The controversial marriage and divorce of Massoud Rajavi with Abolhassan Bani-Sadr’s daughter, Firoozeh, is one of the issues that need to be studied in detail. That is because her divorce is concurrent with many organizational-related events including the so-called ideological marriage of Rajavi with Maryam Azudanloo, the consequent ideological revolution and disclosures about the scandalous, secret relations of Rajavi and Maryam. In this regard, the available evidences so far are only some remarks made by Abolhassan Bani-Sadr and statements by some detached members of Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCR, NLA).
Firoozeh’s divorce hardly attracted attentions since it was eclipsed by the announced ideological revolution immediately after Rajavi and Maryam marriage and only a short statement published in Mojahed announced Firoozeh’s divorce without any further explanation. Since then, Firoozeh Bani-Sadr only once and in a meeting with Ms. Batool Soltani made references about her relations with Massoud Rajavi and his voracious power-seeking. Although her revelations highlight some peculiarities of Rajavi’s character, but Ms. Soltan’s shocking disclosures about Rajavi’s sexual relations with members of the Leadership Council completely overshadowed Firoozeh’s comments. The fact is that Firoozeh’s silence in all these years on the reasons for her divorce and its aftermath is much questionable. Her silence might have been grounded on some personal considerations or the consequent frustration after the disclosures. But her silence does not seem to be much sensible, unless there are unwritten agreements and compromise, when we see that her role in Rajavi’s private life and being au courant of his relations with Maryam Azudanloo might help to illuminate one of the challenging chapters of the organization’s history. But the recent remarks of Abolhassan Bani-Sadr concerning Rajavi’s scandal refute possibility of any compromise and we have to look for causes behind Firoozeh’s silence somewhere else, the most obvious of which can be her fear of Rajavi’s retaliation.
But in relation to disclosures and statements of Ms. Soltani it should be asserted that they did not receive the attention they had to. Perhaps one reason is moral considerations and respect for reputation and honor of those who are still caught in the clutches of Rajavi’s cultic sexual exploitation. On the other hand, the audience and the critics are too shocked by her disclosures to make further queries and to examine them in detail and thus, her remarks were only publicized under a few articles of sex-themed.
But in his recent interview with Mohammad Hussein Sobhani concerning Firoozeh’s marriage with Rajavi, Abolhassan Bani-Sadr also made new references to Rajavi’s cultic exploitation. His assertions as a father indicate that he was not willing to wed his daughter to Rajavi:
You know, as a father I was opposed to their marriage, in fact, I was opposed to political marriage, to pervert marriage for political causes. But my daughter believed in independence and freedom, in political evolution. This guy (Rajavi) had talked to her in detail and they reached an agreement over a dowry of independence, freedom and nationalism. And she was also granted the right of divorce if Mr. Rajavi ever in future made a move to violate Iran’s right of independence, freedom of man and national peace.
According to the mutual agreement between Rajavi and Firoozeh stated by Bani-sadr, the divorce must have been a rational and reasonable outcome as we see Rajavi violated the conditions in practice:
And so it continued until one night when my daughter called me and I could hear her crying over the phone. She said this guy (Rajavi) had decided to move to Baghdad and had told her to make her mind either to come or divorce. I told her why are you crying? You married him on some agreed principles, now you have a choice to break your vow and go to Baghdad with him or keep it. She said she wouldn’t. I said well, right now you leave and come here and tomorrow we will apply to the municipality or anywhere else for divorcing this mister husband. You divorce him and it is finished, this guy goes his own way and you do the same.
