blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%George Arnold

CIA actively supporting Mojahedin Khalq Terrorists

… Scott Ritter published a long article for an online magazine in which he claimed that the CIA has been actively involved in supporting an Iranian resistance group that’s responsible for repeated acts of sabotage-with all too deadly consequences-inside Iran. Oddly enough, the group, the Mujahadeen-e Khalq, is listed as a terrorist organization by our own State Department. The MEK /MKO /PMOIworked with Saddam Hussein and even fought as his ally in the war against their own countrymen. But the MEK shares the same goal as the Bush-Cheney administration: regime change in Teheran. So they’re useful for American purposes. When’s a terrorist not a terrorist? When he’s on your side …

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MKO terrorist organisation predicts …

… He thinks the ruling was an important step toward strengthening the internal resistance. From his contacts inside Iran, he believes the government is widely disliked. He goes so far as to predict its imminent overthrow … … For all of Hooshang’s Nazarali’s enthusiasm, the MEK probably won’t play much of a role in any possible change of government in Iran. Despite the court ruling in Britain, the MEK is still considered a terrorist group, not only by the U.S. but also by the European Union, even though the MEK officially renounced violence in 2000.

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