blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Fars News Agency

Right Group Calls on Iraqi PM to Close the MEK file forever

The recent assaults and armed clashes sparked by the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) at the group’s main camp in the Diyala province necessitate the Baghdad government to accelerate expulsion of the terrorist group from Iraq, a human rights group stressed.The Habilian association, a human rights group formed of the family members and relatives of the Iranian victims of terrorism, in a statement issued on Saturday …

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Ex-Member: MKO Falsifying Quranic Verses to Deceive Members

..”Thus, we went to the authorities[of the MKO/MEK/PMOI] with a holy Quran in our hand and asked them to show us the relevant verse. But because all their words were lies, they took away our Quran and told us that they would let us know later.”The next day the camp authorities removed all the Qurans from our resting places in the camp in a bid to block the members’ access to the holy book,”he continued..

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Iraqi Army Strongly Denies MKO Claim

The MKO alleged on Sunday that Iraqi forces had invaded the Camp Ashraf base, saying,”The forces of Iraq’s Fifth Division invaded Camp Ashraf with columns of armored vehicles, occupying areas inside the camp, since midnight on Saturday.”The Iraqi army denied the MKO’s accusation, underlining that no invasion or military advancement has occurred.

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Iraqi Source Discloses US Aid to MKO Terrorist Operations

…”Nobody dares to make any obstacles on the way of American vehicles’ arrival at camp Ashraf and they easily enter the camp without being questioned. So, they take the MKO members out of the camp for terrorist operation and then carry them back to the camp when they are finished,”Sheikh Al-Jabouri continued. He underlined that the MKO (also known as the MEK, PMOI, NCRI, the Rajavi Cult) terrorist group has never abandoned its terrorist operations, and stated,”We have suffered many losses since the arrival of the Americans in our country and continuation and spread of terrorist operations in Iraq is among them.””We have devoted numerous martyrs in the way of defending our country, but …

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Iran Asks UNHRC to Probe West’s Ties with MKO, PJAK, Jundollah Terrorist Groups

Iran’s Envoy to the UN Human Rights Council also blasted the EU for striking off the name of the MKO/MEK/PMOI from the list of the terrorist groups and sheltering its members, and said the West should account for the blood of those innocent people spilled by these terrorist groups..Sajjadi raised the issue during a meeting of the UNHRC in Geneva, elaborating on the criminal actions taken by the terrorist groups in Iran in recent years, including hostage-taking, massacre of the people and bomb blasts..

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Ashton Refuses MKO Demand for Supporting Military Attack against Iran

… The group fled to Iraq in 1986, where it was protected by Saddam Hussein and where it helped the Iraqi dictator suppress Shiite and Kurd uprisings in the country. The terrorist group joined Saddam’s army during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran (1980-1988) and helped Saddam and killed thousands of Iranian civilians and soldiers during the US-backed Iraqi imposed war on Iran. Since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, the group, which now adheres to a pro-free-market philosophy, has been strongly backed by neo-conservatives in the United States..

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Court Session Held in Paris on French Intelligence Support for MKO

..Yves Bonnet, the former Member of the French National Assembly and Director of the DST, and MKO’s ringleaders as well as head of the publication that published the fake book were found guilty.Yves Bonnet had paid several visits to MKO’s main training camp, the Camp of New Iraq (formerly known as Camp Ashraf) in Iraq’s Northern province of Diyala..The session was held on March 10 after three individuals who were named in a fake book as elements of the Iranian regime filed a complaint.

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MKO, BBC Trying to Spark Tension in Iran through Fake Reports

..the multifaceted cooperation has been broadened by the western media after their similar efforts to spark tension and unrests in Iran failed and led to the further unity among the Iranian nation.The Habilian website added that in some cases the MKO members have sent out-dated pictures and footages of unrests in Iran or other neighboring countries to the BBC, trying to pretend that those footages had been taken from new unrests in Iran..

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Positive Outcomes of Protests outside MKO Camp

..despite all the suppressive moves made by the MKO, the yearlong protests by the families have yielded good results as families insist on their demand for the release of their beloved ones who are said to be held inside the camp against their will. Defection and escape of a number of MKO/MEK/PMOI members from the camp, increased support of the Iraqi people for the families and demonstration of the Iraqi people outside the Camp of New Iraq are among the positive outcomes of the families’ continued protests..

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Defected Member Reveals MKO Ringleaders’ Crimes against Women

A defected member of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization revealed that the female members of the group have been living under captivity for more than 25 years and are not even allowed to appear in public places alone..under the direct order of MKO’s Ringleader Maryam Rajavi ,allow their members to receive medical aids, healthcare and other services in return for given levels of cooperation.

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