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Fathullah Eskandari letter to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

Fathullah Eskandari

Mr. Karim Khan, Honorable Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

Greetings and Regards,
I, Fathullah Eskandari, am one of 42 plaintiffs in a case against the Mojahedin in which the leaders of the Rajavi group have been convicted on numerous pages of human rights violations, including genocide, torture, imprisonment, forced labor, and hundreds of others. It is emphasized that this evil group in Albania is currently committing crimes against humanity, and despite the final verdict and the presentation of sufficient evidence to the Hague tribunal, no legal action has been taken against this hellish sect. I am one of the victims who was shot in the arm and my right hand was severely wounded by direct fire from the leaders of the Rajavi sect. As one of the complainants, I urge you to pay attention to speeding up the investigation.

Fathullah Eskandari is one of the plaintiffs in the case

Fathullah Eskandari; one of 42 plaintiffs in a case against the Mojahedin-e Khalq leaders

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