Mujahedin Khalq Organization as a terrorist group

The reasons of Rajavi’s Cult stay in FTO list

The US confirms that MEK leadership and members across the world maintain the capacity and will to commit terrorist acts in Europe, the Middle East, the United States, Canada and beyond. -MEK had been one of the most violent movements opposed to Pahlavi Dynasty and its close relationship to the United States (fighting America was along with their fight against Imperialism and appeasement of communism )

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Iranian TV Documentary on Mojahedin Khalq

Last night, Iranian National TV aired a documentary on Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). The program called “The Wolves”, the first part of a serial, scrutinizes into MKO’s history following the Islamic revolution in Iran and its armed and terrorist activities since its declaration of armed struggle against the newly established Islamic government.

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Terrorists’ Justified Armed Resistance

Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization has recently started a new move in Scandinavian countries against the EU to remove its name from the terrorist list. Of course, many of those who concur with MKO to antagonize its proscription, are not fully or at all acquainted with the group’s past history of bloody terrorist moves …

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What makes a terrorist?

The White House is peopled by students of Kissinger, so it comes as no surprise the White House and Pentagon are using Kissinger’s doctrine to make lemonade out of their Iraq-war lemons. Just as the U.S. normalized relations with China (effectively ending the cold war in the east), relations with Iran will eventually become more friendly (particularly if the U.S. can count on cooperation from the likes of Turkey and

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Proscribed terrorist MKO attack the Seminar on”Cults and Violence”in Paris

about 50 members of the proscribed terrorist entity, Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO) who had been dispatched from Britain, Belgium, Switzerland, Netherlands and Germany, attacked a seminar organised by the Association for the Protection of Iranian Immigrants. The venue was at FIAP in the 14th District of Paris. The attackers used knives, broken bottles, etc and injured many of the guests as well as some of the organisers. More than 13 people were injured seriously

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Unleash of Terrorists, the Perilous Disaster

After September 11th terrorist acts, EU countries coordinated their activities against terrorism and one of their decisions was to block bank accounts of those in the list. Decision on the inclusion in the terrorist list is made in “Clearing House” where representatives of security agencies meet. It then is discussed in the Conference of Ambassadors and eventually is passed in the EU Council of Ministers.

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The Decision Unfulfilled

…revealing that the White House, gearing up for invading Iraq, distributed a background paper listing the MEK as a pretext for a future war with Iraq. The paper provides evidences that Iraq is notoriously known to sponsor terrorism and is a bastion of terrorist groups including MEK. The paper’s first evidences are …

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MKO Members Attack Al-Anbakie

15 Rajavi cult members (Mojahedin Khalq) killed when they attacked people in Al- Anbakieh Reports indicate that elements of Mojahedin-e khalq organization have attacked the residents of Al-Anbakieh area near Al-Meqdadieh; this group has faced resistance by the families and consequently 15 members of this terrorist group have been killed.

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