Home » Mujahedin Khalq Organization members' families » Mojahedin / The father rejected, the mother’s writes to her daughter

Mojahedin / The father rejected, the mother’s writes to her daughter

Come out and meet me, I want to see you before I die

The saga continues of an Iranian couple who want to meet their daughter who is a member of the Mojahedin (MEK) who are housed in Albania


TIRANA – The saga continues of the Iranian couple seeking to meet their daughter who is a member of the Mojahedin (MEK) who are housed in Albania. A few days ago, Somayeh accused her father of being an Iranian agent, and through a letter asked Minister Xhafaj to expel him from Albania as he posed a danger.

Mostafa Mohammadi, the father of the Iranian, says his daughter is being held against her will inside the Mojahedin camp in Manez, and he has lodged a complaint with the police in the city. A TV report today provided the full denunciation by the 62-year-old who says that his daughter was held in Iraq by force in the MEK organization.

Mohammadi also reveals that MEK has also held his son at Camp Ashraf in Iraq, where members of the Iranian opposition against the Iranian regime were housed. Faced with the situation where the daughter accuses her father of being an Iranian agent, today her mother, Mahboubeh (Robabe) Hamza, has written a letter asking her to agree to meet with her mother rather than her father that she accuses.

Part of Somayeh’s mother’s letter:

O you crazy radicals! You MEK have imprisoned my daughter, radicalized her and pushed her toward violent extremism, made her deny her parents, because it is not logical that a normal person who has not seen their parents for 20 years would not want to at least meet with them, telling themselves that ‘I do not want to get out of this notorious camp, I do not want to live freely in Canada, but I want to do jihad against Iran for Maryam Rajavi’…

You MEK took my boy when he was 15 and I saved him when he was 20 years old. You made my son mad and for two years he was treated by a psychiatrist in Canada because you had made him crazy and you terrorized him…

However, now I publicly invite you to meet me. If you really believe that your father is an Iranian agent – even though you’ve been isolated for 20 years and don’t know where your father has been and what your father has been doing in these 20 years – can’t we meet together?…

Let’s have dinner together so I can see you with my own eyes and kiss you, then let the MEK die from that. If you can’t leave the camp, there is still a chance! Get a phone and dial the number 112 and call the police to come and save you! Come and meet me daughter. For the sake of your mother… Be brave and come out of the MEK camp. There are no Iranian agents in Tirana who want to kill you. The Albanians are good people. They stop me daily in the street and tell us they are sorry for us and how they want you to be free. Prophet Mohammad says that Paradise is under the feet of the mother. Will you leave the MEK’s devils to meet me?

The full letter of the mother of Somayeh to MEK and her daughter

  1. MEK Organization!

I, Mahboubeh (Robabe) Hamza, mother of Somayeh, am writing this letter. I am publishing this letter publicly to ask you to let my daughter go free. You know that we are in Albania and not in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq! Albania is a free European country, where issues are settled by law, not bullets, violence and war like in Saddam’s Iraq! Here you all have taken refuge on humanitarian grounds and are asylum seekers, you are not a paramilitary organization to treat your members as soldiers!

Please, stop!

Stop, writing letters in our daughter’s name!

Enough! Your constant accusation that we are Iranian agents, conspirators, and so on, is unjust since we have no such purpose, except to unite the family unfairly broken by you in 1997!

Enough that you use your agents to access any state office in Albania to prevent me, Somayeh’s mother, from meeting my daughter!

Your agents and subordinates attack us in every corner of Tirana with terror charges and physical attacks only because I want to see my daughter. You are burning because of that!

What did you do to my daughter you crazy radicals?

