More rent-a-crowd, yet another desperate attempt

The Rajavi cult which was responsible for the assassination of Americans in Iran during the reign of the Shah, has openly admitted to killing innocent civilians by the use of mortars and bombs in crowded places in Iranian cities. The number is believed to be in excess of 16,000. The armed terrorist cult had also been engaged in the massacre of the Iraqi Kurds

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3,000 Iranian captives held in by US see no sign of quick release

While Iranian treatment of the British marines gave rise to comparisons with the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, and questions were raised over whether the US’s capture of five Iranians claiming diplomatic status in Iraq and holding them for over two months could have played a part in the crisis, the humanitarian crisis involving 3,000 Iranian captives at Camp Ashraf

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The Islamic Republic Referendum, an Issue of Challenge

No doubt, both in the issue of referendum and the seizure of the US embassy in Tehran, Mojahedin were very critical, mostly not of the moves but of the contents. In fact, their dismay was the result of the group’s political and ideological teachings that did not evaluate the two moves coinciding with their strategic ends, that is to say, to escalate a gross military tension with the US.

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February 8, A New Phase to Encounter People

It cost Mojahedin a big price to come to believe that it was actually impossible to overthrow the created Islamic system in a short-run process as the group had anticipated. Successive blows over the body of the organization both was leading it to the precipice of a complete termination and challenging the adopted strategy of establishing a phase of armed struggle

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Open Letter to the European Union

Reported by Time on December 14 to confirm the EU’s stance on the ruling of the Court of First Instance, Jesus Carmona, spokesman for the European Union’s anti-terrorism authority, enunciated that”we’re going to comply with the court and publicly state the reasons for any group or individual on it”. For sure, the EU proscribed MKO on sound reasons, but we consider it our responsibility to give some details on the terrorist nature of MKO.

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Mojahedin Laid Criterion for Patriotism and Democracy

The group’s move on such a suspicious line implies that Mojahedin attempt to exculpate Saddam of his myriad crimes to compel a mentality to identify him as a national hero. They have resolved to walk on the line of the opponents to Saddam’s execution, each impelled by different motives, in an attempt to win their support to accomplish their own ends, as they did when the master was in power.

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Opposition Groups Don’t Care about Rajavi

Some people ask what if an organization or a political group doesn’t want to unite….Iranian now know all MKO’s lies and that the MKO can only deceive those who are not familiar with Iran’s issues; those who don’t know the terrorist nature of the group well and support the group only for their own interests.

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Open Letter to Mr Richard K, Armey about MEK

We are especially shocked to hear that you and some U.S. Senators are offering their support to MEK in the hope of using them as the instrument of change in Iran . In doing so, you are being completely indifferent to the past history of this organization as a terrorist group with a long trail of violence and militant actions even against its own members…

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Mojahedin ‘Information Laundering’

The weekly Persian periodical “Mojahed”, the official organ of MKO, has reported on your role as the key figure in a three day symposium held in US Congress under the title “Iran: foreign policy challenges, solutions and democratic opposition” (Mojahed, No 823, Monday, Nov 20, 2006). The article states that you delivered a 250 page report in that meeting.

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MEK , USA ;Strange Bedfellows

The MEK, however, has a big handicap: The U.S. government says it’s a terrorist organization. Officials cite its role in the murder of Americans in the 1970s and subsequent terror attacks that killed hundreds of Iranians. Another big blemish is the group’s long collaboration with Saddam Hussein. On top of all that, former members describe the MEK as a personality cult obsessed with celibacy and martyrdom.

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