But the second part of Mr. Bani-Sadr’s interview focuses mainly on Rajavi’s cultic exploitation, already asserted by Ms. Soltani, which can start a new theoretical and psychosocial study of his lusts and covets. Tacitly approving Ms. Soltan’s disclosures about Rajavi’s sexual exploitations, Mr. Bani-Sadr comments on the close link between sex and the absolute authority that will lead to the demise of totalitarianism at the end according to historical evidences. Since he has stressed that he has authored a new book on this subject, we hope that the book will work as a start to break the long silence and also motivate those interested in the subject to better illuminate the dark aspects. Concerning cultic authority and the destiny of peoples like Rajavi, Mr. Bani-Sadr states:
Breaking from the reality and being imprisoned in a world of fantasy fuels the urge for engaging in such activities and leads to madness. As a result, he [Rajavi] must connect to a kind of reality, an existing reality that can satisfy him. So he comes to say this is the cult that I have formed wherein any man and woman are my devotee. And he is satisfied to say I told them to divorce and they obeyed, I told them either they had to love the organization and its leadership or choose something else but they chose me. Suppose she [Ms. Soltani] is right, which I hope is not, about the sexual intercourse that took place, so it is the only fact and reality he has made a connection with in this cult, no other reality can be found beyond it because he has access to nothing else. ….. This man (Rajavi ) suffers when he has to think about any reality, and he has no other way but to retreat and seek asylum in his created world of fantasy to escape from the reality. And that is the destiny of people like Rajavi.
Remarks of Mr. Bani-Sadr are opening a new chapter on the subject of sexual relations among the cult leaders, and Rajavi in particular, and the reasons behind such unorthodox behaviors. This is a serious approach through which researchers can bring the subject onto the academic scene to study it from a variety of angles and to enlighten the public opinion about the cults’ threats. The taboo of avoiding such overwhelming plight among the societies must be broken as many western countries have already discriminated the necessity of investigation into the subject. Otherwise, people have to pay a heavy price before they come to know the threats of the cults. A predicament is just before our eyes, that is, we are witnessing one of the most inhuman cultic exploitations of the modern world and sexual enslavement of many men and women within the cult of Rajavi.
Rajavis and Cult Leadership
Man turns his look away from a photo of Massoud and Maryam in his hand, and a drop of tear rolled down his cheek to rest on the blue pillow. He let out a deep, long sigh and turned his head toward the window. The strong wind of the fall was twisting the branches together and blowing the half-dead leaves about; a strong inner turmoil and
Rajavi refuse Mehdi Fathi to return to France |
anxiety was churning up inside him. Through the trunk of the trees that seemed to get ticker every day he could see the stretched plain bordering the camp which in contrast to the trees seemed to be shrinking day after day. And he could realize his own image fixed among the autumn’s foliage.
It is now for months that he is bedridden like a piece of meat getting weaker and weaker. He is no more than a hollow-eyed man with black rings around them and hardly able to move his limbs. The past weeks were a grueling battle of death and life, a monotony of looking at his pale face in the mirror and the lengthened silence of his room made it more intolerable. The daylight filled him with delight although it ended with a sad nightfall, but the worse was an overwhelming pain that extended into the entire night. He had been told the previous day that they had done whatever they could to relieve the suffering pain that had filled all his cells. Rahman, his organizational senior in charge, had told him that brother Massoud (Rajavi) had been informed of his condition but all he had done to relieve the pain was to send a signed photo of himself and Maryam and a watch with an engraved logo of the organization instead of transferring him to a Hospital in Baghdad to receive due medical treatment. Perhaps it was the magic of the photo, said to be taken in the last days of brother Massoud and sister Maryam’s residence in Camp Ashraf, that was thought to bear the power to alleviate him! Watching him closely to see any trace of reaction, Rahman would say that it was a brand-new photo; and he only nodded without looking at Rahman who was quoting brother Rajavi saying it was the most serious juncture of the struggle against the regime and that they resisted transferring any patient to Iraqi hospitals unless the Iraqi authorities agreed to let interpreters accompany them to hospitals. And an agonizing pain ran through his body as he just listened, since he knew well that brother Massoud would never change his mind as he had never done before.
At dusk, a nurse came into the room carrying a tray of dinner and medicine. “How are you?”, she said. “Comrades did a terrific job today! They made it a hard day for the regime’s agents. Brother Olfat says they will clear out in two or three days if we continue as we did today. What do you say?” She did not wait for a response and began to prepare for an injection while she was eying him from the corner of her eye. And he turned on the bed to let her do her job.
