blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Fars News Agency

MKO Buying Lands to Set up Terrorist Camp in France

Ringleaders of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) who have been sheltered in France for the last few years have reportedly started buying lands..those members of the MKO who are residing in France are suffering drastic psychological disorders and debauchery due to the different pressures exerted on them by the ringleaders of the terrorist group.The members of the terrorist group residing in the camp are under full control of Maryam Rajavi, one of the main ringleaders of the MKO, and are deprived of many rights like leaving the camp individually, access to the mass media, marriage..

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Iran: Despite hues and cries about campaigns, west is supporter of terrorism

…”The Iranian nation with more than 17,000 martyrs is the biggest victim of terrorism in the world,”… He lambasted the western countries for their support for terrorist groups despite their hues and cries about campaign against terrorism, and said the world arrogant powers equipped terrorist groups against the Islamic Republic on the early days after the Islamic Revolution in Iran, and they are now also striving to save the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) …

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Senior Tribal Leader Urges Expulsion of MKO Members from Iraq

..The al-Azzah tribe and I as the leader of the tribe welcome expulsion of the MKO,”Mazan Habib Kheizaran told FNA on Wednesday, adding that all the people of the Diyala province support the Iraqi government and parliament’s plan for expelling the MKO from the country. ..Noting the fate of the terrorist group, Habib Kheizaran said according to the information he has obtained in his rare meetings with certain members of the MKO/MEK/PMOI, the members of the terrorist group are due to be sent to the European countries in small groups… He pointed to the problems that the MKO has created for the Iraqi people, and said given the fact that Iraq needs the assistance and cooperation of the neighboring

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Iraq to Evacuate MKO Members from Camp Ashraf

raq’s Defense Ministry Spokesman General Mohammed al-Askari reiterated that the Iraqi government is determined to evacuate the members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) from their stronghold in the Northern Diyala province in the near future… He also said in a press conference on Thursday that four more members of the MKO have fled Camp Ashraf and defected to the Iraqi forces..The defected MKO members said that since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, the leaders of the terrorist organization have turned the camp into a prison.

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Coordination Underway between Iran, Iraq over MKO Camp

Iranian Intelligence Minister Heidar Moslehi stressed Tehran’s repeated and strong call for the expulsion of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) from Iraq during the recent meetings between the two countries’ officials, and said Tehran and Baghdad have worked out good coordination over this issue.

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Iraq Readying to Take More Actions against MKO

The governor-general of Iraq’s Northern Diyala province announced on Monday that the country plans to intensify security measures over the main stronghold of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in Iraq.”The security operations which were due to be carried out are in the preliminary stages and the security groups formed by the Army and Police are now readying for new operations under the supervision of the Iraqi prime minister,”Ra’d Javad al-Tamimi said.

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Iraq, Iran, ICRI joint committee to facilitate the dismantlement of Camp Ashraf

… The committee”will discuss the requests of the members who live in Camp Ashraf, particularly those who seek to return to Iran without any pressure or difficulty,”Zebari said. Iraqi security forces took control of the training base of the MKO at Camp Ashraf in 2009 and detained dozens of the members of the terrorist group. The Iraqi authority also changed the name of the military center from Camp Ashraf to the Camp of New Iraq.”We have asked international organizations and European parliaments to encourage the (group’s) members to leave Iraq, and to facilitate (the movement of) those members who seek to go to those countries,”…

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Iraq – France relations strained over MKO terrorists event in Paris

… The Iraqi government summoned the French ambassador to Baghdad to protest at Paris for hosting a conference of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) where the terrorist group raised unfounded allegations against Baghdad.”To affect the international community and attract international support, the MKO has claimed that the Iraqi government has killed 35 members of the group and injured 350 others,”the Iraqi government said on Monday.”But, this is a sheer lie …

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Iraqi MPs Praise Gov’t for Preventing US Lawmakers from Visiting MKO Camp

“The Iraqi prime minister’s actions to prevent the interference of the American congressional delegation is admirable and we welcome it,”..The Iraqi people have announced their opposition to the presence of the MKO/MKO/PMOI members in their country and have long staged protest rallies in front of the MKO’s main training camp in the Northern Diyala province to condemn the US-backed presence of the terrorist group in their country.

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