Iran sees less threat in exiled MKO militants

“I think you would find the current President [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad more democratic than the Mujahideen,”says Mr. Abrahamian.”Even in the early 1970s, it had turned into a cult organization…. The remaining members … will do whatever [MKO leader Massoud] Rajavi tells them.” The State Department’s terrorism report last year said the MKO maintains”the capacity and will to commit terrorist acts in Europe, the Middle East, the United States, Canada and beyond.”

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Rajavi’s illusional strategies

Since 1970s, following the execution of most MKO/MEK/PMOI key leaders in Shah’s prison that left Rajavi as the main leader of Mujahedin, he has never made a realistic decision. The starting point of Raajvi’s illogical approach was the declaration of his armed struggle in June 20th, 1981 when he thought that he could defeat the Iranian Islamic Revolution that had succeeded the previous year due to the outstanding support of Iranian people for Ayatollah Khomeini’s leadership.

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How ‘Terrorists’ Become ‘Freedom Fighters’

World-renowned critic of US foreign policy and host of the popular syndicated radio program Alternative Radio, David Barsamian, also said that the MEK/MKO/PMOI is far from popular in Iran and is commonly misconstrued as being so only by hardliners while beating the drums for further ventures of US imperialism. In fact Barsamian explained that when such advocates of these types of policies use terms like”democracy,”or”freedom,”they often mean just the opposite.

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Neda had been tutored from the childhood

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part 26).. … To talk of my acquaintance with her, we were once on the same team-work in Camp Ashraf before the US invasion of Iraq and when Maryam (Rajavi) was still in Ashraf. However, Neda left for the Europe simultaneous with Maryam’s relocation to France…

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Hunger Strike: Idiot Behavior or Negative Reaction

Imposing hunger strike on Ashraf residents is a reality. It is a being which is now showing off in Camp Ashraf but it is not a truth..In fact, Rajavi believed that terrorist acts should be led in MEK manner under its coherent organizational system, and then the objectives would be better achieved.. During the meeting he tried to combine the violent acts of Usama Bin Laden with MEK’s[MKO/PMOI] terrorist trends, to conclude his own plan..

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The fall of Ashraf: Collapse of Rajavi’s strategy

Liberation Army and Camp Ashraf were introduced by Rajavi as the symbols of the new strategy. Considering that Rajavi was always seeking for manipulating the members’ minds, labeled all his acts as ideological; he claimed himself as ideological leader; his so called Liberation Army was also the ideological aspect of his strategy..The last step of Iraqi government to inform Rajavi that he can’t stay in Iraq any more, was the takeover of Iraqi security by Iraqi forces but Rajavi still forces his members to maintain Camp

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Massoud asked arrogantly:”Does anyone claim to have a husband other than me?”

(Memoirs of Ms. Batoul Soltani – Part 22 )..The MKO leaders looked dawn on us so we accepted everything they said. They always tried to make us doubt our individuality. If we were not able to present a case about one of our minor colleagues, Maryam would punish us. She accused us of distancing ourselves from Massoud. Then she concluded that the problem comes from our thinking. I could never convince myself to accept their justification

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Temporal Marriage, Rajavi’s Latest Scandal

The surprising nature of Ms. Soltani statements was anticipated yet the great extent to which they have caused surprise in readers was unexpected. She implies the fact that the extent of disclosure against the organizational activities of MKO depends on the extent of direct contact and interaction of members with the top layers of the organization. In other words, the closer the detached members to the top layers, the more shocking would be the exposé of the internal relations of the organization.

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Execution, the approach to repel dissenters

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part ten )… Interestingly, if anybody failed to commit suicide, others had the responsibility to help him/her accomplish the job. Thus, the human tragedy in defense of Ashraf is a program that has to be possibly brought into actuality and there are a variety of approaches that will act to remove deterrents …

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The raid to Ashraf could leave Iran cheering

Reports out of Iraq say government troops have raided the Mujahedeen-e Khalq Camp. Though the MEK /MKO/PMOI has long been recognized as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department, its members housed in Camp Ashraf just north of Baghdad had been placed under U.S. protection ..Scholars and human-rights activists have long accused the organization of functioning like a religious cult, employing brainwashing techniques, ideological cleansings, forced celibacy (except when it comes to the Rajavis themselves), and even torture to condition its members to absolute obedience..

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