blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Habilian Association Website

A brief review on US-MKO ties

the MKO has always been perceived by various US governments as a tool to be used against Iran. In fact, what doesn’t really matter is the terrorist group. It is all about the United States and Iran. MKO is just a terrorist group with a black record that could only serve its Master’s wishes without any independency

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Support for the MEK Hurts US credibility

I am personally disgusted by the many years of political support for the MEK by neoconservative elements among the US political class. It is beyond hypocritical, and the history and shifts regarding the MEK– in many ways a western proxy organization from the beginning — is simply one more means of war and provocation against another country

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MKO is falling apart: Habilian Association SG

It seems they are disintegrating. Some 100 persons have escaped the MKO aka MEK/PMOI since 2 or 3 years ago. These defections are moving from the body of the MKO to its leadership level. Out of the 70 women who were members of the MKO’s leadership council and Rajavi deeply trusted them, 3 have defected. Massoud Rajavi’s main translator has also escaped. All of these show that….

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MKO on the verge of collapse

“it can be seen now that despite all MKO leaders’ efforts, they have not been able to achieve their desired results and the terrorist group’s collapse has started.”Habilian SG continued, “Albania, as well as some other states, has agreed to receive 14 members of the terrorist group and they are now being relocated.”

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MKO an internationally known terrorist group

MKO is referred to as a cult 88 times in this report. It is stated in the report ‘an examination of MKO activities establishes its cultic practices and its deceptive recruitment and public relations strategies.’ Elsewhere in the same document it is stated: ‘Rajavi instituted what he termed an “ideological revolution” in 1985, which, over time, imbued the MKO with many of the typical characteristics of a cult, such as authoritarian control, confiscation of assets, sexual control (including mandatory divorce and celibacy),

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Sadrist MP urges the expedition of MKO expulsion

An Iraqi Sadrist MP has urged the Iraq’s government to speed up the expulsion of Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, a.k.a. MKO and PMOI) members from the Arab country.Reiterating the impossibility of further presence of MKO terrorists in Iraq, the Iraqi parliamentarian said the return of the MKO members to Camp Ashraf is impossible…

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MKO authorizes use of violence against rank and files

Assassination of Javad Saeidi in autumn 1973 by the so called Muslim leadership of the MKO and assassination of Sharif Vaqefi in spring 1975 by the Marxist leadership of the cult are no different in their natures. Both of these assassinations have taken place as a result of the cult’s belief in Stalinism and physical removal. From the MKO’s point of view, not only such assassinations can’t be blamed, but also they are done to

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Survey: Only 5% of Iranian Americans support MKO

the survey released late last week by the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA), reveals that only 5 percent of a total of 15 percent of Iranian Americans who support opposition groups or figures in Iran support MKO/MEK/PMOI.The results of this survey truly represent the lack of support for the terrorist MKO group among Iranian patriots who are aware of the MKO’s treasonable acts

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