Mujahedin Khalq Organization as a terrorist group

On the Anniversary of a Terrorist Operation

MKO’s resort to armed struggle was the beginning of a bloody chapter in Iranian history that contains numerous pages of violence and terror perpetrated by the terrorist organization. Following many scattered instances of terrorist operations resulting in the killing of many innocent civilians and Iranian ranks, the next second blow came in August 30, 1981.

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America, Saudis and Terrorism

…it has killed far more Iraqis than al-Qaeda in Iraq and killed far more people worldwide than Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda. It kidnaps children, sexually abuses, tortures and murderers it’s victims, carries out suicide attacks (mainly on Iraqi Shia population) and was a key part of Saddam oppressive regime…

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Anti-Terror Convention in Mashhad

“The convention was mainly aimed at discussing the issue of terrorism in Iran and Iraq, providing solutions for this phenomenon, exposing the crimes of terrorist MKO and revealing the involvement of MKO leaders in Saddam’s atrocities against Shiites and Sunnis.””More than 40 Iraqi authorities and officials, including three university professors, five attorneys and two judges, joined the convention.”

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East French Rail Lines in Terror Alert

The news went on to say that information received from the Luxemburg authorities claim that the four of Iranian origin are closely linked to the Mojahedin Khalq Organization Headquarters in France. The rail system between France and Luxemburg has been interrupted for almost twenty-four hours and security has been increased as France investigates this terrorist alert.

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Tancredo supporting MEK terrorists

It is unfortunate that Rep. Tom Tancredo doesn’t follow his own advice. Like so many other U.S. officials he doesn’t want foreign intrusion into U.S. affairs, but he doesn’t have a problem with interfering in other nations’ affairs. Below is a letter that Rep. Tom Tancredo sent to the French government imploring them to stop arresting and deporting a certain group of illegal immigrants. Not only are these people illegal immigrants in the country

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The Emergence of a Second Al-Qaeda

Now, nearly after six years after the world has unanimously approved the decisive combat against terrorism and it is legally put into practice in many countries, certain terrorist groups, especially those on the world’s terror lists, are jeopardizing people’s security where the chaos is at zenith under the pretext of war against terrorism. Furthermore, not only we see no instances of a terrorist group being uprooted but we hear news of the new ones emerging.

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MEK Contacts Detained in Karbala

Police spokesman in Karbala announced that police forces in the province have arrested 3 men in connection with MEK who carried documents on political and religious figures of Karbala. According to AFP, Rahman Mashavi, police spokesman in Karbala, said that they were arrested after police received intelligence on their entrance to the city in Al-Husseinieh area, 20 Km north of the city.

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Exigency of Monitoring Mojahedin’s Moves

Such negligence is expected to be legally investigated in your government. Legally adopted countermeasures like that of freezing assets hardly seem to be productive against a terrorist cult that none of its financial sources is legal. Has the coalition forces’ control of MKO Camp Ashraf proved to have contributed to group’s ceasing suspicious terrorist moves and interfering in

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