Iraqi people will put Rajavi on trial

…Asked about the recent announcement by Interpol that the leaders of the banned Mojahedin Khalq organisation are being arrested if there are any plans for them to be extradited? Hojjat-Ol-Eslam Mohseni-Ezhe’i said that there are no plans as such but he hoped that the Iraqi people will put these figures on trial as they collaborated with the government of Saddam Hoseyn and they have been involved in acts of suppression against the Kurds…

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Anne Singleton Interview with BBC Yorkshire Radio Leeds

It is a word which resonates with people. More familiarly I would call it ‘mind control techniques. These are well-known, well-documented. For years and years destructive cults have been using them. The way that they work in essence is that they will take a perfectly ordinary person and strip that person of their values using specific psychological manipulation.

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BBC Yorkshire Radio Leeds interviews Anne Singleton

It is a word which resonates with people. More familiarly I would call it ‘mind control techniques. These are well-known, well-documented. For years and years destructive cults have been using them. The way that they work in essence is that they will take a perfectly ordinary person and strip that person of their values using specific psychological manipulation.

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Ann Singleton Interview with BBC

Ann Singleton has a past unlike most people working for the Iranian Mujahedin in Iraq attempting for the overthrow the Iranian government. Today I’m talking to her about her experiences and the lessons that she learned. I will ask her about the feeling of working with a terrorist organization, fighting in the desert…

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Ann Singleton Interview with BBC(Asian Network)

Ann Singleton has a past unlike most people working for the Iranian Mujahedin in Iraq attempting for the overthrow the Iranian government. Today I’m talking to her about her experiences and the lessons that she learned. I will ask her about the feeling of working with a terrorist organization, fighting in the desert and how did she get involved with them in the first place?

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BBC world interview with Anne Singleton and Gordon Corera

Back in the early 1980s, Anne Singleton was a rebel with a romantic streak, entranced by the selflessness, as she saw it, of a group of Iranians who were trying to bring democracy and a secular government to their country. The People’s Mujahideen, as they were known, had helped to overthrow the Shah but had been rejected by Ayatollah Khomeini and his followers and were allowed to seek refuge in Irag by Saddam Hussein.

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Mojahedin a bargaining chip

For two decades it was one of the oddest armies on the earth. Prevailed to overthrow the ayatollahs in Iran, The widow Maryam Rajavi stuck amongst fanatical devotion. She is accused by some of running a crew, a manipulative cult. The America which protects the now-disarmed fighters in Iraq can’t decide what to do about them, it runs the people Mujahedin, also known as MEK or MKO as terrorists but according to some politicians it is still a potential ally…
The organization believe that they can survive here under the protection of Geneva and again one day play a big role in the Iranian political scene but as Tehran strengthens its influence in Iraq and the US runs an eventual plan the Mujahedin’s time must have been running out.

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MEK in Iran-Iraq Security Talks

In the Meeting, the issue of Mojahedin-e Khlaq organization, major armed Iranian opposition group based in Iraq, was also discussed. The details of discussions have not been revealed, but the Iranian government has always asked for the removal of MKO’s camps in Iraq and extradition of its forces to Iran.

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Beckett: MKO is a Terrorist Group

Margaret Beckett, in her first exclusive meeting with the foreign press in the UK, responded to a question on the MKO and, about why the group was still active in Iraq said:”Britain considers MKO a terrorist organization and opposes this group. However, banning the activities of this group in Iraq is up to the Iraqi government and the US as the commander of coalition forces in Iraq.”

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