Home » Mujahedin Khalq Organization members' families » Mosayeb’s grandson looking forward to his release from the MEK

Mosayeb’s grandson looking forward to his release from the MEK

Mosayeb Rashidi Family

Mosayeb Rashidi was taken as a war prisoner in 1980. He was a young newly married soldier of the Iranian army. Iraqi Baath forces trapped him in Iran-Iraq border in the early months of the war. He was in Saddam Hussein’s notorious POW camps for 9 years.

Mosayeb’s wife was pregnant when he was taken as a POW. Their daughter was born a few weeks later and eventually she grew up in the absence of his father. The little girl turned into an adult, got married and had children.

Mosayeb Mazaheri and other POW's at the Baath  Regime prisoners' camp

Mosayeb Mazaheri and other POW’s at the Baath Regime prisoners’ camp

She has not seen her father since her birth. In 1989, Mosayeb was recruited –in better words was taken as a hostage– by the agents of the Mujahedin-e Khalq who collaborated with Iraqi officers in POW camps.

Since then, Mosayeb’s family have not been able to contact or visit him. When the group was in Iraq, they traveled to Iraq and picketed across the gates of the MEK camps, asking for permission to visit their beloved Mosayeb but the leaders of the Cult of Rajavi did not allow them to visit him and did not let Mosayeb know that his family had come to visit him.

He is now in the MEK’s camp Ashraf 3 in Albania, and he is still isolated from the outside world, having no access to his family, his daughter and his little grandson.

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