He came to himself when he heard the door closing. The nurse had gone and he tried his best to sit on the bed. He gulped down the pills all with a glass of water and pushed away the tray of dinner. He reached out for the notebook next to the photo of Massoud and Maryam. He tried to write, as he always did at this same hour. The cover bore a smiling photo of brother Massoud and a quote that the daily “regular confessions”* had priority over the daily prayers. He took the black pen between his weak and bony fingers and began to write languorously: “Confession: today, I had some moments of doubt. I’m not well at all. The pain is killing. I do not know how this terrible and grueling condition can be overcome, but it can be made a little better than what it is. I do not know how long I can last out, but I also see no convincing reason to be kept in such a condition. Suffering from an incurable disease does not mean to sit and wait …”
A sudden dizziness overtook him and the pen slid out of his fingers. He opened his mouth to cry for help but no voice came out. His hand went to the small table beside his bed and knocked the photo and a jug of water over. He fell and his face hit the bed. He lost his consciousness.
He had a strange feeling of lightness, floating between the sky and the earth. It was a hard try to half-open his eyes to see many shadows moving around his bed. One in white was bending over him to examine his eyes with a flashlight. He could hardly understand what the doctor said but in the dimness he could see he was desperate and anxious. From under his half-closed eyelids he could see the oxigen tube inserted into his nose. He felt a stethoscope cold as a piece of ice gliding down his chest and heard the buzz of some medical equipment over his head. Little by little he came to realize where he was and why he was bedridden; a silent soliloquy began to form in his mind.
Damn these eyelids, they disturb me remaining half-closed! As it is the problem with my mouth, unable to utter a word, as I am frozen in a never-ending wonder. And this damn earsplitting bubbling of the tube in my nose! I cannot remember where I read you could go through your past when the death is near. Now I can only remember yesterday when Mahdi, Rahim, Rahman and other comrades were around my bed. Some tried to hearten me and others were joking, as if I was not to die in a few days. But I had no doubt about it and knew that I had no more than a few weeks or days to end it forever. Strangely, I cannot identify what passed yesterday with what I can now see through my half-closed eyelids! Now I see Rahman whispering something into the doctor’s ear; a meaningful smile appeared on their faces and they nodded to each other. I can hear Rahman asking the doctor “what percent” but the doctor was too vague to comprehend. And I can hear Rahman’s broken words: “unfortunately, … we have run of it, … you know, .. for the same reasons … brother Massoud … it can be turned into a frontline of resistance … to repulse the hirelings. For him it makes no difference to be today or next week, but it is critical for us at the moment. And brother Massoud has also found it right.”
What is he talking about? What reasons? What are they hurrying for? And again I hear Rahman saying: “I understand, but all are waiting, he is the key to open a stuck lock and the primer to blast a big bomb. He can provoke emotions and no doubt, works to disrepute Maleki and the regime”.
And questions one after each are boiling in my head. I see the doctor leaving the room angrily. Two more people that I do not know enter and approach my bed. What are they doing? One begins to draw out the inserted cannulas and the other detaches the wires from my body and a third one that I do not know takes the oxygen mask. What are they doing? I try to be optimistic. Perhaps I never needed all these tubes and equipment attached to me. Yes, maybe once more I have defeated the death and they are taking me to the ward where my other comrades are. They push a stretcher next to my bed but they do not seem to behave friendly.
Oh, why my eyelids feel so heavy. Everywhere is cold and white. All my body is numb and I feel sleepy. Rahman is looking into my eyes but his face is beginning to blur. Now I am entering a dark, endless tunnel and feel as light as a feather. Neither can I hear, nor see, nor understand, nor feel any pain. Anything is different; I am experiencing a new feeling, like a total transfer to a new thing, a new place, like waking from a horrible nightmare to pass into a sweet dream. Still I do not know what is really happening! All I feel is comfort and lightness and I am enjoying the beginning of a journey, an irresistible urge to cross the bounds of despair into the absolute happiness. The journey is tempting and I long to proceed into the fantastic world; I am much delighted, and with the same enthusiasm slowly I close my eyes.
