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Gordon Duff: MEK is an Israeli front organization

It is my belief that they cannot be rehabilitated to the point of being an honest player in the region as they are directly supplied, paid and motivated by intelligence agencies,” said Gordon Duff on Saturday in an interview with Habilian Association, adding that he is very familiar with MEK ops against Iran and their “long partnership with the Mossad, MI-6 and the CIA.”..

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Erbil, Baghdad in the same boat on MKO expulsion

A senior member of Iraqi parliament from Kurdistan Alliance has emphasized that his bloc “goes along with the (Iraq) central government’s decision on the MKO expulsion from Iraq.” ..“Despite the disagreements between Erbil and Baghdad, the two sides are in the same boat on the issue of MKO expulsion,” added the vice president of the Kurdistan Alliance.

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Iraqi MP describes MKO’s crimes as “unforgivable”‎

A member of Iraqi Parliament describes Mujahedin-e Khalq’s aka MKO/MEK/PMOI crimes in Iraq as ‎inexcusable, and said the group’s presence in Iraq is a new challenge ‎for the government.‎ ..The member of the Finance Committee parliamentary Haitham al-Jubouri went ‎on to say that, “the crimes of the group are inexcusable and will not be ‎removed from the memory of Iraq.”‎

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Former US Official: I wish MEK Died out in ‎‏1980‏‎’s

Former deputy director of the US State Department’s Middle East Intelligence Office believes the U.S. ‎scratched off Mujahedin-e Khalq organization from the FTO list to pressure Iran over its nuclear ‎program.‎‎“The MEK has a rather unsavory history of opposing the release of the US hostages in January ‎‏1981‏‎, ‎terrorism in Iran…

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The MEK frustrated with Tariq al-Hashemi’s death sentence

After an Iraqi court on Sunday sentenced Hashemi – who has been convicted of running a death squad and is currently on the run in Turkey – to hang for the murder of a lawyer and a brigadier general, his terrorist counterparts, the Mujahedin e-Khalq organization couldn’t hide its anger by issuing a statement condemning the Iraqi court’s verdict.

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Why do the western media whitewash MEK terrorists?

why the mainstream media give cold shoulder to the remarks of an Iraqi official when he says “we found military equipment in the group’s stuff.”You can see the statement of a terrorist group published in many news agencies, but you will not see the remarks of Diyala province police commander when he says that a number of body armors, combat boots and night vision cameras have been discovered ..

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MEK members clash with police in Ashraf

Reports say there have been clashes in Camp Ashraf as Iraqi police attempted to inspect the belongings of the sixth batch of terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI group.members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq group attacked Iraqi security forces with knives and truncheons yesterday in a bid to prevent them from examining their belongings.

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