On the wedding of Ebrahim Khodabandeh and Atefeh Naadalian in Tehran
Nejat Bloggers
The British Ambassador to Iran, Geoffrey Adams, along with a high ranking official from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) who was visiting the country required a meeting in the office of the Nejat society in Tehran.
A number of members and associates of the society including Mr. Arash Sametipour, the international relations secretary, were present in the meeting.
Mr. Sametipour welcomed the visitors and introduced those present in the meeting and explained that the Nejat Society in Tehran consists of the former members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) who managed to flee from the notorious base of this organization called the Ashraf Camp in Iraq and are striving to help their former colleagues trapped inside the MKO terrorist cult.
The topics of the discussions were the de-proscription of the MKO by the British government and its consequences and also the situation of the Ashraf camp in Iraq after the resolution passed by the Iraqi administration which gives the control of the base to the Iraqi government.
The British high diplomats thoroughly explained the legal procedure of the decision made by the Proscribed Organizations Appeal Commission (POAC) which ultimately excluded the MKO from the list of terrorist groups in Britain.
Mr. Adams emphasized that the British Government has not changed its policy towards the group and still considers the MKO as a terrorist entity and has prohibited all government officials to have any contacts with the organization.
"Britain is part of the European Union (EU) and the EU has continuously designated the organization as a proscribed terrorist group and this proscription applies in Britain too" he explained, "the decision made by the POAC would have no effect on the policy adopted by the FCO or the British government anyway".
Mr Sametipour discussed the very fact that the MKO is a destructive cult which has held its followers mentally and even physically captive in the Ashraf Camp. "All cults need to show false victories to their followers to keep them manipulated within the isolated atmosphere of the cult" he said, "therefore de-listing the MKO serve the leaders to have better chance to deceive people".
Mr. Adams and his company agreed that no excuse should be given to the MKO to have open hands to carry on mind control techniques within the cult. They also approved the fact that the prime victims of a cult are its own followers who would lose everything. Mr. Adams also gave assurances that under no circumstances the British government is willing or aiming to use the MKO elements for any purpose at all. He made it clear that the British government would not stop its struggle to proscribe the organization again in Britain.
The high ranking British diplomats visiting Nejat Society in Tehran expressed their hope that the Ashraf Camp would be controlled by the Iraqi government as soon as possible and the misery of the families who wish to meet their beloved ones captured inside Rajavi’s cult be ended in near future.
In the end they invited Nejat Society to send a delegation to Britain to discuss the matters further with the British statesmen and parliamentarians in London. Mr. Adams reckoned such trip to be quite fruitful for the aims of the society.
Following the de-proscription of MEK from the UK’s terrorist list and open support of that country for MEK terrorists, more than 10 thousands citizens of Shiraz signed a letter for British Embassy, Tehran. The text of the statement includes:
British Embassy – Tehran
The Terrorist Hypocrites group (Muajhedin Khalq) was removed from the list of terrorist organizations by British government although it has had a long history of a thousand crimes, treasons, terrors ,assassinations and cooperation with the enemy of Iran during the “ Imposed War” ,spying and even torture against its own members forcing them to commit suicide operations and self – immolation …
It is obvious that the traitor leaders of the terrorist cult are the main criminals who killed the best educated people of Iran and also the innocent civilians, declaring the armed struggle.
These traitor mercenaries who were Saddam Hussein’s accomplice during the eight years of Iran – Iraq war, launched dozens of operations along Iran- Iraq borders killing hundreds of our countrymen with the weapons donated by the enemy.
The criminal grouplet of hypocrites plans and operates suicide operations and self-immolations causing its own members to be killed. They also torture the dissidents physically and mentally. They even have no pity for their old mercenaries.
The terrorist are removed from the list and the British parliament members have become their spokesmen but the terrorists still maintain the strategy of armed struggle in their agenda and cry the slogan of “war against war” everyday, keeping the organization of their army in Iraq.
The below –named signatories who have witnessed the terrorist acts of MKO and bloodshed against our compatriots for three decades, announce our betrayal against the anti- human and illegal decision made by the British Government that de-proscribed the notorious cult of Rajavi and condemn this decision since it violates the international laws.
