Never accept Iranian Ben Ladan in the European parliament to batter the popular legitimacy of the European nation’s House. Undoubtedly, Maryam Rajavi (Iranian Ben Ladan) the leader of the People Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) is more dangerous and vicious than Afghan Ben Lad an. The west should be on a high alert not to be decoyed by her new sham guise as an advertisement released via her recently under the title of “the ten- point platform for future Iran” in US daily news paper, the Washington Times in January 14 issue. Mr. President, please pay attention to my reasons as a live witness and her victim during last twenty years who has been under her authority and cage in Ashraf garrison situated in Iraq. Meanwhile, I have been separated from Mojahedin cult a year ago and came to France.
In her advertisement, she tries to express her dreams and illusions for “future Iran” with the ill-usage of the international norms and conventions. But, fortunately, she has even no place in her former Ashraf garrison, so, how she intends to make the history of Iran!?!
Let me explain an Iranian maxim which is appropriate for her conditions to make everybody snicker for a while. “A villager person was not allowed to enter the village, but she asked the address of the village bailiff home”. No doubt, Maryam Rajavi has the same story of the villager with her perpetrated crimes and deceits. So that, she has no permission to settle down in any state either USA or Europe, however, she has been indicted by international and local tribunals as such France and Iraq.
To know and understand her serial fobs and illusions, let’s focus on her contradictions in practical fields and her ten- point platform. To save time, let me compare only two of these articles of her platform with her present and past activities and thoughts. In the article 7 of her platform, she claims, ‘we are committed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and…’, but, the question arises how she interprets and replies the articles 12 and 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in comparison with her inhuman activities e.g. forceful ideological divorces of thousands impeccable men and women as well as wrecking and shattering the family foundation and….
Article 12: “no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, or to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.”
Article 16: “(1) men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.” “(2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.” “(3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the state.”
Mr. Mirek topolank, please ask Maryam Rajavi to answer the human conscience and the public opinion of the West regarding forceful and dictated divorces and illegal marriages in her cult by her husband Masood Rajavi who is the lifetime leader of the PMOI. I think a particle of her above mentioned crimes regarding dictated divorces and marriage is enough to prove high contradictions between her false platform and her practical activities.
Mr. President, please let’s check the article 9 of her platform to discern her mock intentions and goals regarding international problems and disasters, “our foreign policy will be based on peaceful coexistence…” as a matter of fact, as a live witness, I got shock of observing such a scene at the time of the occurring of “the September 11 disaster” when Masood rajavi made such speeches, “this is reactionary Islam did such an action, thus, we, the revolutionary Islam can do much better than them. And worse than such a sentence which exposes the nature of the Mojahedin cult’s ideology and thought, was that Maryam Rajavi confirmed his speeches with nodding and smiling.
Now, the question is that is it fair and justice and a just decision to stain the scene of parliament via her presence in the nation’s house?
Yours truly
Hamid Siah Mansouri, Paris, January 25, 2009
Personal Rights of Members in the MEK
We are the victims of PMOI( People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran) who could rescue ourselves from the blood- smeared clutches of RAJAVI’s cult after almost two decades , and finally after putting lots of hurdles and obstacles behind , despite of PMOI’s operatives and leaders ‘ unwillingness of our departure from IRAQ ,we arrived to European countries safe and sound.
We have spent more than twenty years of our lives in this inhuman cult and we have experienced lots of pain psychologically and physically as a result of inhuman treatment and savage attitude of the PMOI’s operatives during those breath taking years. We are live witnesses of cruelty and brutality of this cult upon the people of IRAQ during SADDAM HOSSEIN’s dictatorship.
This cult which tries its best to hide its horrendous and horrific past , wants to take advantage of freedom and democracy in European and Nordic countries to propagandize its cultish thoughts and beliefs among people. Their nature is compatible and well matched with violence and peaceful solution is not their favorite ,so they can be very dangerous for European people and the PMOI’s dissidents who are currently living in European countries and they are very vulnerable and defenseless.
We as victims of this notorious cult ,are very surprised and insulted that the leader of this brutal cult ( MRS.MARYAM RAJAVI) whose hands are smeared with blood is allowed to participate in your parliament and even make speech in front of distinguished members of parliament which is going to happen in 26th of January ,2009 in Brussels . The conference will be implemented by the committee of sanitation and social affaires .
