blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Bahar Irani

Cult Parameters within MKO’s Internal Ideological Revolution

the insiders, regardless of their ranks and potentialities, must feel indebted to the leader for their success and spiritual felicity. To reach this stage, the insider has to be first purged of his wholly sinful past lived in the absence of the leader; it is impossible unless he is full of remorse and is dissolved in the teachings of the sphere he has joined. ..

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Mojahedin leadership before and after the ideological revolution

The ideological revolution aims at proving the fact that it makes no difference who you are, who you were, what you did, how long you spent in the prison, what torments you suffered, and how long you were active in the organization; if you are not connected to Mr. and Mrs. Rajavi and fail to be their believers and absolutely committed to them, whatever you have done is worth nothing.

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Psychological Techniques to Cultivate Ideology was through providing due backgrounds and taking unique approaches. These adopted approaches, according to MKO ex-members, were similar to the techniques utilized by the past and contemporary cults and were applied as leverages to coerce insiders into absolute obedience to Rajavi’s totalitarian and ideological leadership..

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Women, Objects of a Similar Reactionary Vision in Al-Qaeda and MKO

Following its internal ideological revolution, MKO partly surfaced its ideologically based value standpoint on women. Annihilation of family foundations inside the organization, forced divorces, escalation of hatred among espouses and encouraging them to remain celibate for the rest of their lives were all unprecedented achievements that Rajavi, as Mojahedin’s modern revolutionary leader, enforced.

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Inconspicuous Affinity between Al-Qaeda and MKO

these outdated and despised teachings attracts no attention today, but at least in two or three past decades they worked as applicable revolutionary approaches especially for the third world revolutionaries. Following the same line, Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization from its very formation in four decades ago adopted militia warfare as the doctrine of its struggle

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9/11 Attacks & MKO’s Ideal Ideological Enterprise

Mojahedin’s early ideological series of pamphlets, especially Takamol (Evolution) and Shenakht (Epistemology) that were designed to translate their general aspirations into a more systematic world-outlook and the pamphlet Rah-e anbiya rah-e bashar (The way of the prophets, the way of humanity) which was much a philosophical and historical work, absolutely asserted the armed and violent strategy in the curse of campaign.

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Mojahedin’s Mannerism against Opponents and Defectors

NCR was a turning point in the history of MKO that promised a peaceful coexistence of Mojahedin with other political movements. Unfortunately, after a short while and due to MKO hegemonic ambitions of Rajavi, the NCR failed to preserve its coherence and suffered a crushing dissolution. A brief look at the course of events of MKO up to 20 June 1981 and its continuous friction with other political movements …

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The Vanished Public Support and the Ideological Revolution (11)

…with a variety of political leverages such as attempts made to escalate the existing tension between Iran and other Western states to advance the strategy of destabilizing and overthrowing the Iranian regime. From the ideological point of view, it tabooed criticism of any kind against organizational hierarchy and thwarted any possible schism and disobedience.

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Manipulated Cult Techniques for the Abuse of Children

These children, whose numbers reaches 800 or so, have been known to be the most defenceless victims of MKO’s ruthless cult approaches. According to the testimonies of many separated members, the innocent children have been enslaved by the organization and subject to terrible right abuses for the achievement of certain cult interests. They can be enumerated as follows:

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