Home » Mujahedin Khalq Organization members' families » More than 2 decades of slavery

More than 2 decades of slavery

Shaaban pour family worry about the fate of their beloved Hassan.
Hassan has been captured in Camp Ashraf of Rajavis’ Cult for more than twenty years according to Asgar Shaabani pour, Hassan’s brother who is an active member of Nejat Society Mazandaran Branch.

Asgar has tried a lot to release his brother from the bars of Camp Ashraf. Last year, together with a number of families of Nejat he went to Camp Ashraf gate but they were affronted by MKO officials including Ozra Alavi [Ms. Ozra Alavi Taleqani the Deputy Commander in Chief of the National Liberation Army] so they couldn’t visit their beloved ones.Hassan has been captured in Ashraf for more than 2 decades

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