blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Christian Science Monitor

Tension Grows Over Plans to Close Camp Ashraf

The prospect of a change in Iran’s government is viewed by many to be as unlikely as the MEK’s hope that Iraq will change its mind about shutting down a camp that has been a major irritant in Iranian-Iraqi relations.. The prospect of a change in Iran’s government is viewed by many to be as unlikely as the MEK’s[PMOI/MEK/MKO] hope that Iraq will change its mind about shutting down a camp that has been a major irritant in Iranian-Iraqi relations..

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Iranian opposition members refuse to leave Iraq outpost

Jane Arraf reported her visit including interviews with some Ashraf Residents. In her report she describes the isolated brainwashed members of Rajavi’s cult who allegedly “have left family life behind”. . Marriage here is forbidden. There have been no children for years..”They have to understand that the party is over for them,”Mr. Rubaie told journalists recently, ..”They need to understand that they have to leave. This is not [the era of] Saddam Hussein using them against Iran. We will never use them against Iran.”…

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Iran pushes Iraq to close MKO camp

Baghdad announced that it planned to close the camp last December, the same month the US reaffirmed the MKO’s”terrorist”status…at least one high-ranking MKO/PMOI/MEK member forced back to Iran received prison time but relatively lenient treatment…The problem for the organization is they haven’t had a martyr for many years.

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