Why are you threatening my daughter you will kill her parents? Witnesses from your Manza camp, people who have abandoned your jihad and live in Tirana, tell us that you are mistreating my daughter. You are pressurising her to accuse us, her family, as agents. I met my daughter in Iraq in 2004 when the US Marines gave me permission to do so, and she was desperate and wanted to flee from that damned war and from the military organization that mistreated and continues to mistreat its members in front of her eyes all over the world. She was trembling with fear and I her mother embraced her constantly to calm her down. My daughter wrote more letters to me through the US Marines asking for help from your organization that only wants fighting, jihad and blood.

O you crazy radicals! You MEK have imprisoned my daughter, radicalized her and pushed her toward violent extremism, made her deny her parents, because it is not logical that a normal person who has not seen their parents for 20 years would not want to at least meet with them, telling themselves that ‘I do not want to get out of this notorious camp, I do not want to live freely in Canada, but I want to do jihad against Iran for Maryam Rajavi’.

Why do you isolate my daughter so that no one can meet her, neither we as her parents, nor our lawyers, journalists, or the Albanian public who are interested in knowing what kind of criminals you are for destroying a family, who keep our daughter hostage and want to make her a suicide bomber in Iran or Iraq? Frankly, why did you radicalize my daughter – at least in the letters you write – talking only about agents, fighters, killers, Iran, mullahs etc? Are you so crazy? Did Massoud Rajavi’s command not to marry, not to know love, become so bad that you dream only of war and blood?

You took my boy when he was 15 and I saved him when he was 20 years old. You made my son mad and for two years he was treated by a psychiatrist in Canada because you had made him crazy and you terrorized him. Now he has a family, has an education, has a profession in Canada. Yes, and now my daughter. Why can’t she come to Canada to be with her family? Why do you radicalize my daughter and keep her hostage in your camp while your leader Maryam Rajavi and her family live as royalty in Paris? Why can’t I have my daughter free in Toronto like Maryam Rajavi in Paris? Why do Maryam Rajavi and her family live in luxury, while my daughter lives in the prison camp in Manez, in Durrës? If my daughter really wants to do jihad against Iran, why not allow her at least to live freely in Tirana? How much anger do you have?

Who are you to deprive our daughter of this right? Why do you destroy our family and why do you not let our daughter have a family and a normal life like everyone else? Here we are in Albania and not in Iraq. Why are you pushing my daughter to carry out political and terrorist activities against a foreign state? My daughter is not related to Iran! Her homeland is Canada. Why do you not allow her to pursue the Canadian dream but want to lead her as a jihadist to make war on Iran? Why doesn’t Maryam Rajavi go to Jihad in Iran, but she will send my daughter?

We and the rest of her family left Iran for political asylum and we have a very good life in Canada. We do not care about what’s going on with politics anywhere. Every effort we have made to save our daughter is our legitimate right. You, MEK, unjustly denied us the right to parent her when my daughter was 17 years old. You have left my daughter without an education, without a Canadian passport, without a family, no children, no grandchildren, no life with all her friends. You do not let my daughter marry, have a friend or a life like all women, dress in beautiful clothes like her friends, but keep her dressed in military uniform all day long. Keep her isolated in your infamous prison in Manzas.

You have left my daughter without access to the internet, without TV, without education and without reading because you are all in a prison in a free country like Albania. Don’t you feel bad about what you do to our daughter, that you kidnapped our child? Do you realize that Allah will condemn this for ever and a day, even if your masters protect you from the law? Let other families understand what life is like when you have the slogan: “Families are agents of the Iranian regime,” which you say in the group a few times a day as a form of obedience to your organization.

From her friends who have left your group, I learned today how you threaten my daughter if she doesn’t do what you ask for. You do not let her leave the camp, make a free life, but keep her there as a prisoner inside walls guarded by armed guards in the middle of a European country. Why do you do this? Why do not you let her out of the camp? Why can’t I, her mother, meet my daughter oh criminals and murderers? Why do you put politics in between us when parenting is the legitimate right of anyone and nobody can deny it to anyone?

  1. Somayeh! My daughter! The light of my eyes! Owner of my life!

Now I’m writing to you, since I have no other way to communicate with you, although I know that MEK may not even tell you about this letter. But I’m making it public and bringing it to the media so that maybe someone finds it and passes it on to you!