How do you allow such a person( MRS. MARYAM RAJAVI) whose hands are smeared with blood of Iraqi people and the dissidents of ASHRAF garrison to make speech for your honorable members? In our point of view , the presence of MRS. MARYAM RAJAVI in EUROPEAN parliament and making speech is the biggest insult to your prominent and distinguished members , the mournful people of IRAQ , and to the victims of this cult .
We are all long time members of this cult with more than twenty years record of service and we declare officially that we are completely ready to share our horrifying experiences and point of views which we obtained in this cult, with the honorable members of European parliament , European council and others whenever and wherever is possible .
At the end we urge you not to allow the leader of this inhuman cult to participate and make speech in your honorable and distinguished parliament . Please do not forget that the leader of this cult wants to take advantage of your global reputation to hide and conceal the crimes that her cult has done against the KORDS of IRAQ and against her political and ideological dissidents in ASHRAF garrison.
Pers et Avenir association, Paris, January 22, 2009
Basically, the robots are built to help human being live an easier, more comfortable life aiding him to reach his goals. Man can get closer to his ambitions or ideals by using the robots.
The leaders of MKO, as well as the leaders of the other destructive cults have chosen a simpler solution to their problems. They try to make robots out of the human beings who are under their rule in order to get their ambitions.
Now, after three decades of the existence of Camp Ashraf in Diala Province, Iraq and Camp Maryam in Auvers-sur-Oise France, the two bases have turned into the cities of robots:
In the city of robots everyday is like the other day. Any event, revolution and change happen around the world, no change happens in robots’ schedule. The ability of making a decision, choosing and changing is a gift that the robots miss. Indeed change is something necessary that makes the life more interesting and makes the hope blossom in the heart of people.
For the human-like robots of camp Ashraf and even Camp Maryam, in the heart of modern Europe, everyday is the same as yesterday. They get up at a certain time early in the morning; they eat at a certain time, in a certain place. They do the same thing everyday for example watering a garden or cleaning a tank…. They go to bed at certain time every night. While they are asleep, they should care about their dreams and nightmares because they shouldn’t be against the organization’s ideology. If so, the member has to write the contradictions and submit to his or her official and accept the consequences.
They should attend the manipulation meetings everyday to reveal their internal thoughts so as nothing of their thought remain hidden to their leaders. Therefore in the city of robots no one has individuality. Everybody belongs to the leader and has to devote his entire life to him.
But the robots of MKO are not equipped with remote control because they sometimes remember their owns and their belongings like the mothers including Batoul Soltani who had kept her children’s photos for years and watched them in the bathroom under heavy fear and anxiety, to keep the least hope in her heart.
But the leaders of MKO go further to kill the hope and will. They force the women in the cult to have hysterectomy surgery because the robots do not substantially have the power of reproduction or giving birth to the other people. This is the way the destructive cult of Rajavi uses along with its process of building robots.
Rajavi and his catalysts have misused the history of the organization and its founders in order to justify members that early founders of MKO, and Mohammad Hanifnejad in particular, have appointed Rajavi as the next leader of the organization. In this regard, a number of Rajavi’s fellows have fabricated some statements and have attributed them to Hanifnejad in order to legitimize the ideological leadership of Rajavi. Following the previous articles on the statements made by Lotfollah Meisami and others, here we take a look at those made by Mehdi Abrishamchi and one of the MKO former members. Abrishamchi summarizes all we mean by his manipulation of the history of the organization in one sentence, sacrificing all the alive and dead of the organization to Rajavi and says:
When Masoud speaks, it seems as if he speaks as the representative of all the alive and dead of the organization. 1
He further shows the spirit of Hanifnejad full of praise for Rajavi and makes an attempt to raise the status of Masoud, stating:
Evidently, no one but Masoud is aware of his own status, and hardly anybody can grasp that Masoud has arrived at the high summits of our ideals and has developed our revolution, ideas, and organization to a point that would for sure elevate the soul of Hanifnejad to appreciate. 2
Although the organizational principles of MKO are opposed to centering on just one individual, he introduces Rajavi as the history of the organization and says:
Our greetings and songs, cries and slogans, love and affection, will and determination, poems and stories, all aim to imply the fact that if Mojahedin have reached the present position and have developed their revolution up to this point, serving the humanity and achieving many honors, they owe all these to the ideological leadership of Masoud. Also, we owe our recent ideological revolution to Masoud and Maryam. 3
