blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Fars News Agency

Defection from MKO Growing

Alireza Khamoushi, the ninth MKO member to flee the group in just the last one month, had been imprisoned and tortured before fleeing the camp.The defected members describe improper psychological conditions and strict cult rules and restrictions as their main reason for fleeing the terrorist group.

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Transferring MKO to neighboring states unacceptable to Iran

Iran on Tuesday warned that it will show strong reaction to a transfer of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) aka MEK/PMOI members from Iraq to other neighboring countries..”We expect our neighboring countries to understand our nation’s high sensitivity and avoid conducting moves that impair our good relations with them through their highly negative consequences..

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Iraq urges Int’l cooperation for rapid expulsion of MKO

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari underlined that his country is determined to expel the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCR), and asked the world states to help Baghdad with the rapid expulsion of the terrorist cult..The MKO is seeking to transfer its members to another country, but no world state, including the US and the European countries, has accepted to lodge the terrorist group.

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UN Rapporteur Admits: Iran Victim of MKO Terrorism

The UN Special Reporter for Human Rights in Iran, Ahmed Shaheed, admitted in his new report that the Iranian people have been a victim of the terrorist activities carried out by the members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). has been explicitly mentioned in a report by the UN special rapporteur that based on documents, 17,000 Iranian people have been targeted by MKO’s violence, and that the country is a victim of terrorism,..

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Zionist Lobbies Seeking to Station MKO in Azerbaijan

Authentic reports from sources privy to the MKO/MEK/PMOI disclosed that the US administration is consulting with five of Iran’s neighboring states to persuade them into sheltering the MKO terrorists.After nearly three decades, Iraq is now expelling the MKO from its soil, while no world country has accepted to shelter the terrorists… Zionist lobbies are seeking to create Camp Ashraf-like conditions in Azerbaijan to save MKO from complete dissolution.

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Rights Group: No Country Ready to Shelter MKO Terrorists

To date, almost 1200 MKO terrorists have been transferred from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty [TTL] which lies Northeast of the Baghdad International Airport, in three groups of 400 each, on February 18, 8, and March 20. About 2,000 members still remain in Camp Ashraf.The MKO is seeking to transfer its members to another country, but no world state, including the US and the European countries, accept to lodge the terrorist group.

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Speaker lambasts UNSC silence on assassination of Iranian scientists

Iranian Parliament Speaker lashed out at the UN Security Council for keeping mum about the assassination of Iranian scientists by the Zionist regime of Israel…Reports said that the terrorist attacks on Iran’s scientists were joint operations by Israeli spy agents and the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO).The NBC News said in a report in February that Mossad has financed and trained the MKO/MEK/PMOI to assassinate..

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Report Discloses Training of MKO Terrorists by Britain

Britain is part of a covert operation in the Middle-East to train Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCR) terrorists for operations against Iran. Report Discloses Training of MKO Terrorists by Britain.The American Free Press website reported that western collusion to train terrorists to target Iranian scientists and officials, that Britain has been part of covert operations in the Middle East to train MKO terrorists.

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