Home » Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force » MKO Receives the Pro-Israel Lobby

MKO Receives the Pro-Israel Lobby

Mojahedin Khalq Organization

Michael Massing, in his detailed study of the Israel Lobby network in the US published in NYREV, refers to Mearsheimer and Walt arguing the case. The network is constituted of many affiliated parts whose fellows back whoever opposes Iranian ruling power. He argues that Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC, has a stranglehold on the US Congress and helps to decide who Israel’s friends are according to AIPAC’s criteria and liable to receive its support. MKO has proved to be worthy of receiving supports as we regularly meet AIPAC associates that talk and pen in support of it. In a the last parts of the study we read:

One key part of the network is the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. AIPAC helped to create this think tank in 1985, with Martin Indyk, AIPAC’s research director, becoming its first director. Today, the Washington Institute is fully independent of AIPAC, and there is some diversity among its fellows (Dennis Ross is one). Overall, though, its policies mirror AIPAC’s. Its executive director, Robert Satloff, is a neoconservative with very hawkish views on the Middle East. Its deputy director of research, Patrick Clawson, has been a leading proponent of regime change in Iran and of a US confrontation with Tehran over its nuclear program. (AIPAC features him as an expert on its Web site.) Raymond Tanter, an adjunct scholar at the institute, has been championing the MEK, or People’s Mujaheddin, a shadowy group of Iranian guerrillas who want to overthrow the government in Tehran (and whom the State Department regards as terrorists). Members of the Washington Institute’s board of advisers include Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, James Woolsey, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Mort Zuckerman, and Max Kampelman; its single most important source of funding is Larry Weinberg, one of AIPAC’s Gang of Four, and his wife Barbi.


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