blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Fars News Agency

Iran downplays Western use of Mojahedin Khalq terrorists

Western spy agencies, collaborated by the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), have assassinated several Iranian scientists in the last four years. In the fifth attack of its kind, terrorists killed a 32-year-old Iranian scientist, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, and his driver on January 11, 2012. The blast took place on the second anniversary …

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MKO Ringleader Orders Execution of Defected Members

The ringleader of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as MEK, NCRI or PMOI), Maryam Rajavi, has issued an order for the assassination and execution of any member who intends to defect the group, media reports revealed on Saturday. Rajavi in a message two weeks ago branded those MKO …

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Iraqi Envoy: Defected MKO Members Willing to Return to Iran

Many defected members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as MEK, NCRI or PMOI) are willing to surrender themselves to the Tehran government to return to Iran, a senior Iraqi diplomat said.”If the grounds are paved to facilitate their (MKO members) repatriation to Iran this can persuade other MKO members….

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Why Have You Assassinated Iranian Scientists

Western and Israeli spy agencies, collaborated by the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) aka MEK/PMOI, have assassinated several Iranian scientists in the last several years. In the fifth attack of its kind in two years, terrorists killed a 32-year-old Iranian scientist, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, and his driver on January 11, 2012 …

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