blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Habilian Association Website

Rajavi abused women in the cult: Ex – member

… Zahra Mir Bagheri, former member of MKO’s leadership council, spoke of the tragic fate of women who were murdered in the terrorist Mujahedin e-Khalq organization. She clearly named people who were involved in those murders and asked the international Human Rights communities to act against these tragic inner-cultish murders …

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MKO’s online fundraising; an approach to money laundering

This seems to be a notable act since MKO’s traditional approaches of fundraising in the European countries still stand on place. These fundraisings are usually undertaken under the cover of charity works and titled as “social-financial” activities. The group’s TV channel also launches programs named “collaboration” to achieve the same goal.

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MKO tries to keep its brainwashed members in the group

There are many more factors in the cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] behavior which may answer why they turned down Albania’s offer. My guess is, someone high up the ladder told them to decline, and it was not the decision of the individual 200+ members. They want to keep their strength in numbers, and their hold over the members.

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Mukhtar Army lying in ambush for MKO

Blaming MKO/MEK/PMOI for involvement in the recent political instability in Iraq, head of a newly established militant group in Iraq took responsibility for the February 9 mortar attack on Camp Liberty, which temporarily houses some 3000 members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq organization….

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Iraqi people would never tolerate the MKO

Dr. Hussein added: “The Iraqi people don’t ever tolerate the MEK, but unfortunately some Iraqi officials and the United States back the group and want them to stay in Iraq for a while.”He pointed out the American propaganda and said: “We know what the USA is seeking in the world. But unfortunately they are using their propaganda machines and false advertisement to claim…

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US needs MKO to create tension in the region

the current troubles which oppressing powers like the Zionist regime are creating for the Islamic Republic of Iran is not a new thing and they have tried this since the beginning of the revolution.Mohsen Mousavi ..Referring to the colonial role of western governments during the past decades, he said: “Whenever the front opposing oppressive powers has been comprised of governments that enjoy little or no support from their people, the result has been nothing but a total failure for them.

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Iraq to try MKO terrorists in absentia

Head of an Iraqi human rights group says Iraq seeks to try in absentia the members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq organization (MKO, a.k.a. MEK and PMOI) in Iraq…He said the people of Tuz Khurmato, who are victims of the MKO and the trial is going to be held in their city, expressed happiness and satisfaction over the issue.

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Iraqi MP: MKO debilitated in Iraq

Referring to the Iraqi people and government’s efforts in the eviction of MKO aka MEK/PMOI from Iraq, the Iraqi political analyst said, “the group’s expulsion from Iraq has entered a new phase in 2003, and the people staged many protests for the MKO members’ removal [from Iraq].”

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