*. “regular confessions” is a regular monitoring technique within the cult of Mojahedin to have the mind and behavioral changes of the insiders under control. Members are forced to write a daily or weekly confession and take part in inquisition sessions through which members have to confess before others of their thoughts and intentions and to renew allegiance to the ideology and the ideological leadership of the organization.
After one year families of MKO hostages in Camp Ashraf refuse to go away
Zionist-backed Mojahedin-e Khalq revert to type. The families of MEK cult members held hostage in Camp Ashraf are subjected to violent attacks by Massoud Rajavi’s Special Guard. The cult enclave is surrounded by the families of the people inside who are asking to have contact with their loved ones. The worst fear of Rajavi is for his cult members to have contact with the outside world.
Over the past few months the families have begun approaching the fence all around the camp perimeter trying to engage with the members inside and talk with them.
Now, in order to prevent them from contacting the ordinary members, Rajavi has introduced an extra security system to try to force them back. Undaunted the families continue to approach the fence and engage with the MEK’s security force.
The systematic nature of the security patrol is clear. The MEK have introduced extra lookout posts around the perimeter mounted on trucks. There are also mobile patrols which travel the perimeter road watching for the families. When the patrols discover the families approaching, the MEK security forces are mobilised. These forces are organised. They do not engage with the families but are immediately hostile. They quickly escalate the encounter from aggressively shouting at the families to go away and swearing at them, to throwing stones and using catapults to launch missiles (some of them made of metal scraps). This is not a spontaneous reaction but is a deliberate action to prevent the families getting close to the perimeter.
It is notable that the perimeter fence has been added to with the extension facing inward and the barbed wire all on the inside. This is clearly designed to keep people in rather than prevent anyone outside from entering the camp. It should be plain from this that Camp Ashraf has become a prison for the ordinary members.Download Rajavi deploys his Special Guard to attack families with catapults
The film shows an Iraqi soldier going to investigate an encounter at one of the boundaries of the camp. The two men on this side of the fence are, an MEK member (in buff jacket) who managed to escape the camp only several months ago, and an Iraqi Farsi translator (in black jacket and holding walkie talkie). The MEK member inside the camp is angrily gesticulating and shouting at the two outside telling them to go away and starts throwing stones.
Over the past few months the families have begun approaching the fence all around the camp perimeter trying to engage with the members inside and talk with them. In order to prevent them from contacting the ordinary members, Rajavi has introduced an extra security system to try to force them back. Undaunted the families continue to approach the fence and engage with the MEK’s security force.
The systematic nature of the security patrol is clear. The MEK have introduced extra lookout posts around the perimeter mounted on trucks. There are also mobile patrols which travel the perimeter road watching for the families. When the patrols discover the families approaching, the MEK security forces are mobilised. These forces are organised. They do not engage with the families but are immediately hostile. They quickly escalate the encounter from aggressively shouting at the families to go away and swearing at them, to throwing stones and using catapults to launch missiles (some of them made of metal scraps). This is not a spontaneous reaction but is a deliberate action to prevent the families getting close to the perimeter.
It is notable that the perimeter fence has been added to with the extension facing inward and the barbed wire all on the inside. This is clearly designed to keep people in rather than prevent anyone outside from entering the camp. It should be plain from this that Camp Ashraf has become a prison for the ordinary members.
Download Ex member encounters a MKO security unit in camp Ashraf
Rajavi’s Cult and the Mirage of Toppling Iranian Government
A mirage is a naturally occurring optical phenomenon in which high rays are bent to produce a displaced image of distant objects or the sky. You may be thirsty wandering in a hot dry desert and then you think you are seeing water in a farther area so you use all your efforts to reach the water but after walking a very long way, you finally figure out that you saw a mirage. This is the exact story of defectors of Rajavi’s Cult.
The MKO members captured in camp Ashraf are shown that mirage every day. They survive with the hope of a better future but sooner or later they realize that all they are told in the group is just like a mirage thus they start thinking of a way to release themselves but they find no way.