Manipulating the history of the organization and its victims in Rajavi’s favor is so disgraceful and repulsive that Anne Singleton, an MKO former member, refers to Rajavi as misusing the members’ ignorance, writing:
Rajavi is very good at spending from other people’s pockets, especially in using the deaths of his followers. 4
She further expounds on the fact that Rajavi consents to subordinate all the historical achievements of the organization obtained as a result of so much blood shed for achieving his personal ambitions:
Rajavi clearly wanted power and was prepared to subordinate the whole organisation and all its members into a means for him to achieve this. 5
Interestingly, Rajavi and his fellows claim that he is inheritor of all the ideological principles and the history of the organization. However, the fact is that the ideological principles of the organization have been manipulated, distorted, held in archive and even eliminated under the command of Rajavi and in his favor whenever necessary:
It is worth mentioning Rajavi’s other motive for removing and then burning all of the books from the camp libraries and safe houses abroad, (libraries which incidentally only had approved books in them anyway), and that is that these books and documents were in contradiction to having an ideological leader. Even his own speeches in Tehran University in the political phase before 30th Khordad were destroyed. These speeches had been published and avidly read at the time. Their essence was taken from Marx and Mao and was to compare the evolution of species with the evolution of society and, of course, Islamicise it. Another reason was that these books and documents were very much in contradiction with capitalism and harmful to Rajavi’s new approach to his new Western masters. Until now, the whole ideology and activities of the Mojahedin, including the killing of Americans, all their songs etc, had been built on Maoism and the fight against the West and imperialism. 6
She further elaborates on perverting the ideology of the organization by Rajavi for instrumentalizing the ideology:
Rajavi perverted the ideology of the Mojahedin from its original conception to something, which allowed him total control of all aspects of the organisation including the personal lives of the members. Alongside this internal change, the organisation also lost its direction in the political scene. 7
It has to be pointed out that the history of the organization, its founders and its ideological principles, are of no significance for Rajavi. Their value depends on the extent to which Rajavi can abuse them for the achievement of his ambitions and stabilization of his cultic leadership in the organization. He has attempted to fabricate some memories and accounts to present himself and pretend to be the sole inheritor of the organization and its principles to which he is not hew. He has exploited all the resources of the organization for the fulfillment of his personal interests at the hands of a number of his ignorant fellows.
1. The lecture of Mehdi Abrishamchi on the ideological revolution, Mojahed journal, no. 255
2. ibid
3. ibid
4. Singleton, Anne, Saddam’s private army.
5. ibid
6. ibid
7. ibid
It gives me great pleasure to hear there are still people here and there who believe in altruism and condemn widespread misanthropic behaviors practiced by their fellow-creatures under a variety of pretexts. Even in the heart of the most developed and democratic countries you may encounter countless, daily reports of discrimination on the basis of race, religion and gender and other forms of human rights violations. The least can be done is to release true, reliable and unbiased reports of the instances of violations regardless of political interests and appeasement of certain group and party.
But supporters of human rights may err as they are humans. There come circumstances when the very same enthusiastic supporters of humanity and human rights give their support, knowingly or unknowingly, to a political party or a group of freedom fighters whose true anti-human nature is concealed behind a camouflage of widespread democratic propaganda. Can it be really justified especially when the blunderers are the elite in a society and shoulder a great responsibility that represents their nation?
Just on the occasion of ‘International Human Rights Day’, a session was reportedly held at the press building of the Italian Senate with regard to the severe violation of human rights in Iran. The participants in the session are reported to include a number of senators and members of the parliament as well as some personalities and heads of societies in defense of human rights. You may ask what these Italian people have to do with violation of human rights inside Iran when what happens in Italy itself is much more alarming. We have nothing to do with such issues but the question is well responded when you come to know the people orchestrating the session.
Read the excerpt from the report to figure out the sponsors. Senator Vincenzo Fasano, from the ruling coalition, called supporting the Iranian Resistance and said: “I have studied your programs and am aware of your goals for the future and also your support of annulment of death penalty. I also very welcome your genuine motto of your future government which is the separation of church and state, and hence I find myself committed to stand by you”.
