Mujahedin Khalq Organization as a terrorist group


Seven people were arrested at Los Angeles’ international airport on 27 February on charges of raising over $1 million for the MKO/PMOI. In a tactic common to MKO operatives, they posed as charity workers and solicited funds for orphans…This investigation has revealed that the money was really used to support terrorist actions..The operation was initiated by the German Bundeskriminalamt (BKA), which informed the FBI

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Charity Event May Have Terrorist Link

Pentagon adviser Richard N. Perle, a strong advocate of war against Iraq, spoke last weekend at a charity event that U.S. officials say may have had ties to an alleged terrorist group seeking to topple the Iranian government and backed by SaddamHussein….Perle, in an interview, said he was unaware of any involvement by the terrorist group, known as the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), and believed he was assisting the victims of the Bam earthquake

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Iranian opposition challenges to drop terror label

Iranian exiles linked to an opposition group Washington considers terrorist gathered Thursday to demand US President George W. Bush support them…..Rajavi, president of the opposition group, cannot enter the United States because the council and its armed wing, the People’s Mujahedeen(PMOI/MKO/NCR), are considered terrorist organizations by the US government and the European Union. Its detractors call the organization a Marxist cult ..

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