Regarding your personality you will realize the truth sooner or later.The mirage world is actually made by Massoud Rajavi and that’s the near overthrow of Islamic Republic. He first used this tactic in 1980. Forces who had joined MKO were mostly honest Idealists who trusted the organization, so they were simply manipulated by Rajavi. They accepted all his analysis and theories. They never hesitated to think about them. However, such mechanism had limits. The more members waited for the overthrow of regime, the less they trusted the leader. So they began doubting the promises of their leader.
The above-mentioned tactic is still used in MKO. Massoud Rajavi still assigns deadline and members are planned to stay hopeful until that mentioned date. The last deadline Massoud Rajavi was speaking of before my defection was October 7th, 2010 when Iraqi new government was supposed to be appointed.
Rajavi was hopeful that Iyad Alavi would be the new Iraqi Prime Minister thinking that he would resolve the group’s complicated situation in Iraq. All MKO activities were focused on that hope. They tried to gain support of foreign politicians for Alavi. No matter how Rajavi’s support for Alavi benefited or harmed Alavi’s fame!
This was the mirage Rajavi painted for members: Alavi would achieve power, Ashraf gates would be open for him, he would come to Ashraf so we would be able to take our arms back and we would restart operations against Iran.
Such a theory succeeded to influence members extensively and removed a lot of tensions in the group.
As usual his last promise didn’t come true. Now he has to think of a new mirage to show his forces in order to maintain them. That is the bitter reality of my life and the lives of Ashraf residents.
Since the argument of "overthrow" seems to be charming to forces, MKO leaders serve all arguments with the Sauce of Overthrow! For example to justify the divorce and marriage of Maryam Rajavi and the so-called Ideological Revolution, public forced divorces of members … they portrayed the mirage of overthrowing the regime so they became able to make long-life slaves out of members.
Today Massoud Rajavi’s old tactic doesn’t work anymore. I ask my ex-comrades not to get in to his trap. I advise them to be courageous, to remove the bars Rajavi put on their minds and to step in free world. I promise you that everything MKO leaders tell you about outside world is pure lie.
Believe me! You will not morph into pigs! You will not be arrested by IRI intelligence agents! You will be capable to decide for your fate!
Translated by Nejat Society
The transfer of the control of Camp Ashraf to Iraqi forces since 2008 and the Iraqi government’s determination to make a decisive decision about the residents of Ashraf has enraged Rajavi and his propaganda machine into a broad campaign against the Iraqi government. MKO’s first reaction was arranging a series of suicidal operations. On July 29, 2009 there was a report of deadly clashes between hundreds of Iraqi police forces and the members of MKO residing in Camp Ashraf that left 11 members dead and scores injured from the both side. While the reasons for the clash was said to be unclear at first, few knew that it was a pre-organized self-destruction plan by a number of Rajavi’s devotees to provoke Iraqi forces to trigger the clash that was well videotaped and broadcasted by the organization itself.
While the Iraqi forces and their commanders were still under the shock of the suicidal and violent behavior of the camp residents, MKO felt easy to feed its propaganda machine for months. Of course, after the events the Iraqi authorities, not acquainted with the group’s self-destructive tactics, were more cautious to adopt appropriate methods when dealing with MKO. The prudential measures were aimed first to secure the rightful demands and rights of Iraqi people and second, to restrict and prevent MKO’s misinformation apparatus and propaganda blitz as its adopted post-disarmament tactic. Despite all these efforts, Rajavi was, and is, focusing on an interlocking violent-political campaign to achieve two objectives; first, to draw attention of the international community through fraudulent claims and misinformation, most of which are distributed and circulated by the group’s paid or naïve political advocates. By rising tension at the camp against the Iraqi plans that are aimed at rightful measures to have more control over the camp, Rajavi also intends to show a martyred image of the residents to question the legitimacy and capability of the Iraqi government in holding the control of Camp Ashraf in an attempt to return the protection of the camp to the US forces.
