members who are bearing the cult-like manipulative control system.
The isolation of dissident members of Rajavi’s cult prevents them from enjoying the capacities and facilities they could use to release themselves from the suppressive atmosphere of the organization.
Regarding that Iraqi government is determined to expel Mujahedin Khalq from its soil and the recent act of Iraqi Police to establish a station at Camp Ashraf, the families of captured Ashraf residents challenge to help their children liberate.
A number of families from Abadan and Khorramshahr attended a meeting held by Nejat Society Khuzestan Branch to ask Nejat NGO to cooperate with them in their serious activities in order to release their beloved children.
On Oct.21st a group of Nejat members of Khuzestan office described the current situation of MKO in Iraq, for families .
Hamid Dehdar Hassani, the head of Nejat Office in Khuzestan presented a report on Nejat activities promising the families to help them with their serious determination to rescue their children.
Ali Ekrami, former member of MKO, also spoke on brainwashing and mind control system ruling the members of the cult.
Makki Rafiee was another defector who has recently left the group. He explained how the MKO leaders abused him mentally and how he succeeded to escape from the cult. He noted that Iraqi government considered MKO as a terrorist organization and if Ashraf residents individually asked that government for help, it would absolutely help them.
The final part of the meeting included reading a letter written by families who had presented the following request:
1. Getting information on the latest situation of their children in Camp Ashraf.
2. Providing possibilities for phone contact with their children without control and interference of Ashraf authorities.
3. Providing possibilities for visits with their children without any type of presence of MKO leaders.
The rise of false arguments to deceive public opinion is not something new but it is something common in mind control cults.
The leaders of such cults use fallacious arguments to make their isolated members believe them although their reasoning might be extremely hard to believe or ridiculous. Like other destructive cults, MKO leaders are best known for their sophistries.
In his recent message on the occasion of Aban 13th (November 4th ,named the Student’s Day in Iran) the anniversary of the takeover of American Embassy in Tehran, Massoud Rajavi, the runaway ideological leader of MKO, sent his new message from his shelter; where he has been hidden since the American invasion to Iraq in 2003. The message is a perfect instance of the use of sophistry to obscure the truth for MKO’s mentally captivated members.
Once again Rajavi tries to state his silly theories to prove a relationship between completely unrelated issues. Then he concludes that the legal decision of Iraqi government to expel MKO from its territory is based on the call by Iranian government.
But he should answer the question: which democratic popular government is willing to shelter a terrorist designated organization with cult-like nature which might endanger the security of its civilians?
As it was published on Nejat Society website, the families of Ashraf residents has been gone to Camp Ashraf at least ten days prior to Mr. Ali Larijani’s trip to Baghdad. It is clear that Nejat NGO has already aided families to travel to Iraq, Camp Ashraf several times and this is not the first time. The claim of relating families’ trip to Ashraf with Larijani’s to Baghdad is not only fallacious but ridiculous.
Rajavi’s message contains a new and considerable point too and that’s the conditional acceptance of leaving Iraqi territory by Rajavi. Rajavi says that he welcomes the plan by Iraqi government to transfer MKO to a third country but “on condition that MKO’s properties and funds that have been produced by their own expenses and works for 23 years and mounts to 200 million dollars should be investigated according to lawyers’ opinions.”
There are various documents on how the MKO were funded by Saddam Hussein during the 20 years of being Saddam’s private army to provide him intelligence on Iranian interests during the Iran-Iraq war and cooperating with him in Kurds and Shiite suppression during the 1990’s. MKO was given a share of oil-for-food program outcomes by Iraqi former dictator. They became able to change the Iraqi desert in North of Baghdad to an oasis with various facilities by dollars granted to them by their ex-land lord.
Rajavi’s false reasoning for taking possession of a part of Iraqi territory or otherwise asking for 200 million dollars as blackmail seems so funny. Ashraf residents, who have been under psychological manipulation techniques of Rajavi’s cult, have never had a penny as their own personal property. How can Rajavi claim to have possessions in Iraq? The members have built some replicas of famous buildings and monuments of Iran and some other facilities for military training during the years of their slavery in Ashraf.
Another fallacious conclusion Rajavi makes in his so-called message is the unification of young Iranian protesters in Iran (following the presidential election) and Ashraf residents calling the young Iranians “Ashraf Marked”!
It is obvious that MKO is so unpopular among Iranians that hardly a small number of youth of Iran know about them and given that they have a little information on MKO, they absolutely hate them due to the treasons they committed against their own innocent compatriots during the three last decades.
Resorting to fallacy, connecting unrelated phenomena to each other and making unbelievable conclusions have always included the basis of Rajavis’ rhetoric. The co- leaders of MKO cult found a good way to entertain their members who are mentally and physically captured behind the bars of the cult.
