blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Fars News Agency

UK Hesitant about Admitting MKO Terrorists as Refugees

Harper also said that the UNHCR has submitted 17 assessments to the Home Office, adding that “no decision has yet been reached”.Earlier in July 2013, a British life peer said in an interview with Habilian Association that western European states are not at all wishful of receiving MKO members “because of their recent past history”.

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Tens of Members Defect MKO upon Arrival in Albania

The source said the defected members are kept in a separate building away from those who are still an MKO member and they have access to different means of communication to contact their families. The ringleaders of the group, including Farzaneh Meidan Shahi and Esmayeel Mortezayee also known as Javad Khorassan, do not allow other members to leave …

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Top commander of assassination team among Ashraf dead

top commander of the Mojahedin Khalq team which assassinated martyr General Sayad Shirazi was among those killed in this operation. He described this as “God’s revenge using the hands of the proud people of Iraq. The uprising of the people of Iraq was crushed by Saddam and the Mojahedin Khalq during the Shaban intifada ..

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US Likely to Use MKO as Private Army for Conspiracies

It is my fear that the MKO (the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization also known as the MKO, MEK, NCR and PMOI)–if not stopped, will be used as a private army for America, Israel and the West to murder even more people than it already has, says an Idaho-based political analyst.“I am very excited about what Iran is doing …

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Black Dream: A Documentary on the MKO

The documentary that will be shown in 15, thirty minute parts, reveals for the first time new facts on the MKO, according to Fars News Agency.The film was produced by Iman Goudarzi.About the researches to make such a documentary he told FNA…

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I was trapped by the MKO for the love of Europe

After the Americans arrived, Camp Ashraf was disarmed and some of prisoners [members] ran away. My brother went to American Camp from where he tried to help me get released. When the MKO saw I was determined to leave the camp, they told my mother that I committed suicide so she had to come get my dead body. When my mother came, she asked to visit my brother and after they met, they couldn’t leave each other. I was so scared that my Mom would get into trouble.

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Iraq to Build a Mall in MKO’s Camp Ashraf

Khalis Mayor Uday AlKhadran told a press conference that an Iraqi court has transfered the authority of the site to the local administration of Khalis which plans to build a mall in there once all MKO terrorists are expelled from the Camp.”The Camp of New Iraq (Ashraf) still accomodates 100 members of the MKO members,…

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Sources: Israel Bankrolling MKO

He noted that the groups which previously supported MKO aka MEK/PMOI have cut their support for the terrorist group…Israel is providing financial support for MKO at a time when the grouplet is short of cash and financial resources …

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