Now, it has turned to be Rajavi’s short-term strategic goal and agenda. In this hostile and antagonistic behavior against the Iraqi government MKO is also invoking the support of many Western advocates who are engaged in an endless battle of condemning the Iraqi Government and calling for the establishment of US forces in Ashraf voicing that these forces have an obligation to provide the residents’ permanent protection. But they are not the sole means to accomplish Rajavi’s ends. The best means at hand are the members of the organization themselves who are victimized as human-shields to bulwark Rajavi’s cult bastion. However, as the international community is misinformed of what is really happening at the camp and its vicinity, Rajavi at the present grabs at two opportunities to accomplish the above stated objectives.
One is feeding his propaganda machine by making groundless claims following the continued and prolonged picketing of the families of the members outside the camp, families that are deprived of their rights and prevented to meet their enslaved children and relatives unconditionally and without his security monitoring. He blames the families of being a pack of Iranian and Iraqi agents tasked with torturing and disturbing the camp residents psychologically by installing multiple speakers around the camp. Of course, the truth is that the installed speakers are the only means the families have found working to have their voices heard by the insiders to counter Rajavi’s security measures and the falsely made claims.
The patients in the Camp Ashraf suffering from a variety of chronic and acute illness are also callously manipulated as the tools of propaganda. To baffle rightful judgment by perversion and to misuse humanitarian emotions of the world and evoking sympathy of outsiders toward Ashraf residents, Rajavi claims that the patients are prevented by the Iraqi forces to be transferred to Baghdad hospitals for receiving due treatment. Of course, Ashraf residents have no problem in transferring their patients to Iraqi hospitals and the Iraqi authorities have never ceased the entrance of medicine and other necessary medical facilities to the camp. What is opposed to is the exit of attendant agents that the Ashraf leaders insist to be accompanying the patients. On the one hand they voice concerns about the worsened condition of the patients suffering from cancer, cardiopulmonary, respiratory, and other deadly diseases, on the other hand they object to sending out patients unaccompanied and unsupervised.
To justify the escort of patients, it is stated that the patients need interpreters in hospitals to help them explain their illnesses and suffering. At the first look it sounds reasonable, but for those familiar with MKO’s system of control and security it means a strict, cultic method of control that contradicts disconnection of the members from the main body even for a short period of time. And you may become even more suspicious when you come to consider that the insiders, and the patients among them, are unable to express a few Arabic and English words after at least a two-decade long stay in Iraq. And a question for sure may form in the minds that who are these claimed interpreters so liable that nobody else in whole Iraq can undertake their job. What are the cult leaders really anxious about is not the precarious condition of the patients but losing their powerful cult grip over the life and minds of the enslaved individuals in case they leave the camp alone.
What the outsiders are not generally aware of is the methods and ploys Rajavi has developed to control the members’ lives. The watching and controlling measures that monitor the members even in their privacy never permit any risk of leaving a member alone with an outsider, be it a health caretaker or a member of his/her own family. That is why Rajavi objects to letting the member out of the camp or meeting their families alone and unsupervised. He knows well that the thought-reform atmosphere within the camp that is reinforced by a collective modeling behavior of the members prevents insiders from challenging his system, but any short contact with the world outside will open their eyes to the reality in a flash.
The death of a few patients, who have to otherwise risk their life as human shields even if healthy, benefits Rajavi’s system both in winning a propaganda warfare against the Iraqi government and safeguarding the internal integrity of its cult structure. Indeed, all humanitarian claims of Rajavi and bizarre games he plays are rooted in his personal concerns and his fear of organizational collapse that has so far survived even years after the collapse of his patron dictator in Iraq.
Mr. Ali Abdi succeeded to escape Rajavi’s Cult last week. He joined the families who are on strike at Ashraf gates. Sahar Family Foundation interviewed Mr. Abdi who was taken as a war prisoner by Iraqi forces in 1985 when he was a service-man of Iranian army. In 1988 he was recruited by MKO agent, Mehdi Abrishamchi . Since he was sick and tired of hard life in Iraqi prisons, he was deceived by MKO’s propaganda and entered Camp Ashraf.