By Mazda Parsi
• Dissident Iranians Live In Limbo In Iraq
• Dr. Paul Sheldon Foote on the Mujahedin-e-Khalq: Mark Dankof’s America on RBN Radio
• European countries urged to host PMOI
• MKO leaders prevent the repatriation of MKO members
• Mojahedin Khalq contact arrested in Kualalampur for bombing Iraqi parliament
• MKO members to be relocated from Iraq
• Study faults US handling of MKO terrorists in Iraq
• Families on hunger strike to protest American support for terrorist group which holds their loved ones hostageDownload Pars Brief – Issue No.49
Download Pars Brief – Issue No.49
Any individual, group or organization that is not approved by MKO leader, would be considered as the “agent, spy or mercenary “of Islamic Republic, according to MKO’s dialectic; anyone who criticizes MKO’s ideology and activities, is demonized as the most atrocious enemy, by the organization’s propaganda system.
MKO uses the terms like democracy and human rights as tools to crush those who believe in other ideologies than that of MKO. However, the news of families’ visit to Ashraf where their children are captivated by MKOand MKO leaders do not allow them to meet their beloved ones, exactly represents the contradictory behavior of Rajavi’s cult toward human rights. The families who are now awaiting at Camp Ashraf gate, on hunger strike, have not seen their children for more than twenty years. The reason for this anticipation is the same old excuse:”families are gathered by IRI’s agents and sent to Iraq.”
Given that the families are sent by IRI, it is not even fair to deprive some elderly parents who have not been able to contact their children by phone for long years, from visiting them. What kind of human rights do MKO leaders believe in?
At the time of Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein who was MKO’s land lord, Massoud Rajavi ordered to stop all family relationships under the title of “Ideological Revolution”. The parents were separated from their kids; the couples were forced to divorce …
After the fall of Saddam Hussein, the way was paved for families in Iran to come to Ashraf. They could pass various obstacles in the occupied, critical Iraqi territory in order to be able to visit their children for a few hours. The visits were definitely a heavy coup for the organization because the process of defection was accelerated since then. Thus Maryam Rajavi issued her order from her base in Auver Sur d’Oise, Paris to stop the families visiting Ashraf residents.
She didn’t hesitate to say:
– Do not accept to visit your family, if they come to Ashraf.
– If you were forced to visit them, you should face them in a way that they would understand you were not happy with visiting them. If needed, you should slap them.
– Never accept a family visiting for a second time …
Having seen the outcome of family visits at Ashraf, Maryam Rajavi is terrified of further visits, she is well aware that family visits revive the feelings and emotions among captured residents of Camp Ashraf. The visits create new questions in residents’ minds on why they are in the organization.
The family visits will spark a light in the hearts of Ashraf captives and make them distanced from the cult of Rajavi and this is what the cult leaders panic.
By Mazda Parsi
The process of manipulation in cults is a never ending and non-stop methodology which guarantees existence of the cult and maintenance of members in the isolated atmosphere of the cult.
The 36 Ashraf residents, who had been detained by Iraqi Police after the raid on the camp, attended their cleansing meeting under the supervision of Massoud Rajavi, following their release from Iraqi prison. The video of the meeting was aired on MKO’s TV channel and published on their website a few days ago but only for a short time. The video showed some of the released members attending the meeting on their hospital bed. They attended the meeting just a few hours after their release. This shows how vital indoctrination meetings are for cult leaders. The immediately held cleansing meeting where some of the participants weren’t feeling well due to the hunger strike they had gone in the prison, according to their indoctrinations.
The participants confessed that they held their self – criticism meetings even in Iraqi prison! They told to their God-like leader, Massoud Rajavi, that they held the meetings even in groups of two under any circumstances. As MKO’s TV channel showed, Current Operation (cult jargon) is so influential that the 36 released members noted that their only objective is satisfying their leader, Massoud Rajavi.
During the meeting Massoud Rajavi spoke to the audience via telephone. The presence of Rajavi himself in the meeting indicated the importance of meeting to the organization that held the cleansing meeting under the supervision of the highest authority of the group.
The video showed the audience including the 36 released members clearly declared that they are always ready for absolute obedience to leaders’ orders. This film represents one of the few times that MKO’s internal relation is revealed to outside world and maybe that’s why they kept it on their website only for more a few days and then they removed it. The true nature of Rajavi’s cult was announced on its website in the best way.
Today MKO’s propaganda champagne launches too much effort to gain the West’s support but the film of the cult’s manipulation session sill bring about contradictions around the group which has always claimed to be democratic, to seek freedom and liberation of thought and speech for people. The show asserts the undemocratic cult-like nature of the group that will definitely make the West feel the threat of such a destructive cult.
The West is absolutely concerned about the threat of cults such as Al Qaida or MKO because the danger caused by such cults today is risking the lives of a lot of people in the world including Iraq or Afghanistan.
The devoted members of the cult always promise that they are prepared to commit suicide operation for the cause the leader says.
As the participants of Rajavi’s cleansing session said, they welcome pain, hunger and death just for their leader who, according to them, is the only one who suffers the most. The confessions of Ashraf residents would be a great lesson for the West since the potential danger of such a cult will not be limited to the cult itself but to the world community as what happened in June 2003 after the arrest of Maryam Rajavi by French Police.
By Mazda Parsi