My heart Somayeh,

I am your mother Mahboubeh Robabe Hamza and I want to meet with you. I am the woman who fed you at my breast, I held you in the crook of my arm. You are my flesh and blood.

I have come to Albania. I’m in Tirana, a few miles from you and I want to see you. I want to kiss you. To hold you. I want to have you near. I love you more than my life. I want you to be happy, to be good, to enjoy life, to be with your family, sisters and brothers, to share with the moments of our lives. We have never quit asking for you and are never going to stop, not without seeing you. I’m getting old, I am getting tired, but life is not worth living without seeing you.

I know the letters you wrote against your dad were not written by you, but your jihadist commanders frightened you with threats of “agents”, “the Ministry of Intelligence”, “the Iranian regime”, “mullahs”, and so on. I know, my daughter, that you’re scared and that you do not understand what’s going on because you have not seen daylight with your own eyes outside the MEK military camp for 20 years. I know that the jihadist commanders every day punish you with their fairy tales.

However, now I publicly invite you to meet me.

If you really believe that your father is an Iranian agent – even though you’ve been isolated for 20 years and don’t know where your father has been and what your father has been doing in these 20 years – can’t we meet together?

I am not an Iranian agent and I do not even know about politics. What do you say? Let’s leave your dad on the sidelines, and Iran and Maryam Rajavi and fighting and the whole world, and just meet as mother and daughter? What do you say?

You are well aware how as your mother, who raised you with sacrifices, it plagued my heart when I saw you trembling with fear in Iraq, how I feared that your organization would kill you because you met with us, your parents.

I do not believe the accusations against your father are in your name. I do not believe you are the one who writes them, but those pseudo-letters scary charges are made against your father. The group that prevents us from meeting you attacked your father two days ago. Did they tell you? The Mojahedin beat him!

After the attack, in the middle of the day, in the middle of Tirana, your father and I ended up in the hospital and then in the police station. While we were in the police station [giving evidential statements of complaint], the Mojahedin, under the orders of Commander Behzad Saffari, attacked police station number 4 and called us terrorists and demanded the police imprison us. Do you know about this?

And the day after the attack they sent a second letter to the media in your name.

My daughter, let’s assume you do not love your dad since he’s a bastard, an agent, a murderer, etc. the slanders that staged letter. However, let’s not disown him! (Inshallah MEK does not kill us!)

Yes, your mother, will you not meet with her? I came from Canada for you and left off earning money to see you. Well, from Canada, Morteza and Mohammed ask night and day about you. I miss and love you and want to play with you as we did when you were young. Your friends from the Etobicoke Collegiate Institute are also wondering about you and wanting to meet you. What do you say, will you leave the MEK to meet me and speak on the phone with your brothers in Canada?

Please, if you are the one who wrote those letters and if the MEK would allow you to leave the camp freely, without the supervision of that dreadful commander Behzad Saffari, come and meet me. I live near the parliament in Tirana. The Albanian police will protect us! There will be no Iranian agents to kill you because there are no killers in the country because Albanian police guard us because there is peace and security here!

Let’s have dinner together so I can see you with my own eyes and kiss you, then let the MEK die from that. If they do not allow you out of the camp, there is another opportunity! Get a phone and dial the number 112 and call the police to come and save you!

Come and meet me daughter. For the sake of your mother, be brave and come out of the MEK camp. There are no Iranian agents in Tirana who want to kill you. The Albanians are good people. They stop me daily in the street and tell us they are sorry for us and how they want you to be free.

Prophet Mohammad says that Paradise is under the feet of the mother. Will you leave the MEK’s devils to meet me?

May Allah Keep you Daughter!

Your mother in flesh and blood,

Mahboubeh (Robabe) Hamza

Shqiptarja, Tirana, Albania, Translated by Iran Interlink

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