That is again Mojahedin Khalq cult that has started a new phase of pro-democratic blitz as a new tactic after being disarmed by the coalition forces invading Iraq. Globally recognized a terrorist group and a cult of personality, the cult of Mojahedin is still holding the members in the heavily guarded enclosed Camp of Ashraf where a matriarchal autocracy holds the control. It does not mean that the organization believes in the superiority of women or recognizes the rights of women; rather it is a cult technique to further enslavement and exploitation of women. Of course, Senator Pasquale Nessa has hardly grasped the real intention of the cult when at the session he states: “I am aware of your struggle for women’s freedom and I wish you success”. Obviously, he is not at all aware of what passes within the Camp Ashraf and that, women are the main victimized human beings under the pretext of fighting for freedom, that is to say, they are deprived of their freedom and coerced to engage in a never-lasting struggle to regain it.
As I said, it is the duty of all influential figures who live in democratic countries to struggle against the violation of human rights. But siding with the violators of human rights and acting as their paid mouthpiece is much despised. I believe that for sure Senator Giorgio Bornacin, from ruling party, knew nothing of Mojahedin’s documented instances of violence and atrocities not only perpetrated against Iranian people but also its own members when he addressed Mojahedin saying: “It is very important today that we are present and struggle against the violation of human rights. This is the duty of all parliamentarians who live in democratic countries. I am with you to restore the rights of the Iranian people’s rights and participate with you in this struggle”. There seems no need to explain the present condition of the members at Camp Ashraf who are dispossessed of primal rights of human.
So, if it is the way these representatives approve for the restoration of the Iranian people’s rights and setting the enslaved members free, I have to admit that they are going astray and are presenting a new definition of defending human rights that shall question the accuracy of the democracy they advocate not only for the world but their own people.
The experts and scientists are trying to build human-like robots that would be able to express feelings, emotions and love, meanwhile there are some people who are trying to turn human beings into robots. They definitely have to empty the individual of his feelings so as he would lose his will and individuality and then his control over his activities. In such a condition in which they commit any inhuman act to change the individual into a machine, the way is paved for further exploitation. It’s clear that some others are always ready to abuse these robot-like humans (as it’s obvious in the MEK-Israel relations)
Since the MEK found out that their bases in Iraq and France are under special focus, they have been launching further efforts to increase the number of their European bases. Maryam Rajavi’s trips to Italy, Germany and other European countries might be partly to achieve such goals.
It seems reasonable that foreign elements view the MEK as an opportunity (not an alternative), something that caused the Rajavis to remain in this illusion that the MEK appears important to West! The foreign side acts cautiously to use the MEK to pressure the regime of Tehran; between the both sides, there are the forces who have been taken as hostages by the MEK. They are the toys in the hands of Western politicians and the selfish Rajavis and if they are released of their mental and physical prisons, they will join those who criticize MEK policies, fighting the inhuman acts of the cult trying to stop the machine making factory of the Rajavis in Camp Ashraf and Auver Sur d’Oise.
Mental capture = psychological manipulation = Mind control = crimes against human beings
Although the number of cults mounts to a large quantity, they follow a unique regulation in their internal and external relations. According to the recent manipulation techniques, they deny the individual identity, instead they consider an organizational (cult –like) identity for the individual. The MEK try to deny their cult-like entity by attacking the others!
They claim it as a label and can not accept the fact that they represent a cult; however they have to work according to their cult-like regulations. They continually chant the slogan:”contradiction is not tolerated.” The Stalinism of Rajavi and his cult-like machiavelism does not prevent the defection of a lot of members.
Given the facts around MEK nature, does the foreign element receive Maryam Rajavi? Does he ever ask about the violation of basic human rights in MKO? Do they ever ask Maryam Rajavi why she ordered the hysterectomy surgery on women? Do they ever ask the Rajavis according to which rules the marriage is forbidden in MKO? Do the European parliamentarians who claim to be democratic, ask Mrs. Rajavi about the catastrophic situation of children of MEK members? It was better to ask her, while she was visiting Holocaust museum, why she came to such a museum despite her participation in the massacre of Kurdish Iraqis? Is there any other definition for the instrumental abuse?
