blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Ali Akbar Rastgou

Keep Mojahedin Khalq on terrorist List

On November the 25th the listing of the Iranian “Mojahedin-e Khalq” organization (MKO/MEK), aka “People´s Mojahedin Organization of Iran” (PMOI) with its political wing, the “National Council of Resistance of Iran” (NCRI) and its military wing, the “National Liberation Army” (NLA) on the Consolidated List has to be extended. Since years, the MKO tries to appear …

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Open letter to Michael James Tottoen

As a journalist with knowledge about the middle east, especially Iraq and Iran, you certainly know that the MEK/MKO/PMOI is a cultish organization with no support among the most Iranians (exiles as those living in Iran). The majority of the Iranians despise the MEK for their alliance with Saddam Hussein in the 80s and for their position against the nuclear program…

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Open letter to Mrs. Dana M Popa, Romania

siimilar to the other european support-organizations, like the „Deutsch Solidaritätskommitee für einen freien Iran (DSFI)“, „The British Parliamentary Commitee for Iran Freedom“ – – or „Friends of a Free Iran“ in the European Parliament, the „Comitetul Parlamentarilor Romani Pentru Iranul Liber …

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Rights group warn German Interior Minister of MKO

Rajavi’s retreat from her propaganda campaign and spending billions of dollars for retention of Camp Ashraf, her collaboration for the dissolution of the camp and resettlement of hundreds of MKO aka MEK/PMOI members all confirms the suspicion that Mujahedin-e Khalq organization sees the struggle for Ashraf a futile effort, and at the present time she is trying to help the leadership (in Camp Ashraf) escape with their lives.

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Open Letter to Catherine Ashton

To prevent such a bloodshed we are convinced, that it is necessary to offer the Ashraf residents the contact to their families and the “real world” outside the gates of Camp Ashraf, to reveal them alternatives to the violent fight for Camp Ashraf, which they presumably do not beware of because of the PMOI/MKO/MEK propaganda and indoctrination. We want to give the people in Camp Ashraf the possibility to recognize, that they can decide on themselves..

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An Open Letter to US President

As a former member of the Mojahedin-e Khalq, Iranian terrorist group based in Iraq, I have always lived in fear since I’ve left the group; fear from being assassinated or kidnapped by the MKO …9/11 events stressed this fact that the idea of getting to political aims by terrorism, anywhere in world with any justification, only helps its expansion. These attacks once again attracted world’s attention to terrorism and exposed the uniform nature of all terrorists….terrorism is not limited to Taliban and Bin Laden..

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