We are sure that the group that has done a thousand crimes against people (those same people’s of Muajhedin of Iran) in its black file. It has no sympathy for its own members or supporters. It will become a trouble for you someday.
The act done by your government will have no influence on Iranians’ will. The terrorists have no place in our country . De-proscription of the group by British government added another black page to the long history of hostility against Iranians.
Joint Statement of the Nejat Society (Iran) and the Sahar Family Foundation (Iraq and the UK)
Families seek immediate visit with their beloved ones in the Ashraf camp and the accomplishment of the resolution passed by the Iraqi administration.
August 2008
Regarding the fact that the control of the base of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in Iraq called the Ashraf camp, as a part of the Iraqi territory, is going to be handed over to the Iraqi authorities by the coalition forces according to the constitutional law of this country and the resolution passed by the Iraqi government; the families of the members of the MKO who are both mentally and physically captive in the Rajavi’s terrorist cult find it necessary to state the followings:
Once the former dictatorial regime of Iraq was toppled, the families of the captives in the Ashraf camp were optimistic to see an end to their misery and hence visit their beloved ones after in some cases more that 20 years. But when the Ashraf camp fell under the control of the coalition forces and the political interests were at stake once again, the hopes turned into disappointments and the Rajavi’s terrorist cult managed to prevent the free contacts of the families the same as it did under the rule of Saddam Hussein. Therefore more than 5 years passed as before.
During this period the Iraqi government continuously sought to take the control of the Ashraf camp as a part of the Iraqi territory. But the American forces even prevented the warrants of the Iraqi judicial system to be executed and the Iraqi authorities’ investigations in the Ashraf camp to be proceeded. The approaches of the families were always faced with the insulting and harassments of the MKO officials and they did not accept the meetings to take place in the end.
The just demand of the families now is that the free and adequate meetings without the presence of anyone other than the related family members with their beloved ones to be facilitated in a place outside the Ashraf camp. The families are insisting that the resolution of the Iraqi administration to be fulfilled immediately.
The Nejat Society in Iran and the Sahar Family Foundation in Iraq and in the UK are following this case and are pursuing this just requirement through different channels. In this regards the families who are willing to travel to Iraq and see their beloved ones ought to write a letter to the representative office of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Tehran similar to the model below and post it to the Nejat Society in Tehran to be followed accordingly by the society. The copy of the letter after translation would be sent to the ICRC in Iraq, the UK, and Switzerland.
A model letter could be as follows:
The representative office of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Tehran
We (first names and surnames of at most two closed relatives of the related person) wish to request to visit (first name and surname of the person in the Ashraf camp) who has been mentally and physically captive for (the number of years being away) years by the MKO in the Ashraf camp. We would like to ask you to provide the means of travelling, security and visiting without the presence of anyone but the members of the family in Baghdad through Iraqi authorities. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and we are waiting for your reply.
With best regards
Copy to:
ICRC headquarters in Geneva
The representative office of the ICRC in London
The representative office of the ICRC in Baghdad
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Le communiqué de l’association de Nejat (Iran) et la Fondation de Sahar pour les Familles ( Angleterre et Iraq)
Août 2008
Vu la mise en application de la constitution et des lois adoptées par le conseil des ministres impliquant le contrôle de la base d’Achraf en Iraq appartenant à l’Organisation des Moudjahiddins du Peuple Iranien, nous, les familles des membres de cette organisation, voudrions aborder nos revendications:
La chute du régime de Saddam Hussein a donné aux familles des prisonniers de la base d’Achraf, dont certaines sont depuis vingt ans sans nouvelles de leurs enfants, l’espoir de voir leur souffrance en fin se soulager. Mais cet espoir s’est vite converti en désespoir car les forces de la coalition ont pris le contrôle de la base d’Achraf et les intérêts politiques sont venus empêcher, cette fois-ci pour cinq longues années, les parents de rendre librement visite à leurs enfants.
Pendant ce temps, les autorités iraqiennes ont, au nom de la souveraineté et de l’intégrité territoriale de leur pays, sans cesse demandé à prendre le contrôle de la base d’Achraf. Les familles, à chaque fois qu’elles ont essayé de voir leurs enfants, se sont faites insulter par les responsables de l’organisation.
Les familles demandent maintenant à pouvoir rendre visite à leurs enfants, librement et seules.