Davood – London
Memories of Batoul Soltani – Part Four
SFF: Mrs. Soltani, we would like your mind to get back to Ashraf where you had difficulty to escape from. We would like you describe the internal relations in MEK that caused you run away?
Batould Soltani: I was actually in the MEK for two decades so I know about the MEK’s internal relations very well. When in 1986 I entered the organization, the most convenient houses and hotel were dedicated to the families. It was the time when Masud and Maryam Rajavi came to Iraq from France. The MEK had used all its strength to recruit members and all IRI opponents from all over the world. There was a tension among supporters in abroad. Rajavi was using his entire wisdom to get the supporters out of their normal life and bring them to the organization and of-course the prison of Ashraf. They used any practice to bring the people to the cult in Iraq. For example they managed to send smugglers, financing them, to take the people out of their families and bring them to Iraq.
The other activity they were also busy of, was to found National Liberation Army and the deals with Iraqi Regime like the meetings with Iraqi ministries or deputies and then with Saddam Hussein who offered them bases, weapons, military trainings. The focus was on recruiting members for the so called NLA. At that time the Iraqi military organs were launching intelligence operations together with the MEK elements to succeed their attacks against Iran. The MEK was taking care of such affairs. Everyday there was a new crisis, a new adventure. So the supporters were busy enough.
After some time they spoke of NLA and military uniform and boots and things like that. Later in 1989 the second phase of Ideological Revolution (after the first phase which was operated in 1985 when the couples were forced to divorce.) was started by MEK that claimed that the first phase was not completed and the divorces should be perfect for ever; this time the divorces should be real and there is no return and anyone who wants to enter the organization must divorce. Since that time divorce became a condition for membership in the MKO.
They named this revolution as “whirl-wind” in which they filtered the devotees from the opponents. Several meetings were arranged by Masud and Maryam Rajavi who brought members group by group there; where they set the situation so artificially that the members became obliged to take out their wedding rings and divorce their spouses. I was in the last group of MKO members who divorced.
They held the meeting for a group of members. From the beginning moments the members were so worried of being called, then they called a person who went to deliver all his responsibilities… then we saw Maryam and Masud cheering made an atmosphere and asked the person:” Ok, now what must you give?” Or “what have you hidden?” they pressured the member mentally and at the end he was prepared for divorce. The person had to write and sign the feature of his dependence on his spouse, his problems and thoughts. Then he had continual meetings so as he can ideologically divorce the marriage in his mind. Thus the leaders could have a better control on the members’ emotions and feelings. The next step was to cut the remaining emotional point: children.
I remember they used the opportunity of war in 1991 and said: “Due to the war, we can not keep the kids here”, so they arranged another chantage and separated the children from their families. That was a treacherous plan that was executed. They even said themselves:” That’s a good pretext to get rid of children.”
The evil Masud had calculated everything; he knew that the presence of children would take a lot of energy. Now they had members who were completely and professionally at Masud‘s service. They sent the children to places, they know themselves, and for example they sent my son to a country and my daughter to another one and I had no idea of where they were.
I couldn’t ask, in any case, where my kids are. They would punish me using their manipulation techniques …
Then, they determined a criterion which was ‘’Maryam ‘’who divorced from her husband for Masud’s sake, married him ideologically and her whole existence has become Masud! In a new scenario, she came said:” I leave all my organizational duties” and Masud said the same thing and introduced Maryam as the first authority of the organization because she was the only one who was joined to Masud and all the others had to be dissolved in and dedicated to Maryam, if not they were called anti-woman, non-revolutionary … this was their new story to seize the members soles and minds.
The bottom line of the story is that Masud is only the ideological leader. If you want to analyze the MEK, you should work one two dimensions; one: the strategic and military dimension and two: the ideological and organizational dimension. The strategic aspect included the departure from France and arrival to Iraq to from NLA. The ideological aspect began with the ideological revolution in 1984. Following the defeat in the “Eternal Light” operation, they concluded that the failure happened because the ideological revolution hasn’t performed perfectly so the fighters haven’t fought well. The discussions on the ideological revolution ended with the divorces saying that the emotions are illegal.
