Autopsy of a paradoxical dealing with MKO

According to a number of political analysts, the dual stance might be the result of internal political disparities among the parties. But it has to be noted that regardless of all disparities, the parties reach a consensus when it comes to confront any alien element that imperils the country’s general interests.

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The Week on the Hill; Lobbying & Law

“Never has the old adage ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend’ been more true than in the case of the MEK,”he wrote in The Hill in July. And in The Washington Times in December, Armey wrote,”With a stroke of the pen, the secretary of State could, and should, remove the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq and the National Council of Resistance of Iran from the list of foreign terrorist organizations.”

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Mojahedin forces facing a dilemma

Mojahedin oppose to any decision of relocation of the Ashraf to other camps inside Iraq which no doubt leads to destabilization of the organization. No need to say that MKO’s expulsion and the consequent shutting down of the Camp Ashraf crucially questions the organizational survival. However, under no circumstance the leading leadership agrees to undergo any change. But, is it the same with the subordinate ranks and members?

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‘I rest my case m’lord… ‘ (No.2)

The report (last updated 2007) clearly emphasizes that”…MEK leadership and members across the world maintain the capacity and will to commit terrorist acts in Europe, the Middle East, the United State, Canada, and beyond…”In addition, the report of course continues describing”Mojahedin Khalq Organization”by pointing out:

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Opaqueness of Mojahedin Khalq Financial Resources (2)

The reasoning for involving in these illegal and criminal fundraising activities is more a result of the ideological influences of Marxism and modelling on some other terrorist and militia groups. The majority of the groups that MKO modelled after justifiably followed Machiavellianism in their line of struggle..

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Fundraising Cult techniques within MKO

The released documents after the fall of Saddam and also admissions made by the ex-members all indicate that Mojahedin had received abundant sums of dollars from the Iraqi agents as a bounty for espionage collaboration. Only in one of these sessions, due to reported information by Abbas Davari, the Iraqi agents granted the organization a remarkable sum of 50 million in dollars

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Cult of the Chameleon

Massoud Rajavi is the leader of this bizarre Iranian Cult who over the years helped Ayatollah Khomeini overthrow the Shah, then declared war on the Islamic Republic ruthlessly killing their fellow countrymen. They allied themselves with Saddam Hussein but now that he is gone are ardent supporters of the coalition. The MEK has switched allegiances so often that any underlying ideology is long gone …

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Terrorism Awareness Indeed

The purpose of this ballyhoolooza, we are told, is to confront the “Big Lies” of the Left regarding terrorism and militant Islam. Worthy subjects, to be sure. Indeed I would like to help the sponsors of the “wake-up call” promote awareness of them. Toward this end, let’s consider the American Right’s “special relationship” with one group of terrorists called PMOI/MKO.

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The neocons’ unholy alliance

the Rajavis sold out their fellow Iranians to Saddam Hussein, trading intelligence about their home country for a place to house their Marxist-Islamist Rajavi sect. While Mujahedeen(PMOI/MKO) press releases were pouring out last month, taking undue credit for the nightly demonstrations, many antigovernment Iranians were rejoicing over the arrest of Maryam Rajavi and wondering where Massoud was hiding and why he, too, hadn’t been apprehended.

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