L’association de Nejat en Iran et La Fondation de Sahar pour les Familles en Iraq et en Angleterre, ont suivi cette revendication par différents moyens. Dans ce cadre, il faut que les familles qui souhaitent aller en Iraq pour rendre visite à leurs enfants, recopient la lettre adressée à la Croix Rouge Internationales en Iraq, en Angleterre et en Suisse.
Nous soussignés ( le nom de deux membres de la famille) demandons à pouvoir rendre visite à (le nom de la personne qui est actuellement dans la base d’Achraf) qui est depuis (le nombre des années passées dans la base d’Achraf) mentalement et physiquement prisonnier de l’Organisation des Moudjahiddins du Peuple Iranien. Nous vous demandons d’organiser le voyage et de prendre des mesures nécessaires pour assurer notre sécurité pour que nous puissions rendre visite à notre enfant à Bagdad, librement et sans la présence d es autres personnes.
Nous vous remercions d’avance de votre collaboration et souhaitons recevoir une réponse favorable à notre demande.
Copy à : le quartier général de la Croix Rouge Internationale à Genève et ses bureaux à Londres et à Bagdad
- Britain’s Immoral Support of Terrorists
- Nejat Society Letter to the Head of Iraqi Government
- Iran-Interlink welcomes UK de-proscription as Iraq moves to expel MKO terrorists
- Iraqi Tribal Leaders Want Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) Expelled
- Iraqi MP: Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) must leave in 6 months
- People’s Mujahedeen (Rajavi cult) of Iran seek to be rid of terrorist label
- UK deproscription offers lifeline to cult victims in Camp Ashraf
One day symposium of the Nejat Society in Tehran, Monday 28 July 2008
In a one day symposium held on 2008-07-28 by the Nejat Society in Tehran, the members and the associates of the society as well as the families of members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) captive inside the Ashraf Camp in Iraq gathered from different provinces demanding the free access of the families to their children in Iraq.
Initially in this symposium Mr. Ebrahim Khodabandeh a former member of the international relations department of the MKO in the UK discussed two topics which were the de-proscription the MKO in Britain and the recent resolution passed by the Iraqi governments which indicates that the control of the Ashraf Camp must be handed over to the Iraqi authorities. He pointed out that the families have suffered most from the latest decision made by the British government since the MKO needs to show false victories to its followers to further control their minds and keep them captive for longer periods. Khodabandeh emphasized that if the British government intends to play the role of Saddam Hussein for the MKO, one has to expect more catastrophes to occur which would result to more victims on both sides. He stressed that protesting against the decision made by the British government is quite essential as far as the families are concerned.
About the resolution of the Iraqi government on the MKO based on the Iraqi constitution, Khodabandeh gave some detailed explanations and finally demanded the Iraqi government to ensure that the items of the resolution are fulfilled as soon as the control of Ashraf Camp is handed over to the Iraqi government. He emphasized that the families do not accept any delay for a direct and free visit with their beloved ones when the Iraqi government holds control over Ashraf Camp in Iraq.
Khodabandeh pointed out that when the former regime in Iraq was toppled, there were hops that the families could have free access to their relatives in Iraq. They were disappointed when they released that there are other forces who intend to use the group the same way Saddam Hussein did. He explained that when the MKO is de-listed in Britain the worrying of the families have become doubled and they have the fear that their beloved ones might be used as tools of terror again. He said that the families expect the Iraqi government to end their sufferings and facilitate direct and continuous meetings with the relatives in the Ashraf Camp in Iraq.
Next Mr. Arash Sametipour the international relations secretary of the Nejat Society explained about the recent activities of the Society in connection with the Iraqi government and efforts made to pave the way to let the families visit their beloved ones in Iraq. He then answered the families’ questions in this regard and expressed that the Iraqi government must facilitate the immediate and direct connection of the families in Iran with their relatives in Iraq once they had control over the Ashraf Camp and its inhabitants.
After the session was terminated, the participants moved to outside the British Embassy in Tehran and made a gathering opposite to the main entrance to protest against the decision made by the British government to remove the name of the MKO from the list of terrorist groups in that country.
