blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Ebrahim Khodabande

Would MKO eventually be removed from the list?

The Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO), the Iranian terrorist proscribed opposition group, has escalated its over the years demanding move to be lifted from many lists of terrorist organisations in Western Countries. The State Department of the United States, the British Parliament, and the Council of the European Union are some of those who have officially listed MKO as a proscribed group.

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When will justice be served?

17 June 2003, over 1200 police officers carried out a huge raid in a Paris suburb. The target was a large complex of houses in Auvers-sur-Oise which had been turned into the international headquarters of the Mojahedin-e Khalq organisation (aka National Council of Resistance of Iran or NCRI). Up until March-April 2003, the Mojahedin/NCRI command centre had been in Iraq. It moved from there with the outbreak of war. Mojahedin co-leader Maryam Rajavi and about 160 of her closest aides were arrested during the raid.

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More on Mojahedin cult member Alireza Jafarzadeh’s Comments

I’d like to address Alireza [Jafarzadeh] and other former partners and advise them out of my own experiences. We are used to doing what others dictate to us. I believe there’s no problem if you try to know the positions and stances of other opposition groups (whether inside the country or abroad) and analyze them. You judge! Have you ever seen monarchist Rightists encourage Americans to take military action against Iran …

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Third Option: A Window to Nowhere

it’s crystal clear that this option addresses the West, and particularly the US. In fact, this strategy requires the US to do what MKO orders. It doesn’t say what would happen if the US rejects the group’s requests. As usual, Iranian people have been omitted from this equation. As far as I know, the strategy of an independent revolutionary group should be based on what it does, not what others can do ..

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A Personal View from Evin

Any account of the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI) will reveal a black record of destroying family relationships and misappropriating various people’s lives and belongings. All of the organisation’s terrorist actions inside Iran after they fled the country have been planned, facilitated and directed from inside Iraq with the intelligence, training, weapons and equipment provided by Saddam Hussein.

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