blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Bahar Irani

The Least Required Qualifications for the Custody of Iraqi Children

Maryam Rajavi’s announced readiness to take care of 1,000 Iraqi orphans and pay for all their expenses in Camp Ashraf is supposed to be a bid to attain certain political interests and especially to strengthen her group’s foothold in Iraqi soil. Hardly can it be considered a humanitarian move since Mojahedin’s phased ideological revolution had already targeted destabilizing relative emotional attachments

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Abuse of Children and MKO’s Least Achievement

In her speech made on 30 June in Paris, Maryam Rajavi, Mojahedin’s cult she-guru, announced her group’s readiness to look after of 1,000 Iraqi orphans. The unexpected demand might be considered a humanitarian move unless you are familiar with MKO’s terrorist and cult nature. But those familiar with the group’s internal relation presuppose differently

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The Shaped Destiny of Children in the Ideological Revolution (10)

Mojahedin are believed to be the sole organization that the impact of their activities has imposed heavy costs on whoever is in the reach of its surroundings. In the same way, the tragic destiny of children in MKO, before and after the ideological revolution, has not been investigated sufficiently. Political, fundraising as well as emotional exploitation of children by Mojahedin ..

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Behavior Control Techniques in Mojahedin Cult (8)

..intra-organizational controlling procedures in order to exercise a permanent and all-out mental, emotional and political control over the insiders. It was aimed to break members’ ties of attachment to anything and replace them with an ideological, political and social dependence to Rajavi’s leadership… .

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The Purport of Individuality in Mojahedin Cult (7)

the groups and organizations that adhere to Marxism in violent warfare and social struggle have the same understanding of individuality. In some instances, they blend Marxist views with that of religious instructions while considering a priority for the former over the latter. For these organizations, individuality means smearing revolutionary values

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Operation Morvarid, an Evidence of MKO’s Role in Iraq’s Internal Suppressions (6)

the recently published State Department’s report quotes Maryam Rajavi encouraging MKO combatants to”take the Kurds under your tanks”. Also, there is a TV documentary picturing Kurds mainly based on evidences presented by the eye-witnesses, victims, and even the former MKO members who took part in the operation. Despite all such authentic documents, Mojahedin claim they have not been responsible for Kurds repression

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Internal Relations of MKO and Ideological Revolution (5)

It announces that the organization has always provided an open window for dissident members, critics, and even infiltrators to express their views and is showing the highest degree of tolerance compared with other revolutionary organizations. On the contrary, most former MKO members report instances of human rights abuses in organization.

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Mojahedin’s Failed Operation and the Ideological Revolution

The failure of the operation Eternal Light (Forough Javidan) initiated challenges against Rajavi’s egocentric decision-making that led many forces of the organization to their death. Most of his critics believe that the operation was in no way correspondent with the organization’s line of strategy and that, Rajavi’s uncertain analysis of the post cease-fire situation compelled him ..

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The US Instrumental Use of MKO

The Vice President is fully aware of the actions taken by the United States towards Iran that are further destabilizing the world as evidenced by the following: … MMM(D) The United States has been linked to anti-Iranian organizations that are attempting to destabilize the Iranian government, in particular the Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK), even though the state department has branded it a terrorist organization.

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Why Mojahedin Shun Manifesting Contents of Ideological Revolution? (4)

a phenomenon that according to many critics and separated members was de facto manifestation of Mojahedin’s historical and ideological potential to evolve into a cult. In fact, now after nearly two decades of the events, there is not yet unanimity about its essentiality either in internal or external relations and also its applicable function in Mojahedin’s strategy.

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