MKO key Formula: Why Maryam … Because Masud

(Memoirs of Ms. Batoul Soltani – Part 18 )..To choose the members of the leadership Council, the main criterion for Rajavi was how much they are devoted. There is a formula in MKO discussions:They ask:”why Maryam” and then they answer: “because Masud”.It means that Maryam is the first woman linked with Masud..They tried to confirm that such devotion needs an extraordinary super-natural capacity..Maryam Rajavi said that we should love Masud instead of our husbands..

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MKO, the illegal settlers in Iraq

The claims of MKO on keeping Camp Ashraf by means of grabbing at the issue of refugee rights has been turned to the main point ..As asserted by Rajavi, his movement has been a strategic one for furthering his armed struggle against Iranian government rather than seeking refuge or anything else. With regard to these factors, it is proved that the transfer of Mojahedin to Iraq has not been for seeking refuge ..

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The curious case of Iran’s Mujahedin

the People’s Mujahedin, otherwise known as the Mujahedin-e Khalq, called monafeqin (hypocrites) by their detractors and either PMOI, MKO or MeK for short, have been around for nearly half a century..Iranians who live in Iran regard the PMOI as totally marginal to contemporary politics. At best it’s seen an embittered faction whose main constituency is gullible western politicians. At worst, its members are regarded as lunatics who sided with the enemy..

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Masud Rajavi is the fixed axis of the organization

(Memoirs of Ms. Batoul Soltani – part 15) -The key approach to know a political or an ideological movement is to know its leaders in the first place. Masud Rajavi is the fixed axis of the organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] where the leadership is very important. Every individual who enters the organization is under close observation all the time and the person’s actions or reactions are watched

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Press TV to air documentary on MKO

Press TV is slated to air a documentary about the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) and its ideological changes before the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Failed Tactics focuses on the foundation of MKO, and its political abuse of the first Iranian president..The organization’s armed confrontations and its collaboration with former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran war ..Produced by Amir Tajik, the documentary has been filmed in Iran, the UK, France and Switzerland

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EU urges Obama to support terror cult

More than 100 members of the European Parliament have tried to persuade the US president to lift an American ban on the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK), AFP reported on Thursday. The MKO, which identifies itself as a Marxist-Islamist guerilla army, was founded in Iran in the 1960s but was exiled some twenty years later for carrying out numerous acts of terrorism inside the country.

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A serious mistake may never repeat

the presence of MKO/PMOI/MEK in France has turned to be a domestic controversial issue. In spite of being removed from the EU list of terror, the French authorities are well aware of its cultic threat that might jeopardize the nation’s security…that Mojahedin have broken all the norms of refugees and have committed all kinds of crimes under the cover of their political refugee status as an opposition fighting for freedom and democracy.

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Iran pushes Iraq to close MKO camp

Baghdad announced that it planned to close the camp last December, the same month the US reaffirmed the MKO’s”terrorist”status…at least one high-ranking MKO/PMOI/MEK member forced back to Iran received prison time but relatively lenient treatment…The problem for the organization is they haven’t had a martyr for many years.

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Should the MEK Stay or Should it Go?

The MEK is still on the list of terrorist groups of the United States, because its fundamental values are anti-western and violent…Are we talking about holy water or the devil itself? The Council on Foreign Relations has a detailed description of the MEK:”…Experts say that MEK has increasingly come to resemble a cult that is devoted to Massoud Rajavi’s secular interpretation of the Koran and is prone to sudden, dramatic ideological shifts.” The MEK, in fact, also has a political arm, called The National Council of Resistance of Iran headed by Maryam Rajavi’s husband, Massoud. No one really knows where Massoud Rajavi is living now..

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PMOI-NCRI: The Siamese twins of terror!

PMOI / NCRI have the same leaders, the same framework, the same structure, the same practices and sectarian violence. The uniform and the Islamic veil, the insignia of paramilitary type, this shows that PMOI is the NCRI and that, whatever the name used, they are of a single sectarian and terrorist organization: the Mujahideen of the People.

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