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Accomplices in MKO crimes

Iran: States involved in Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult, MKO, MEK,…) removal from terrorists’ list are accomplices in its crimes

Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said here Friday that countries involved in Acomplice in MKO crimesremoving the terrorist Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) from the terrorists’ list are accomplices in the terrorist crimes committed by the grouplet.

“Any country moving officially in line with removal of the MKO from the terrorists’ list will from the view point of Iran and Iranians be an accomplice in the terrorist acts taken by the grouplet,”Mottaki told IRNA prior to leaving New York.

He said,”Surely, such a move is condemned and we reserve the right to follow necessary procedures and lodge complaint against the country supporting terrorism.”

He went on to say,”The cowardly move of clearing the MKO’s name from the terrorists’ list started from Britain and definitely such a cowardly effort will have no impact on our people’s attitude and the nature and position of the terrorist group.”

He noted that the MKO is the most notorious groups in the eyes of Iranian people due to its crimes during the Sacred Defense era (1980-88) and assassination of personalities and officials as well as thousands of innocent citizens.

“The MKO will continue to be regarded as a terrorist group by survivors of the victims of its terrorist measures and the Iranian nation.”

He said terrorism, in any form, is condemned and equal and indiscriminate approach should be shown against it.

“Terrorism can not be classified into good and bad today. Terrorism is terrorism and is so condemned. Equal and indiscriminate approach should be shown against all of them (all forms of terrorism),”said Mottaki.

“While trying to put in the terrorist groups’ list a media or a liberation group which fights for freedom of its land, these (the westerners) want to bring out from the list the groups which have a long record of terrorist acts,”he said.

He concluded,”Today, the world public opinion does not at all accept such a contradictory and dubious approach being based on the double-speak and political standards and we condemn such an act.”1420

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