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The toppled regime of Saddam Hussein actively supported international terrorism, and the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation, led by Massoud Rajavi, was at the top of the list of these terrorist organisations.
— The Mojahedin as part of Saddam’s military played a decisive role in the suppression of the internal uprisings in Iraq in 1991, and are responsible for the massacre of many Iraqi Shiites and Kurds who opposed Saddam. -
The European Union published Tuesday an updated list of persons and groups that the 25-member European bloc designates as terrorists.
The Iranian Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO), which was put on the EU’s terrorist list in 2002, remains on the new blacklist. -
..where many papers have failed to publish over the past few days because of an election holiday, one daily is optimistic, while another links the vote to a call for the expulsion of a controversial Iranian rebel group.
Commentary in Iraq’s independent Al-Shahid Now that Iraqis have voted on their new constitution which has put an end to the presence of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation in Iraq, -
On the eve of the trial of the toppled Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, some former members of the Mojahedeen Khalq Organsation (MKO) aka PMOI demanded that the leader of the outlawed Organisation and some of his close associates be also tried for “crimes against both the Iraqi and Iranian peoples”.
“Leaving the determination of whether a group is a ‘foreign terrorist organization’ to the executive branch … is both a reasonable and a constitutional way to make such determinations,”Judge Andrew Kleinfeld wrote for a three-judge panel. …. The ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was made in a case involving people who raised money in California for Mujahedin-e Khalq, or MEK,
It coincided with the MKO, which is already a proscribed terrorist group in the UK, being allowed holding its latest campaign meeting in London under its so-called front group, the National Council of Resistance.
The German weekly “Focus” quoted a former CIA employee and said that the US is spying on Iran by using Mojahedin-e Khalq members.
Beside the pictures of MKO tanks (which were received from Saddam Hussein), Focus quoted Ray McGovern saying: “There’s no doubt in Washington that this group (MKO) can be a good leverage against Iran.” -
Three former members of terrorist MKO (Mojahedin-e khalq organization) joined their families in special ceremony held in Shahid Beheshti Hall in the city of Kurdkooy….In this event, full of tears and happiness, the former members detailed MKO’s crimes.