Families gave slogans such as”there is no good or bad terrorism”,”down with Rajavi”and”free meetings are our just right”and they condemned legitimizing a terrorist cult which in the first hand has mentally captured its own members and followers.
According to Nejat reporter from opposite the British Embassy in Tehran, the participants were carrying banners with writings such as”do not sacrifice our children for state terrorism”and”the Saddam’s terrorists are now employed by the British government”.
The participants also signed a resolution in the form of a letter addressed to the British Prime Minister Mr. Gordon Brown and protested against the decision made by the British government to de-proscribe the group.
The families gathered outside the British Embassy in Tehran emphasized in their letter to the British Prime Minister that they are dreadfully worried about the decision made and its consequences over their captured children in the Ashraf Camp. This resolution was handed over to the British Embassy in Tehran.
Foreign reporters as well as representatives from humanitarian and international organizations were present in this gathering that made talks with some of the 200 families present at the scene.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown
10, Downing Street
Monday, July 28, 2008
Mr. Prime Minister
We the undersigned, the families of the members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) who are based in the Ashraf Camp in Iraq, are seriously concerned about the recent decisions made by the British government.
Regrettably we have learned that the British government has de-proscribed the Rajavi’s terrorist cult known as the MKO after they have been listed as a terrorist group for nearly 8 years in Britain.
The consequences of this decision which has been made for political interests is that our beloved ones captured both mentally and physically in the Ashraf Camp would be used as terror tools again. This has caused all of us who are anxiously waiting for the return of our relatives for many years a grave turbulence and stress.
After the fall of Saddam Hussein, there were hopes that our children would soon achieve normal contact with the outside world and with their families and would eventually be freed. Our expectation proved to be wrong and the MKO finally managed to find a substitute for the former Iraqi dictator in the west.
We the families of the MKO members are the first people suffering from this decision since we have gone into deep worrying about the fate of our relatives. Would they be used again as terror apparatus for other people’s interests? Would their captivity in the Ashraf Camp last for a long time again?
You well know that the MKO is an established cult of personality which mentally manipulates its members. And you also know that cults need false victories in order to continue brainwashing their followers. Your government has granted this chance to the MKO leaders to keep on deceiving their members in Iraq. Our children would certainly get a wrong impression from your government’s decision. All cults also need a remote place to isolate their followers from the outside world. The facility of the Ashraf Camp which is guarded beyond the control of the Iraqi government has given the organization such opportunity. This is certainly in contradiction with the policy of war on terror.
Apart from all political issues, we would like to draw your attention to a humanitarian problem. Encouraging the MKO by such actions as de-listing them would have the following outcomes:
1. We as the families would be worried to death about the fate of our beloved ones confined in the Ashraf Camp.
2. Our children would be brainwashed more and more and would be used again in terrorist operations against ordinary people.
3. The Iranian innocent civilians would be subject to terror as before which will certainly leave many victims and casualties.
Mr. Prime Minister
We as the suffering families of the MKO members urge you to safeguard meetings between us and our relatives in the Ashraf Camp. We also demand you to make sure that the group would not use our children in terrorist activities again. You well know that there is no evidence to prove that the MKO has given up using violence to reach political goals. They have kept their army structure in Iraq and continuously have their parades and military trainings. They have even refused to publicly denounce the armed struggle and the usage of violence. They have not changed their strategy by any means. They claim that they have not launched any military actions since 2001. It is obvious that they have been incapable of doing so. Once they find the right backing they have the capacity to start using violence against civilians inside Iranian cities. At the moment they plainly look at the British government as that potential support and openly demand their weaponry to be returned to them.
What has happened under Saddam Hussein’s regime must not be repeated again. We require assurances from the British government that our children would not enter terrorist activities one more time, and if they do so we certainly would find your government responsible for it.
With Regards
Copy to:
Ambassador Jerry Adams
The British Embassy
Tehran, Iran
Families and relatives of the members of the anti-Iran armed opposition group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), staged a rally in front of the British embassy in Tehran on Monday to voice strong protest against the removal of the group from the list of terrorist organizations by London.
In a one day symposium held on 2008-07-28 by the Nejat Society in Tehran, the members and the associates of the society as well as the families of members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) captive inside the Ashraf Camp in Iraq gathered from different provinces demanding the free access of the families to their children in Iraq.