blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Fars News Agency

Nejat Society,Tehran families in front of Ashraf

The families of residents held in camp Ashraf, Iraq, left Tehran to join the others picketing at the Camp gates. Facing the gloomy atmosphere of the camp they are determined to bring hope, love and emotions back to humiliated hearts of their loved ones held as hostages by the Cult of Rajavi. The Beheshtis have lost one of their sons, Morteza in the MKO/MEK/PMOI…

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Committee to Launch Campaign to Expel MKO Members from Iraq

Civil groups and human rights activists will launch the largest petition campaign in Iraq’s history to get two million signatures from Iraqi citizens for an immediate expulsion of MKO/MEK/PMOI members from the country’s soil,”Nafeh Eisa told FNA on Tuesday.He added that the petition will then be submitted to the Iraqi government and the United Nations.

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Iraqi activist unveils MKO-Al-Qaeda military cooperation

“Based on the very clear documents and evidence presented to our committee 800 Iraqis enter Camp Ashraf (now the camp of New Iraq) on different pretexts, like construction work, everyday, but a majority of them are al-Qaeda members and receive military and terrorist trainings in the camp,”Nafeh Eisa told FNA..the terrorist group[MKO/MEK/PMOI] has put pictures and portraits of al-Qaeda leader on the walls of the camp, respecting them as”heroes of Islam”.

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Moqtada Sadr Reiterates Iraqis’ Demand for Expulsion of MKO Terrorists

Prominent Iraqi Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr strongly condemned the crimes committed by the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) against the Iranian and Iraqi nations, and underlined his country’s strong resolve to expel the terrorist group from Iraq.”This terrorist group has committed more crimes and oppressions against us than the crimes it has committed against the Iranian nation ..

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MKO’s Role in Saddam’s Invasion of Kuwait Disclosed

According to a report published by the Kuwaiti Al-Dar daily, the MKO/MEK/PMOI members had all-out cooperation with Saddam forces and were in massive intelligence coordination with former Iraqi regimes’ military and security authorities during the occupation of Kuwait.The MKO members had also participated in checkpoint operations and interrogated Kuwaiti citizens..The daily said that MKO’s main elements were stationed at a hotel near Hawalli square ..

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MKO Paying Huge Sums to Former US Officials to Exit Terror List

… The list of American luminaries doing a paid dance with the MKO is long and contains former top officials of both parties. For example, on the Democratic side of the aisle, former presidential candidate and Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, and former Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana have given short and highly compensated speeches before the group. On the Republican side, former Homeland Security chief ..

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Ex-UN Inspector Questions Authenticity of MKO’s Claims

Western and UN experts are expressing increasing doubt about the claims raised by the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) about Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, saying that the MKO /MEK/PMOI merely wants to serve the neoconservative hawks in Washington. David Albright, a former UN weapons inspector and director of the Institute for Science and International Security in Washington is one of them.”I can no more trust their information,”David Albright said.

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MKO Ringleaders Readying to Open Fight with Iraqi Forces

The ringleaders of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization are preparing a plan to use dissident members of the group for an upcoming assault on the Iraqi forces guarding the MKO’s main camp in Northern Iraq, a rights group revealed on Sunday…the MKO/MEK/PMOI gang leaders have prepared plans to coax a number of members into escaping from the camp to shoot them from behind and also persuade dozens of others to carry out self-immolation – by using fuel bottles which have already been prepared – and commit suicide in front of TV cameras.

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