blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Bahar Irani

Transmutation of a Supposed People’s Army

The failure of the guerilla warfare inside Iran, the separation of the Kurdistan Democrat Party from the NCR as well as the impossibility of using the soil of Iran’s neighboring countries were the main causes leading to the formation of the so-called NLA. The army was supposed to be an amalgamation of the forces

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Opaqueness of Mojahedin Khalq Financial Resources (2)

The reasoning for involving in these illegal and criminal fundraising activities is more a result of the ideological influences of Marxism and modelling on some other terrorist and militia groups. The majority of the groups that MKO modelled after justifiably followed Machiavellianism in their line of struggle..

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The Ideological Revolutionary and the Failed Strategy of Overthrow

In fact, the revolution was the outcome of the two fold necessity of first to overcome the encountered internal crises and second, to secure the political revival of the organization. In addition, the danger of split threatened Mojahedin more than before. The organization’s failed policy of overthrowing Iranian regime that was much a result of the leadership’s autocracy…

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Fundraising Cult techniques within MKO

The released documents after the fall of Saddam and also admissions made by the ex-members all indicate that Mojahedin had received abundant sums of dollars from the Iraqi agents as a bounty for espionage collaboration. Only in one of these sessions, due to reported information by Abbas Davari, the Iraqi agents granted the organization a remarkable sum of 50 million in dollars

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Maryam Rajavi and Camp Ashraf: Cult Hallmarks of MKO

Terror-exaltation is not the chief approach manipulated by certain cults and Mojahedin in particular. In his few messages delivered from his hideout in the past recent years, Rajavi has particularly provoked continuation of suicidal operations as an emergency exit from the raised crisis. The self elected leader of Mojahedin has …

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The Chief Indictable Villains

Following the released reports of two Mojahedin-e Khalq members going on trial before a French court for allegedly helping a third member burn herself to death during a 2003 protest, the Mojahedin-run media are engaged in a vast propaganda blitz to disclaim allegations.

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Indoctrination of Suicidal Operations in MKO

At the same meeting, Rajavi announced members’ preparedness for committing self-immolation which specifically indicated a coded revolutionary message:Any reborn Mojahed carries certain codes and manners. I found identical codes and manners in anybody and any letter I encountered that day coming from inside or outside of the country;

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