Home » Iran » Motaki: World opinion believes Britain is an advocate of terrorists and criminals

Motaki: World opinion believes Britain is an advocate of terrorists and criminals

Iran: Britain supports terrorist Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) Broadcast live from London

The world public opinion believed Britain is an advocate of terrorists and criminals, Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has said.

Mottaki made the remarks in a meeting with the head and members of a committee in charge of defending the rights of victims of a terrorist act against Iranian embassy in London in 1980.

Iran’s embassy in London was seized by six gunmen who attacked the Iranian mission on April 30, 1980 and took hostage its 26 workers. The siege ended after six-day following an operation by British Special Air Service (SAS) which led to freedom of 19 hostages while seven others were dead and many were injured.

Iran’s former charge d’affaires in London and head of the committee said the terrorist act occurred under the aegis of British security forces.

In those days, he said, Iranian diplomats in London had repeatedly received many threats from terrorist groups.

“The cases were reported to the British officials by sending official notes from Iran’s embassy, but they kept telling that there was no reason for concern.”

Expressing regret over the terrorist act, Mottaki said that the incident was a result of negligence of British officials and their support for terrorism.

Criticizing a recent strange decision by a British court over possible release of the only surviving member of the terrorist group responsible for the seizure, Mottaki expressed hope that British officials would extradite him to Iran to stand a fair trial.

The minister said recent moves by the British government, including concocting a case against a former Iranian diplomat, a recent ruling by a British court on removing the Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) from the list of terrorist groups and supporting the terrorist organization to broadcast live programs in Persian from London, have clearly indicated London’s double-standard approach toward terrorism.

Stressing that Tehran had held many rounds of direct talks with London over the case, Mottaki said the issue was at the agenda of Iran’s talks with Britain. Advocates of Terrorists


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