Mujahedin-e Khalq and violation of Child Rights

Open letter to Archbishop of Tirana-Durrës, George Anthony Frendo

Last week I learned, that in March 2017 you participated in the Organizations Nowruz Festival in Albania. So I have the concern that you too can be blinded by the propaganda allies of the PMOI/MKO/MEK and I would like to warn you not to get pressed into service by the Mojaheddin without knowing their true face. The MKO presents itself as “the Iranian resistance” or the “opposition in exile”, but it is …

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Parents met their child in Albania, defect the MKO Cult

Among these couples were Ameneh Haqiqat and Akbar Rabiei who joined the MKO/MEK/PMOI group in mid 1980s along with their young child…Ms. Haqiqat’s brother says:” my head whistled when I hear that the ‘family’ is disintegrated within this horrible cult. My head whistled when I heard that my little niece left far from parental love…”

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Children who belong to Massoud Rajavi

No matter why and how they joined the MKO/MEK/PMOI, they are now kept under a severe mind control system that indoctrinates them to forget their family, friends and normal life. According to the Daily mail, both British families who are now campaigning to release their daughters from cult abuse, have not seen their loved daughters for a few years…

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I was lucky that I didn’t get back to the MKO!

“I have had seven to eight mother,” Hanif said about his childhood as an immigrant. His biological mother was not allowed to call him except once a year on his birthday. “About my father I have very few memoirs,” he said with a regretful look.A large number of children of the MKO/MEK/PMOI members were then brought back to the MKO’s camp…

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Elimination projects in the MKO – Alan Mohammadi

Alan was 14 years old when she was brought to Camp Ashraf to visit her parents who were members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization. She had been sent to Europe after the so-called ideological revolution in the MKO/MEK/PMOI that forced couples to divorce and eventually to leave their children.

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