Home » MEK Camp Ashraf » Camp Ashraf leaders prevent the entry of survey team

Camp Ashraf leaders prevent the entry of survey team

Baghdad – The Iraq’s  national security advisor, on Friday, said that the leadership of camp Ashraf prevented the entry of survey team of the Ministry of Human Rights  who were supposed to perform  their duty to identify options for the inhabitants either to return to Iran, or to select a third country.

The national security advisor said in a statement [A copy of which received by Aswatal Iraq]:”The committee in charge of putting an end to Camp Ashraf case, held their regular meeting, chaired by the representative of the national security advisor, and in the presence of all members of the committee discussed topics on the agenda included the Ashraf camp case.”

The statement quoted the representative of the national security advisor, saying that “leadership of the camp is still authoritarian and confiscated the  freedom of the residents of the camp , preventing the entry of the Ministry of Human Rights’ survey team into the camp, to identify options for the inhabitants, to choose between the return to Iran or the selection of a third country,”stressing that”the government would not backtrack on its decision to close the camp.”

The statement reads:”MKO leaders, under the same practices, continued to prevent making the necessary arrangements to facilitate the visit of families with their children who are inhabitants of Camp Ashraf. This is a clear violation of human rights, despite attempts by the Iraqi government to facilitate such visits in the framework of obligations in accordance and with respect to human rights and international conventions”.

The statement noted that”such acts are illegal and hinders the Iraqi government from providing Ashraf  Refugee Camp inhabitants with humanitarian assistance and facilities and discourages the Iraqi government from humanitarian dealing with the camp .  Such actions are a clear proof of the Camp Ashraf Leadership adherence to terrorism and hostilities against Iraq and its people.”

 The statement called on international organizations”to condemn such actions which are a clear violation of human rights.”

The People’s Mojahedin Organization [MKO/PMOI/MEK] based in Camp Ashraf in Diyala province northeast of Baghdad with the support of Saddam Hussein.

After the U.S. invasion to Iraq in 2003, they were disarmed. The Organization has been under American protection in spite of being classified a terrorist organization.

After signing the security agreement between Iraq and the United States government, Iraqi government took the responsibility of the Ashraf refugee camp provided that the American forces to remain in the camp. ..

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