
Yesterday’s Allies, Today’s Traitors

…These traitors have blamed Saddam Hussein for the operation Al-Anfal and the massacre of 1991 and didn’t accept any responsibility for these crimes.Besides these people, some terrorist groups helped Saddam Hussein in these operations, the most important of which is the MKO (Mojahedin-e khalq). The MKO, an Iranian opposition group based in Iraq takes advantage of Iraq’s resources and is protected by Americans…

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US Openly Supports Iranian Terrorists

The Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK) is a Marxist oriented Iranian resistance organization founded in the 1960’s to topple the pro- western regime of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. Since that time, MEK/PMOI has carried out scores of attacks and assassinated a number of Iranian government officials…During the U.S. invasion of Iraq, MEK forces in Iraq surrendered to U.S. forces and turned over their military hard ware….The country can now be used as a staging post for carrying out attacks against regimes hostile to U.S. interests in the region,

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MKO Leaders Must be Tried

…”Iraqi people are waiting for the trial of the leaders of this group in court of justice so that their real nature and face and their ties to Saddam’s regime are revealed.”…..Stressing the need to expel the elements of the MKO from Iraq, Al-Jomhooriah wrote:”Iraqi government and leaders must take necessary measures to root out remnants of Baath regime, including the Mojahedin-e khalq.”

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Iraqi Tribes Vs. MKO

In the meeting, held in Hotel Pars in Shirza, one of the leaders (of Iraqi tribes) said:”Although we were not informed of many issues about this group, we always opposed to their presence in Iraq.”…..”.All Iraqi tribes want this group expelled from Iraq but now the Americans control this group and we have intervention in the issue,”Vahab Abd Khashi Al-Salam added.

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MKO, From”Forough”to Today’s Limbo

This operation, called by the MKO”Forough-e Javidan”(Eternal Light) and called”Mersad”(Ambsuh) by Iranian leaders, was the largest armed move by an iranian opposition group …Iranian military commanders say they withdrew intentionally in order to blow back later with stronger force.According to the officials, Revolutionary Guard and Basij forces started their final operation on July 27, when the MKO/PMOI was only 40 kilometers from the city of Kermansha. MKO forces were crushed heavily.

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Iran Focus: The MKO Propaganda Machine

..Relying on news sources by hard line monarchists and the MKO, is about choosing an agency that absolutely lies or exaggerates incidents in order to enhance their own political objective….Iran Focus along with its sister site Iran Terror (look at the website designs and stories as well as the website for the MKO and you can easily see they’re created by the same designer) are registered in London and Paris respectively. In fact both organizations, including the MKO, tried to allege that the Human Rights Watch report illustrating all the human rights abuses committed by the organization…

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Faded hopes for Iranian exiles

Engulfed by various crises, and reeling from a Human Rights Watch report that branded it a serious abuser of human rights, the Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK) still insists on touting itself as a credible alternative to the ruling political system in Iran. Its relentless propaganda notwithstanding, there is now every sign that the MEK will disintegrate some time in the next five years.

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US may support controversial Iranian group

An armed Iranian exile group listed as a terrorist organization by the USA and European Union may now get US support to help topple Iran’s ruling regime. The Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) has its European headquarters in Norway.Although the MKO has been listed as a terrorist organization by the USA and EU since 1997 and its leaders are banished from most European nations, it is not listed by the United Nations.

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U.S. bombs Mujahedin; backers hide

Congressional supporters of an Iraq-based terrorist organization kept a low profile…the State Department identified the MEK as a foreign terrorist organization. Last Tuesday, General Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, acknowledged in a briefing at the Pentagon that the U.S. bombed MEK forces. . ..Although the MEK’s political arm, the National Council of Resistance, has garnered signatures of support from a number of U.S. lawmakers, it’s unclear whether those members were adequately informed about the group when they signed on.

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Richard Perle Supports Terrorism

MEK took up residence in Iraq, where they were given sanctuary and armed by Saddam Hussein. They fought against their own country on the Iraqi side during the long Iran-Iraq war. During the U.S. invasion of Iraq, MEK carried out military operations in defense of the Ba’athist regime, and its main base came under attack by U.S. forces …Their fate has become a political football, pitting the U.S. State Department against the neoconservatives in Washington who now have Iran fixed in their sights. The neocons are pushing the idea that we can use the MEK to overthrow the Iranian regime

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