After Maryam Rajavi became the first authority of MEK, Masud left all his organizational responsibilities. They wanted to open their way to European countries, so they established “Presidential Offices” in European countries. A new series of stories began with the name of “President Elect” ( Maryam Rajavi),calling for opposition groups to come under MEK’s hegemony and form National Council of Resistance to abuse them.
Then they continued with equipping their NLA by Saddam Hussein’s aid. Rajavi always was proud of the gifts granted to him by Saddam Hussein. For any operation they launched inside Iran, Saddam praised them with his offered weapons and tanks.
Translation: Nejat Society
MEK created a perfect garrison in the heart of Europe; they have made the French Parisian country side, Ouver Sur Oise, their headquarters to control their cult; they own over 30 phone lines and a powerful internet connection; there are houses aligned next to each other; the walls between the house have been removed so as the houses can serve as a hall in case of necessity; the complex is even equipped with rifle-pit and secret rooms; this is the place where Maryam Rajavi resides and directs her cult.
There are various teams who serve there: a team to control the members organizationally; a team to arrange foreign relations; a team to manage financial sources and money laundry. They have also formed a section for the protection of the forces; a section for controlling them and a political section.
In the eastern part, there are separate buildings which house the so-called members of the council where they get the orders of what to do and what to write. They are considered as the cult’s political and cultural arms. But when it is the turn for the more internal relations of the cult these people are called as lazy people without motivation, who should always be pushed to work.
The MEK has tried to keep the neighbors satisfied so they spent large amounts of money on gardening and decorating their houses; they have even helped the reconstruction of other buildings paying large sums to the Mayor. Of-course the satisfaction of the neighbors can not justify the existence of a terrorist cult in France. The cult has forced most of the members to stay.
Can anyone in Europe believe that there are some people who are not allowed to leave their house without permission? Can the Europeans believe that there are some people in Europe who are not allowed to get out of their house except for gathering and demonstrations? These people are living in Ouver Sur Oise. There are some supervisors who are assigned to control those who are not satisfied with the cult or who are likely to complain and also all the walls, doors and windows are always controlled by the protection guard.
All ordinary people in the camp have had no contact to the free society for years, so they can’t speak or understand French, and they are not able to solve their personal problems independently and this is one of the obstacles against their will to leave the cult. The French government is well aware of the internal structure of MEK and its cult-like practices and inhumane behavior in Ouver Sur Oise, but it hasn’t done any significant act to remove this base and even hasn’t banned their illegal activities. If the French government builds a refugee camp ( like TIPF in Iraq) near Auver Sur Oise camp, most of the forces will leave the base ( and this is what most of the defectors wish for their ex-comrades )
But the reason that the French government hesitates to do so is simply stated by a normal French authority:” if France does so, it implies that it is itself accused of helping MEK; in Iraq the fault was on Saddam Hussein who had protected MEK for his own benefits but in France the fault will be put on the current administration that surely will not accept it.” Therefore the defectors feel a heavy responsibility to denounce the camp and the inhuman treatments inside the camp and the crimes committed by MEK leaders who hide themselves there. Maybe the French authorities will be forced to open the doors of that horrible castle.
Translation – Nejat Society
More than two decades ago when Massoud Rajavi informed of the great change and ideological revolution within Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), still believing to be active as a political group, hardly anybody first came to assume that it was actually the beginning of a long path leading the organization into the abyss of internal and external challenges. Although Rajavi’s marriage with his comrade’s wife received appreciations of a novel move in the group’s internal relations, soon the magnitude of the marriage itself was faded in comparison with other significant consequences of the move that required time to be actualized. The intended personality change in the insiders could not take effect overnight ant it really consumed time to accomplish Rajavi’s plotted ideological principles. Even Rajavi himself anticipated prolongation of the process when he said: “If you fail to comprehend now, be patient. I do not know, maybe you come to understand in one, five or ten years”.
It was in no way an overstated assertion since he knew well what would come out of his initiated revolution. Still many aspects of his devised ideological ploy and its profound effects remain concealed and beyond the scope of the world. Only in the recent years, and following the disclosures made by many defected members, the outside world has been to some extent informed of the organization’s cultic aspects and internal human tragedies. Interestingly enough, the modern world was even shocked to a great degree to learn about horrible, deplorable stories related by the ex-members about what passes inside the organization.
