Two MKO defectors join their families

Two former members of the cult of Rajavi (Mujahedin Khalq Organization) who have recently escaped Camp Ashraf were welcomed at Nejat Society Mazandaran Branch on Tuesday, September 20th. Mr. Mohammad Reza Goli Eskardi and Mr. Ein allah shabani met their families at Nejat office where some other families of MKO captives were present, they wished the release of their loved ones held in the Camp under the rule of Rajavi’s dictatorship.

Mr. Mohammad Reza Goli Eskardi and Mr. Ein allah shabani ,who have recently escaped Camp Ashraf were welcomed at Nejat Society Mazandaran Branch on Tuesday, September 20th.

Families of the two MKO defectors were really moved by visiting their loved ones after years of separation. Mr. Shaabani and Mr. Eskardi also expressed their pleasure for their return to their families reminding others that their loved children in Camp Ashraf seriously need their support and help in order that they can release themselves from Ashraf “prison”.
They also briefly described the horrible situation and mental pressure their ex-comrades at Camp Ashraf were trapped in. The two defectors requested the families of Nejat to make efforts to help release their loved ones before the deadline Iraqi authorities have assigned for MKO departure.

Appreciating the cooperation of Nejat Society and families, they expressed their readiness to help with salvation of their former friends held as hostages in MKO.

Accompanied by their families, they went home at the end of the meeting.

Nejat Society, Mazandaran Branch

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