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The Third View On MKO – The First Four Month of 2009


The Third View on MKO

The First Four months of 2009


MEK Terror Group to Leave Iraq


Juan Cole

Iraq to expel Iran rebels as it takes over camp from US  



Iraq plans to close Iranian dissidents’ border camp



Iraq to close camp for Iranian dissidents and expel inmates


Irish Times

Inside view: You have to be totally dedicated



Ryan Crocker pointed out US designated the PMOI as terrorists


Associated Press

Iranian Militant MeK Group Losing Fight to Stay in Iraq


Fox News.com

Mojahedin Khalq Suicide operative arrested in Iraq



Buratha News

The story of a brainwashed mother


Klasse kampen

Iraq Accuses Iranian Exiles of Plotting Attack


Washington Post

Iraq: To Close Camp Ashraf



PMOI terror cult a much bigger threat to Eu than al-Qaeda




Iran devising plan to try Mojahedin Khalq members  



Iranian Resistance Group a Source of Contention in Iraq  


The Time

EU Takes Iranian Group Off Terror List, But Status Still Disputed


Radio Free Europe

France files appeal against”Mujahedin Khalq Organization”terrorists



Iran Group to Stay on U.S. Terror List


Wall Street Journal

Europe may find itself providing refuge for MKO Terrorists  


Los Angeles Times

BND report calls NCRI a Stalinistic “fake parliament”


Tehran Times

MKO’s Removal From EU Terror List Draws Mixed Reactions


Radio Free Europe

Iranian asks France’s independence on MKO group


Arabic News

US not to follow EU on MKO


Press TV

Belgian MP: PMOI is a sect 



Iran Group in Iraq Poses Thorny Issue for U.S.


The Time

Ex-member says MEK is like a cult


The National

The MKO movement is in decline


Agnezia Radicale

PMOI-NCRI: The Siamese twins of terror!





PMOI crows … but probably not for long!



Iranian Exiles, Iraq Govt Trade Accusations over Camp


Iraq updates

Iran angry over EU exclusion of MKO from terror list


Religious Intelligence

Russian expert: Europe using terrorism for political purposes  



MKO’s violence originated in its theory Structure  


Al Motammar

UK Justice Secretary: MKO remains terrorist



Bulgaria Terms MKO Terrorist


Fars News Agency

Controversial freedom fighters


Wiener Zeitungat

Washington may court moderates WITHIN Iran



Should the MEK Stay or Should it Go?



Iran pushes Iraq to close MKO camp  


Christian Science Monitor

Iraq wants Iranian opposition out



Iran Exile Group in Line for Huge Cash Windfall


CQ Politics

Is Iran’s MEK a Threat to the Islamist Regime?


James Town Foundation

Mojahedin Khalq had taken over a building belonging to the Iraqi army


Asharq al-Awsat

Iraqi Forces Blockading Iranian Opposition Camp  



Hosted by terrorists?



The US’s position on the disposition of Camp Ashraf


Department of State

Iranian opposition members refuse to leave Iraq outpost  


Christian Science Monitor

Iranian dissidents in Iraq. Where will they all go?




An Anti-Iranian Enclave in Iraq Fights to Stay



The Time

CIA to relocate Mojahedin Khalq HQ to UAE



Nahrain Net

Iranian group in Iraq part of high-stakes politics  



Associated Press

Terrorists living among us



Charles Kent


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