Of the most outrageous, scandalous cult records recently revealed are hysterectomy operations and Rajavi’s sex scandal, his polygamous marriage with the female cadres of the Leadership Council. Being under the constant influence of cultic behaviors that show most abnormal to the outsiders, the insiders and even the separated members consider them as typically normal. As expounded by Thaler Singer “If you spend enough time in any environment, you will develop a personal history of experience and interaction in it. When that environment is constructed and managed in a certain way, then the experiences, interactions, and peer relations will be consistent with whatever public identity is fostered by the environment and will incorporate the values and opinions promulgated in that environment”. 1
It is of great importance to perceive to what extent the detached members of MKO have come to incorporate abnormal experiences and interactions of the group’s cultic environment now out of that milieu. Long being engaged in cooperative activities with other comrades in an environment that hardly could they realize its cultic structure under the cover of political campaign, these members fail to perceive that they had been coerced into many abnormalities. It has to be pointed out that it is a fact most cult members have experienced and as Singer explains “when you engage in cooperative activity with peers in an environment that you do not realize is artificially constructed, you do not perceive your interactions to be coerced. And when you are encouraged but not forced to make verbal claims to "truly under- standing the ideology and having been transformed," these inter. actions with your peers will tend to lead you to conclude that you hold beliefs consistent with your actions. In other words, you will think that you came upon the belief and behaviors yourself”. 2
So explicitly explained by cult experts, the insiders and newly defected members are unaware of the change in them while in the cult and which are regarded bizarre behaviors by the outside onlookers. The defectors should know that whatever they consider as the mist ordinary, normal and unimportant are much objectionable, bizarre and abnormal to the outside societies. Then, it is best recommended that the defected members of MKO be sensitive to whatever monotonous regularity they were putting up with in the cult and to disclose them to the world to judge for itself.
1. Thaler Singer, Margaret, Cults in our midst, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; A Wiley Imprint, p.76.
2. Ibid.
In today world where the extremist terrorist thoughts are on the rise, the educated idealist man has no way except designing a spiritual direction to achieve a peaceful democratic society, analyzing all aspects of violence and its internal layers which finally ends with darkness and destruction.
The contradiction aspect of Rajavi’s terror-minded totalitarian ideology is so obvious that one can not ignore the contradiction simply. Here “The Liberal Thought” can discover the contradictions among the concepts used in Rajavi’s cult.
The condition ruling Ashraf Camp is considered as the tangible incarnation of Rajavi’s Fascist theory where a part of members suffer lack of thinking and another part revolt against closed totalitarian and solid rules of Camp Ashraf.
Under the order of a mentally sick leader, MKO’s internal relations have been designed in a way that the members are kept far from their own thoughts and have become like figures of a man without feelings and understanding.
In Rajavi’s dictatorial system, “Individuality” and “Morality” of members are not only denied but also invalided. The member doesn’t feel himself as a human being since he sees and feels everything according to the systematic indoctrinations imposed on him. The organization and on the first place the ideological leader thinks and decides instead of the members.
The contradiction exists here: The condition is directed to totalitarism and individuality denial but the innovation, free choice and will, resist against it.
According to the testimonies of the defectors of MKO, Camp Ashraf is an isolated place in the modern world and the members of Ashraf are captured in their psychological complexes that are the result of the despotic tendency of the organization.
An investigation on the internal world of MKO cult definitely shows that the group has stepped in the extremist approaches in which the organizational members must obey the leaders’ instructions for their life. To prove their devotion, the members deny their individuality what is called by the cult as the “unique devotion”.
It seems that the impossibility of expressing the most natural feelings and emotions of the residents of Camp Ashraf and its extended influence deep in the internal layers of their minds can be the subject of a psychological research to learn more about the threats of the destructive cult of Rajavi.
“Animal Farm is a classic work by George Orwell and a noted piece of literature and one of the most famous satirical allegories, which, of course, may help the reader to catapult the imagination beyond the horizons of dogmatic adherence to idealistic or Utopian thoughts. It however, represents human characteristics in an analogy of animal instincts, but it really gives insight into the Russian Revolution of 1917. Published in 1945, the book reflects events leading up to and during the Stalin era before World War II. It also mimics the doomsday of a precipitated change, brought by a modicum of bureaucratic class called as Bolsheviks.”