Two years ago, Mr. Abdi had declared his defection to the group leaders and had insisted on his departure for the last ten months but the cult leaders had told him:
"since families are at Ashraf gates now, your departure signifies a red line. You are not a Mujahed anymore and not a member of the organization but you have to be present in our relations and attend our gatherings. The situation is not appropriate now because of Iraqi election. If we send you out right now, your name will be used as a political trump against us."
Ali Abdi notified for SFF, "families presence at Ashraf gates has enormously impressed members but the group heads have completely blocked any runaway way."
He also clarified the true atmosphere in the cult of Rajavi;
"There is a logic in MKO and that is the entire world is limited to Camp Ashraf which has been created by Massoud Rajavi. In fact, there is an outside reality that Ashraf captives should be let know."
He described the sever controlling system over the risk of members’ runaway from Camp Ashraf,
"Previously we had no patrolling post in our units, but nowadays ,there are 6 of the most loyal members who always patrol the units and a duty officer supervises them . The members have lost their entire confidence to the group and their minds face a lot of contradictions. They should report their contradictory thoughts every day so the leaders doubt every one and fear their escape. "
About the loudspeakers via which families try to encourage their children to visit them, he says ,
"the sound of loudspeakers have made the group leaders really nervous. They try hard to keep members away from loud speakers. If you seem to be listening to their voice, you will be punished."
Translated by Nejat Society
Rajavi’s Cult and his self-made prison
When I was released from Rajavi’s prison and found myself in free world, I was still mentally captured by Rajavi’s indoctrinations so all the timeI was challenging myself on the decision I had made. After some time when I saw Iraqis’ warm behavior, I changed my mind that had been manipulated by Rajavi for years.
MKO leader had always tried to make a terrible enemy out of Iraqi new government. Despite my expectations, they offered me all facilities in the hotel including a cell phone that I had never seen during my 25- year period of membership in MKO. I was shocked just like a caveman from ancient time.
After the so-called Ideological Revolution in the group and the consequent forced divorces, we had to attend brainwashing sessions where members had to report their sexual thoughts. I always wondered why such meetings? I couldn’t solve the contradiction of those meetings where members were deeply involved in sexual thoughts. I often tried not to listen to the others’ reports otherwise I was sexually aroused.
Definitely Rajavi has a particular objective of these meetings. He wants to keep members minds busy in order to distract them from thinking about their main problem (slavery in the cult).
Rajavi had killed the whole emotions I might have felt for my parents. Immediately after my escape, I was not willing to contact my family because I was still mentally captured by the organization’s indoctrinations. I hesitated to ask them for finding my home’s phone number but after the first phone call my heart started defrosting. Affections of my family made me find my human aspect to the extent that now I am much eager to see them helping my mother cope with the entire grieve she tolerated in those years of separation.
When you are in MKO, You are never allowed to write a letter or to make a phone call to your family. If there is any contact, it should be along with the organization’s political or financial benefits. Rajavi wants everything for his own interest. He cites from Lenin that he is able to wear skirt in order to achieve his goals. He actually believes in the logic, "The Ends Justify the Means."
I’m thankful to God for my release from Rajavi’s prison. Now I am able to realize what is really going on in the world. It’s true that Rajavi stole 25 years of my life and now I’m not young anymore but I can use my experience as a guide for those who are still imprisoned behind the bars of Rajavi-made mental prison. I can warn those who are at risk of being manipulated and recruited by the cult.
The fearmongers of MKO always terrify the members of leaving the group . When I was in Camp Ashraf I also thought of committing suicide since I was so frightened from my future either inside or outside the camp.
I was absolutely courageous that I dared to make up my mind to run away.
In brainwashing sessions, Rajavi uses all kinds of tricks and lies to control members. For example he says: "If you leave the organization, you will be morphed into pigs and go to nowhere land then you will disappear!" As an eye- witness who was in MKO for 25 years, I’m ready to present my testimonies in any court.
We were told that Iraqi hotels were centers of corruption but when I entered the hotel I was shocked to see none of those lies came true.
I wondered why Rajavi’s words and thoughts were still occupying my mind. After thinking a lot, I figured out that although I was physically released, my mind was still involved with the group’s indoctrinations. Thus, I tried to break those bars of my mind. By observing more realities, I could manage to face my new life. I don’t let any other person to decide for my fate.
