blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Ebrahim Khodabande

MEK, Inside Out

At the present time the organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] is striving to find an alternative for the deposed Saddam Hussein, this time in the west, since it has lost its hope to gain any backing inside Iran. They are making contact with all and any enemies of Iran, including terrorist entities such as ISIL.The MEK is currently re-creating its Iraqi terrorist bases in Albania with property and facilities it has purchased close to Tirana. The Iraqis have always considered them as the worst heritage left by Saddam….

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To the supporters of Rajavi’s cult

Rajavi’s supporters should observe how he deals with his most self-sacrificing followers and how he rewards them after years of loyalty. What would have happened if Rajavi had real power, how would he have dealt with his opponents? Wouldn’t he be worse than any dictator in the world? And so I must ask: “isn’t it time for those who continue to support Rajavi to recognise their mistake and keep their distance from him?”

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Rajavi: from anti-Imperialism struggle to hanging onto America’s apron strings

the only use of the MEK’s new Washington office near the White House is to keep the members trapped a bit longer. But that doesn’t seem to be working because they continue to run away whenever possible. He gives himself as an example of a typical member saying that he joined when the MEK believed in anti-Imperialism struggle. When they killed post-revolution government officials on 7th Tir, 1360 with a bomb, the MEK said it was ‘destroying America’s nest in Iran’ ….

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Whoops! What a big gaffe in the US report!

… Not only is this untrue, it is yet another gaffe. The original report did not say that I was in jail at that time and the author of the article either did not bother to read the actual report, or was probably as confused as everyone else who read it as to what it was actually trying to say. The fact is that I was arrested in Syria and taken to prison in Iran in June 2003. In the year 2002 I was still a member of the MEK living in their collective base in London. My brother and my sister-in-law who had both left the MEK had established the website and were active in exposing the violation of human rights inside Rajavi’s cult which had been going on for many years …

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Masud Rajavi and the Paranoia of Power

Self-delusion is the scourge of power that has no popular support. Self-delusion is the illness of those who are unable to evaluate their power and do not understand their true position in either the international or internal political scene. This inability means there is always a vast divergence between the minds of such politicians and real life.

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A letter from Ebrahim Khodabandeh

One example of the social destruction of cult practices could be observed with the case of Mr Djavani. He has not only abandoned the organisation but every kind of religion and the Almighty God too. He has lost his faith with God all together after being disappointed with a cult claiming to be a religious establishment.

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Khodabande open letter to Lord Corbett

I wish to refer to your recent interview with the Sky News television which was reflected in the website of the Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO) called “hambastegimeli”. In this interview you called upon the west to move the obstacles on the way of the MKO who wants to topple the Iranian regime and you demanded the UK to adopt tougher stances …

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Open letter to Lord Corbett of Castle Vale

You have mentioned in your interview that the reason behind the proscription of the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation in Britain and other places is purely political and was made in relation to the interests of the Iranian Regime. This might be true, but what I would like to know is why the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation is still being kept on the lists of terrorist entities in almost every western country when these countries are engaged in a serious confrontation with the Islamic Republic of Iran?

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