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MKO Begs Iraqi Gov’t Not to Expel Members

The ringleaders of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization have pleaded the Iraqi government to avoid closing down the terrorist group’s main training base in Northern Iraq and extend the MKO’s presence in the country, a human rights group revealed on Sunday…In a bold and surprising action, Massoud Rajavi, the main ringleader of the terrorist group, had announced earlier that he would evacuate the MKO members from Camp Ashraf only if he received $200mln from the Baghdad government..Iraqi security forces took control of the training base of the MKO at Camp Ashraf in 2009

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MKO Ringleaders Kill Dissidents to Control Iraq Base

A defected member of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization unveiled that MKO ringleaders are using every means within their reach to control their dissident members, including life threats, to keep members in the group’s main stronghold in Northern Iraq.”Massoud Rajavi (the main ringleader of the MKO) has announced many times that if anybody wants to escape from (the camp) Ashraf (in Iraq), he/she will be killed or executed,”Abdollatif Shadvari said.

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Right Group Blasts US Daily for Politicizing Campaign against Terrorism

We the families of the terror victims of the Middle-East, including Iraq, Turkey, Kuwait and thousands of Iranians who have been suffering years of pain, condemn any terrorist act, anywhere in the world and against any one, avoiding any classification between good and bad terrorism,”the association said in a letter to the US daily, Boston Globe…In fact the danger of this group is no less than the Al-Qaeda and we, the families of terrorism victims in the Middle East who are themselves the victims of this group, consider the danger of this group far more than the Al-Qaeda,”the letter concluded.

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Right Group Slams Independent for Releasing Biased Report in Defense of Terrorists

the MKO terrorist group keeps its members in a socially and mentally isolated environment in order to pull out the members’ abilities to think and make decisions. The leaders of this terrorist cult are completely aware of the role of Ashraf camp in preserving the cultic structure of MKO and their authority over members. Therefore they have decided to keep the Camp by any possible way. .. the self-immolation of members or throwing them in front of the Iraqi vehicles with the aim of exposing the ability of the cult in degenerating the members and sacrificing them.

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Dozens of MKO Members Escape Camp Ashraf

The Arabic-language Nahrainnet website said Iraq’s defense ministry has confirmed that scores of defectors have escaped the camp and sought Baghdad’s refuge.The report pointed out that the move by the MKO fugitives would help further unveil the shocking secrets of the camp (formerly known as Camp Ashraf).The website also stressed that the move by the MKO’s members also proves the Iranian officials’ righteous stance who had said earlier that a large number of MKO members wanted to exit Camp Ashraf..

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Iraqi MPs Renew Support for Expulsion of MKO

Members of Iraq’s legislative body voiced their support for Baghdad’s recent decision on the expulsion of the member of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) from Iraq’s soil, and urged the Nouri Al-Maliki’s government to immediately put the decision into effect…Safiyeh Soheili, an independent lawmaker, reminded the terrorist group’s assistance with the former Ba’ath regime’s confrontation against the Iraqi people…

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Iraqi People Hate MKO for Criminal Record

The terrorist group joined Saddam’s army during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran (1980-1988) and helped Saddam and killed thousands of Iranian civilians and soldiers during the US-backed Iraqi imposed war on Iran.Since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, the group, which now adheres to a pro-free-market philosophy, has been strongly backed by neo-conservatives in the United States..

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Iraqi MP: US Supporting MKO to Impose Pressure on Iran

The Iraqi lawmaker said that Baghdad is trying to find diplomatic ways to expel the group, and added,”If the US stops interfering in the expulsion process, the Iraqi government knows several peaceful ways to expel the group.”…A member of the Iraqi parliament on Wednesday blasted Washington’s political games in the region, including its support for the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) as a pressure lever against Iran.

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Iraqi Commander: MKO Attack on Iraqi Forces Aimed at Killing Dissidents

..The terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization sparked the armed conflict with the Iraqi security forces responsible for guarding the camp said an Iraqi commander who was present on the scene of clashes last week ..the Iraqi commander, who was speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that the move by the MKO aka MEK/PMOI was not unprecedented since the group had previously forced its dissident members to start armed clashes with the Iraqi forces.

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MP Sees Iraq’s Resistance against MKO as Another US Failure in Region

“The Iraqi people and parliament seek expulsion of MKO from their country’s soil and they want to end its presence in Iraq, which has lasted for several years,”Hossein Ali told FNA yesterday.Reminding the crimes committed by the MKO members against the Iraqi people, specially Iraq’s Kurd population, in collaboration with the former Baath regime in previous years, Ali reiterated that the Iraqi government is determined to expel the terrorist group as well.

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