Translated by Nejat Society
Former Mojahedin-e Khalq Members Back Iraqi Citizens and GOI Demand to Oust MEK (MKO, NCRI) in Camp Ashraf from Iraq
In a letter by Massoud Khodabandeh (, to the Government of Iraq, former members of Iranian terrorist group Mojahedin-e Khalq backed “a large and peaceful gathering of citizens, Council representatives from the Diyala Province and NGOs from all over Iraq, calling for the removal of foreign terrorist group Mojahedin-e Khalq from their country.”
As expected, due to “threats in its western based media in the days running up to the gathering”, MEK members attacked demonstrators, reporters and Iraqi security personnel, and even “exhibited self-inflicted head wounds as they followed orders to pretend that Iraqi security forces had attacked them.” Iraqi citizens from Diyala Province where the MEK military garrison Camp Ashraf has remained since 1986, described the MEK presence as a “cancer or a nightmare for their society.” They were joined by Iranian families of MEK members who have remained at the camp gates for eleven months trying to find relatives who they say are held hostage by Massoud Rajavi inside the camp – “a place where no marriage or childbirth has taken place for two decades and from which there is no means of contact with the outside world.”
The letter points to the “clear congruence between the aims of the Iranian families of the hostages and all those Iraqis who have lost loved ones, possessions and land at the hands of the MKO…” and asks the GOI to “invite independent observers from Western countries to visit the camp in order to see for themselves what is happening there”.
The greatest concern says the Open Letter is for current victims inside Camp Ashraf because “MEK leader Massoud Rajavi is denying seriously ill members from accessing life-saving medical treatment because he benefits from the publicity surrounding their deaths which – using lies and misinformation in his western media outlets – he seeks to blame on your government.”
Former MEK members say there is “urgent need for independent human rights investigators to be given free and unfettered access to check on the situation of every person resident in the camp – that is with no interference by MEK leaders…”.
The letter concludes, “it is only fair to ask Europe and America, where we have witnessed extensive favours toward the group, to take and house the remaining aging people trapped in this camp.”
Rajavi plans to incites brainwashed Mojahedin Khalq to burn themselves and self-harm after failure of his strategy to escape the crisis engulfing Camp Ashraf
Alnakhel news – confirmed the news from inside Camp Ashraf that after the failure of Massoud Rajavi’s strategy to save the terrorist camp, he has incited the brainwashed Mojahedin to burn themselves to get out of the impasse that surrounds the camp. Alnakhel news agency reported the possibility of the elimination of members with cancer or other diseases in the MKO terrorist group by forcing them to commit suicide by burning themselves individually or collectively.
The aim of the leaders of this criminal group by forcing members to commit suicide or self-immolation is to point the finger of blame at the Iraqi government so that it shoulder more burdens and face more problems at this time.
In addition to the torture of the MKO members, cult leader Rajavi initiated the anti-humanitarian act …to deny families who have gathered at the camp gates from seeing their children, and on the other hand to prevent the families from checking the health of their loved ones.
Iraqi police intervened last week through inspection of the [MKO] hospital, which is part of the sovereignty of Iraq, to provide medicine and doctors. But the MKO leaders took the initiative to send members to injure themselves to prevent the entry of Iraqi police to the hospital.
In this way, the MKO aims to accuse the Iraqi forces of beating its members so as to create a grievance in order to prevent them from deciding in the affairs of the hospital and the need for medicines and doctors to treat patients. This criminal act comes at the time when Rajavi on one hand sends patients to the best hospitals in the Iraqi capital who are treated by the best doctors and specialists, and on the other hand claims he was facing problems in the treatment of patients due to restrictions imposed by the Iraqi government.
It is worth mentioning that the MKO had initiated the liquidation of a number of its members before and after the occupation of Iraq and claimed then that they were killed in U.S. air raids. A number of witnesses dismissed these false allegations out of hand and said they were killed by members of the MKO group.
Nakhel news, Baghdad – translated by Iran Interlink