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Retired US Officer: No Country Willing to Shelter MKO Members

No country in the world is ready to shelter the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) members and their only left option is a return to Iran, a retired US intelligence officer said.”We have talked with several countries via the US State Department but no one is willing to accept them in his country,”Steve Hasty said, addressing the audience at the ‘International Policy Institute’.”And the only way left for them might be a return to Iran,”he added.Hasty also warned about the MKO members’ severe sexual misconducts,

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Iran: Americans should stop using Mojahedin Khalq terrorists

…”This question has remained in the minds of the people that if Americans really wanted to fight terrorism, then why they cooperated with those terrorist moves which targeted the regional people,”Mehman-Parast asked. Many of the MKO members abandoned the terrorist organization while most of those still remaining in the camp are said to be willing to quit but are under pressure and torture not to do so. A May 2005 Human Rights Watch report accused the MKO of running prison camps ..

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MKO Using Former US Officials, Retired Generals to Pursue Terrorist Objectives

… Established in February 2005, the Iran Policy Committee (IPC) is comprised of former officials from the White House, State Department, Pentagon, intelligence agencies, and experts from think-tanks and universities. Members of the IPC, a nonprofit and bipartisan organization based in Washington DC, include R. Bruce McColm; Lt. General Thomas McInerney USAF (ret.); Captain Charles T.”Chuck”Nash, USN (ret.); Lt. General Edward Rowny, USA (ret.); Professor Raymond Tanter; Major General Paul E. Vallely, USA (ret.). Many of the MKO members abandoned the terrorist organization while …

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Halbawi: US Seeking Own Interests in Global Developments

Head of the Muslim Council of Britain Kamal al-Halbawi reiterated on Saturday that Washington’s so-called support for justice and peace is just a means to materialize the US interests…Iran’s Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Ale-Habib had also lambasted the world powers’ double-standard approach to terrorism,said such intimacy between the two sides has been developed while the MKO has launched numerous cruel terrorist attacks against the innocent Iranian citizens and has collaborated with the former Baath regime in suppressing the freedom-seeking uprisings of the Iraqi people.

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Adnan Seraj: Baghdad is resolved to expel the MKO

Adnan al-Seraj underlined in April that Baghdad is resolved to expel the terrorist group from the country, but it has faced tough Washington opposition to the move…The Iraqi lawmaker said that Baghdad is trying to find diplomatic ways to expel the group, and added,”If the US stops interfering in the expulsion process, the Iraqi government knows several peaceful ways to expel the group.[MKO/MEK/PMOI]”

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MKO Barring Family Meetings to Choke Flow of Info

Ringleaders of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization continue to bar meetings between families and MKO members in the terrorist group’s main training camp in Northern Iraq in a move to keep the confined group separated from the real world to keep a leash on the flow of information into and out of the camp. The MKO /MEK/PMOI ringleaders continue to insist on their inhuman policy while family members have camped out of the training base for over 16 months now to see their relatives.

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Iraqi Official Renews Baghdad’s Resolve to Expel MKO

Head of Iran-Iraq Friendship Committee in Iraq’s Northern Salahuddin province Nafeh Eissa underlined his country’s determination to expel the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) from Iraq’s soil.”Europeans should rest assured that expulsion of MKO from Iraq is definite. Therefore, they should stop bargaining and start thinking of a place to shelter the members of the terrorist group instead,”..”People of Iraq have been demanding their expulsion from the country since long time ago.”..

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Rights Group Cautions about Deteriorating Conditions of MKO Dissidents

… The report also said that the 200 members were those who attacked the Iraqi security forces in the April 8 conflict in the Camp Ashraf, while others refrained from entering the conflict to defend the terrorist haven. Earlier, a defected member of the MKO had unveiled that the ringleaders of the group are using every means within their reach to control their dissident members, including life threats, to keep members in the group’s main stronghold in Northern Iraq.”Massoud Rajavi has announced many times that if anybody wants to escape from (the camp) Ashraf (in Iraq), he/she will be killed or executed,”Abdollatif Chahardari said …

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Document Reveals Mojahedin Khalq and Al-Qaeda Collaboration

…”Our special sources have informed that the MKO, based in Camp Ashraf in the North of Khales, has played a covert role in insecurities and instability in the Diyala province and it has had extraordinary political, military and social activities in the form of regular conferences and gatherings in Camp Ashraf,”the US-Iraq joint coordination force said in the document.”There are clear indications about participation of al-Qaeda top figures and cells in these meetings.”the document says. The document further reveals that the terrorist group has helped the Al-Qaeda mount heavy canons …

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Judiciary Chief Urges Trial of MKO Ringleaders

We expect that the MKO ringleaders stand trial for shedding the blood of our innocent youths and martyring our highly esteemed people,”he stressed.Amoli Larijani also underlined that the necessary measures should be taken in a bid to prepare the ground for the safe return of those MKO members who have been deceived by their terrorist ringleaders and have not committed any crime against the Iranian nation.

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